Agenda item


This report provides an update on the petition heard by the local committee on 21 September 2018, following the Road Safety Working Group meeting on 29 November. A number of actions to improve road safety have been identified, which the committee is asked to consider.


The Local Committee(Tandridge)


(i)            AGREED that a new yellow backed junction ahead warning sign in installed in Little Common Lane on the approach to the Sandy Lane/ Big Common Lane/ Little Common Lane/ Pendell Road junction.


(ii)           AGREED that the existing junction ahead warning sign on Pendell Road is replaced with a yellow backed warning sign.


(iii)          AGREED that the existing “Give Way” signs in Big Common Lane and Sandy Lane are replaced with yellow backed “Give Way” signs.


(iv)         NOTED that the Road Safety Team are proposing to install high friction surfacing on Little Common Lane and Pendell Road on the approaches to the junction.


(v)          NOTED that the Road Safety Team are proposing to install advance warning signs of the “Give Way” in Big Common Lane and Sandy Lane.


Item taken after item 6 on the agenda. Report available in supplementary papers


Declarations of Interest: None


Officer attending: Zena Curry, Area Highways Manager


Petition, Public question, Statements: Mrs Diane Brown in attendance, as Lead petitioner.  Petition heard at meeting on 21 September 2018, Local Committee requested to defer petition response until after the Road Safety Working Group meeting on 29 November 2018.



The Officer introduced the report, advising that the Road Safety Working Group met on the 29 November to look at some of the reasons for the incidences occurring.  The Area Highways Manager thanked Bletchingley Parish Council for their letter, and acknowledged the support in the petition heard at the previous Local Committee meeting on 21 September 2018.  It was advised that some measures cannot be progressed because of land and legal issues, but some can, and ask the Committee to agree to the measures in the recommendations. The Road Safety Working Group agreed that the Road Safety Team will fund from a central budget, a new high friction surface to highlight to drivers that there is a junction, and to help reduce stopping distances. It is hoped that these measure will assist with preventing accidents at this junction.


Mrs Diane Brown, thanked the Highways department and Committee for their hard work and efforts progressing this. Mrs Brown advised that there had been three accidents recently, and one shut the junction for three days.  She asked if it would be possible if some of the measures could be installed before the clocks went forward in the spring as there was a noticeable increase in accidents in the spring and autumn after the clock change.


The Area Highways Officer advised that the £600 for signs is from the Local Committee budget, and would therefore be installed before end of this financial year.


Members Discussion- Key Points


1)    Cllr Michael Cooper thanked the petitioner for all the information provided.  He agreed the junction is very dangerous and sorry more could not be done, suggestion that SCC should pursue purchase of land. Mr David Hodge disagreed as not as simple as ‘just purchasing land’. The Landowner has to be willing to sell and the County need to have capital funds to purchase.




The Local Committee(Tandridge)


(i)            AGREED that a new yellow backed junction ahead warning sign be installed in Little Common Lane on the approach to the Sandy Lane/ Big Common Lane/ Little Common Lane/ Pendell Road junction.


(ii)           AGREED that the existing junction ahead warning sign on Pendell Road is replaced with a yellow backed warning sign.


(iii)          AGREED that the existing “Give Way” signs in Big Common Lane and Sandy Lane are replaced with yellow backed “Give Way” signs.


(iv)         NOTED that the Road Safety Team are proposing to install high friction surfacing on Little Common Lane and Pendell Road on the approaches to the junction.


(v)          NOTED that the Road Safety Team are proposing to install advance warning signs of the “Give Way” in Big Common Lane and Sandy Lane.

Supporting documents: