This report sets out how the Council plans to contribute towards achieving the outcomes in the Community Vision for Surrey in 2030 (Community Vision for Surrey) over the medium term, which is covered across four strategic documents that are annexed to this report. Surrey County Council’s Organisation Strategy (Annex 1) sets out how the Council will work with residents and partners and direct our resources to where they will have the most impact. The Preliminary Financial Strategy (Annex 2 and Appendix 1) and Transformation Programme (Annex 3) will not only secure the Council’s financial sustainability but will also reform the function, form and focus of the organisation. ‘Our People 2021’ (Annex 4) is our plan for the Council’s current and future workforce and sets out how we will develop our capacity and capability to contribute to the Community Vision for Surrey, achieve our priority strategic outcomes for residents, ensure the effectiveness and efficiency of the Council, drive wholesale transformational change and create a high performance culture.
The Leader of the Council introduced the report and provided Members with a brief summary of each strategy. He stated that the County Council faced huge financial challenge and that, although support had been received from residents, there were still cuts to funding. The strategies set out the transformation that was required to meet new challenges as well as showing how the Council would work with residents. It was noted that each strategy had been approved by Cabinet on 30 October 2018.
Members made the following comments:
Recommendation A
55 Members voted for, 11 against and 2 abstentions.
Recommendation B
48 Members voted for, 17 against and 3 abstentions.
Recommendation C
49 Members voted for, 14 against and 6 abstentions.
Recommendation D
53 Members voted for, 12 against and 4 abstentions.
Recommendation E
Recommendation F
Therefore it was RESOLVED:
The Council:
a) Approved the Surrey County Council Organisation Strategy 2019 – 2023 (Annex 1), which sets out how the council will work with residents and partners to contribute to the achievement of the Community Vision for Surrey in 2030. It sets out priority areas the Council will focus on over the next four years.
b) Approved the Preliminary Financial Strategy (PFS) 2019 – 2024 (Annex 2 and Appendix 1), which sets out a draft balanced budget for 2019/20, without the use of reserves, subject to the outcome of consultation, engagement and equality impact assessments.
c) Approved the Transformation Programme (Full Business Case, Annex 3) subject to the outcome of consultation, engagement and equality impact assessments. The programme will be delivered through six delivery themes: Service Transformation, Partnership and Integration, New Ways of Working, Commissioning, Investment & Income and Technology and Digital Innovation.
d) Approved the ‘Our People 2021’ strategy (Annex 4), which is the Council’s plan for the current and future workforce and sets out how we will develop our capacity and capability to contribute to the Community Vision for Surrey in 2030, achieve our priority strategic outcomes for residents, ensure the effectiveness and efficiency of the council, drive wholesale transformational change over the next few years and create a high performance culture.
e) Noted the planned engagement and consultation activity (referenced in paragraphs 27 and 28) related to the savings proposals contained within the PFS and Transformation Programme. These have been initiated under the formerly agreed delegated authority of senior officers.
f) Noted that the outcomes of the engagement and consultation activity will be brought back to Cabinet on 29 January 2019, where Cabinet will be asked to make recommendations to the Council meeting in February 2019 on the revenue and capital budget and the council tax precept for 2019/20.
Supporting documents: