Agenda item


To inform the Local Committee on the progress of the 2018/19 Integrated Transport and highway maintenance programmes in Tandridge. 


(Report and annex attached)


Declarations of Interest: None


Officer attending: Zena Curry, Area Highways Manager


Petition, Public Questions, Statements: None


The Area Highways Manager welcomed questions on the report.


Members Discussion- Key points


1.    It was ask if the Local Committee would be discussing the winter maintenance programme, as suggested previously.   The Officer advised it had always been hoped, but unfortunately due to the timescales it was not possible. Members can make comments, however consideration must be given to ensure the planning of the route and amount of grit that lorry can carry to ensure it is used efficiently . The webpage on the SCC website has been updated and you can subscribe to receive emails for gritting updates which includes weather warnings. This also includes a new map which shows a clear map of gritting information and where the grit bins are.

2.    The roundabout at M25 junction 6/A22 Godstone Road. Residents have informed members that the traffic lights are causing congestion. Could officers look at this? Have any changes been made to the phasing?  The Officer advised that the traffic signals at the roundabout are managed by Highways England and they do have cameras on them. The signal timing has not been changed, but on a few occasions it has been reported to Highways England that seems to have been a fault on them.  It has been advised that poor driver behaviour of jumping lights and blocking the exits has caused problems.  Recently there has been a couple of accidents on A22 that have caused tailbacks, which has been further exacerbated by poor driver behaviour.  Should members or residents see a fault with the lights this can be reported to Highways England on their website.

3.    It was requested that with regards to the speed limit reduction on Haxted Road, Lingfield in Annex 1, could an amendment be made to the title in annex to include Lingfield Common Road as the measure continues along Lingfield Common Road.

4.    Winter Service plan with regards to gritting routes, a document on the website states that there is now a reduction in the narrow vehicles but they can still delivery the same service. Is this correct?  The officer advised that gritting routes are separated in to A,B,C D and D high routes.  The smaller vehicle has a route on the steep roads, D high routes and the narrower roads.  The fleet now includes a medium vehicle which is able to carry out gritting in other parts of the county on narrower roads. 

5.    Mr Chris Botten, thanked colleagues for the extra work on gullies on flooding wetspots in Caterham. Unfortunately some of excellent work of contractors was inhibited by parked cars, despite signs, and cars having letters on their windscreens the matter remained. This undermines the work that needs to be done to combat flooding and we need go further with enforcement, so tax payers money is not wasted and the gully which are a priority are cleared.

6.    Mr Chris Botten, advised he recently chaired a meeting of representatives from a number of Parish Councils, including Caterham on the Hill, Caterham Valley, Chaldon, Woldingham and Whyteleafe. It was agreed to purchase an extra 21 tonnes of grit, coordinate and pay the farmers who carry out the gritting.  This will supplement the gritting routes currently carried out by SCC for the benefit of residents and provide a more resilience service. Mr Botten acknowledges that as Surrey Council Councils engages with the farmers, it gives Parish Councils the opportunity to enhance to the service.

7.    Concerns raised as to what the council can do when vehicles are on road when works are going to be done?  An example of this is Tupwood Lane, which is saturated with wet leaves and going to cause real problems. Is there a way from learning how it’s done elsewhere? A member suggested that SCC could contact parking enforcement when work is scheduled on the Highway and parked cars are an issue.  It was asked if it is possible to lift a car, so drainage work can be carried out.  The owner would then have to pay a fine to retrieve the car. Mr David Hodge proposed that officers look at regulations for moving cars that ignore the notices. RT – second.

8.    Concerns raised with regard to the flats that are currently being built in an old office building near Tupwood Lane and he is concerned as to where will the water go. It was asked if Tandridge DC Planning consider this when approving planning permissions?

9.    With regards to Annex 1, small safety schemes on Titsey Hill.  Concerns raised that there is a major issue on the camber on this road and he would like the Local Committee to agree to ask the Asset Management Strategy team to look at this road.  It needs to be fixed, otherwise will get worse. A member recalled 3 or 4 accidents that have happened on this road, including a terrible incident when a lorry overturned.  It was asked if a response to the camber and costings could come back to the committee for consideration and if necessary the Committee could ask the MP for financial support by speaking to the Transport Minister for additional funding. The Divisional Member advised that the speed limit was changed to 30mph due to the camber and at this time there is no funding to do anything further.


The Area Highways Manager agreed to put the road forward and aware of the issue, so will aim to increase priority, however this cannot be guaranteed.


The Officer agreed with the frustrations of parked cars when work taking place and will investigate to see if there is a legal way to move the vehicles.


10.   It was asked if parking tickets could be put on cars who park when work being carried out? Does any other Surrey authority lift cars and impound as it happens in London and Croydon? It was felt that this would only need to happen a few times to become a deterrent. All District Members are not happy with current enforcement regime.


The Officer advised that London has red routes and therefore have separate regulations. There are no red routes permitted in Surrey. However, she was aware of a matter previously where vehicles have been moved temporarily to another road, to allow major resurfacing to take place. She advised she would investigate and report back to the committee on this.


11.  Cllr Michael Cooper advised that in regard to Tupwood Lane office building becoming flats. Central Government have allowed people to convert office blocks to residential, Tandridge District Council Planning now have limited power to stop new flats being built in old office buildings. Mr Hodge responded that his concern is the problem is cumulative, and with other new flats in the area and the volume of water that will have nowhere to go.





The Local Committee (Tandridge)


(i)            NOTED the contents of the report.



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