To answer any questions from residents or businesses within the Waverley Borough area in accordance with Standing Order 69. Notice should be given in writing or by email to the Partnership Committee Officer by 12 noon four working days before the meeting.
Six Written Public Questions were received from Waverley Borough and Farnham Town Councillor David Beaman; Waverley Borough and Godalming Town Councillors Andrew Bolton and Paul Follows; Stewart Edge.
The questions and answers were published on the SCC Waverley Local Committee web pages before the 22 March Local Committee and were available at the meeting.
Question 1 – Supplementary Question
Cllr Beaman asked: “Do we have to wait for an accident to happen before any action is taken? Can there be some sort of risk analysis?”
Response to supplementary question:
The Chairman replied that Farnham as a whole needs to be looked at, not any one area in isolation. The Area Highway Manager added that they would not want to do works that would have to be removed at a later date. Any works are likely to be at the tail-end of the Brightwells development.
Members’ comments included that some developer funding was intended for a crossing; others agreed that all roads needed to be looked at as a whole.
Question 2 – Supplementary Question
Cllr Beaman asked: “Regarding the meeting with Network Rail and South Western Railway, will there be any local representatives at this meeting, as there does not appear to be any local input?”
Response to supplementary question:
The Chairman said that as the SCC officer concerned was not present at the meeting, she would seek a written response from the officer for Cllr Beaman.
Question 3 – Supplementary Question
Cllr Bolton asked: “ I have noticed that the road near Charterhouse will be closed from 1 – 5 April. Will there be diversion signs?”
Response to supplementary question:
The Area Highway Manager confirmed that there would be a signed diversion route.
Question 4 – Supplementary Question
Mr Edge asked: “Can we have assurance that what the declined petition asked for, i.e. traffic lights, a crossing and a mini roundabout, will be included in the scope?”
Response to supplementary question:
Cllr Hyman stated that he was still trying to obtain a copy of the town model. Cllr Frost said that she was involved in town modelling some years ago but does not know where the model is now located, but SCC Highways should know.
Mr David Harmer said that this was not a Highways matter. The officer who supplied the written answer is a planner and it is not in the remit of this committee to consider planning matters.
The Chairman thanked members for their comments and said that she would ask the Area Highway Manager to seek clarification regarding the town model.
Question 5 – Supplementary Question
Cllr Follows asked: “When will the SCC parking engineer next be working in Waverley?”
Response to supplementary question:
The Chairman said that as the SCC officer concerned was not present at the meeting, she would seek a written response from the officer for Cllr Follows.
Question 6 – Supplementary Question
Regarding communication to parents and staff, Cllr Follows asked: “Will SCC officers commit to make contact as soon as possible, i.e. in the next few days?”
Response to supplementary question:
The Chairman replied that she will pass the request on to officers regarding communication with users and providers.
Supporting documents: