Agenda item


The tracker monitors progress against the decisions that the Local Committee has made. It is updated before each committee meeting.


(Report attached)


The Chairman introduced the item explaining this was standing item on the agenda.  Decisions made by the committee are recorded and the subsequent progress on them.  Members are invited to note the progress, and agree to remove any items marked as ‘closed’.


Members Discussion – Key Points


Members raised the following concerns:


1)    A Member raised frustration and disappointment that a crossing at Rook Lane, Chaldon did not appear on the tracker as he had raised previously. He asked if it would be possible to see the police speed survey that was carried out and requested that Rook Lane should be reinstated and updates on the tracker. He raised concerns that officers have stated the speeds are too high for a zebra crossing, however nothing is being done to reduce speeds or provide a crossing point for school children to cross the road. The divisional member for Caterham confirmed he would continue to pursue this issue.


The Area Highways Manager appreciated the work that the ward member had done and advised that a crossing at Rook Lane could be put on the ITS list for when funding becomes available for this scheme and will be included on the tracker.


2)    Following the consultation for the removal of the speed cushions on Farleigh Road, Warlingham, it was asked when the results would be available and a decision made?


The Area Highways Manager advised that the consultation had closed and was being reviewed, the results would be available shortly.


3)    Concerns regarding Lingfield Common Road asking if it could be looked at again following the fatality, as it has been extremely distressing for local residents. It was asked if it could it be changed to open rather than closed. 


The Leader of the District Council highlighted that all three matters raised by members related to changes in the Government funding structure for Councils, which has reduced by 60% in the last 10 years.  Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) money is available to the District council and parishes through the building of new homes. 15% of the CIL money is available to Parishes rising to 25% if they have a Neighbourhood Plan and this money can be used for the Members priorities in the area, such as highway matters.


Whether the words ‘SLOW’ could be painted on Lingfield Common Road to warn drivers. 


The Area Highways Manager appreciated that it is upsetting for local residents, and advised that this is currently a police matter so unable to comment in detail.  A driver has been arrested in connection with the fatality and there is currently no indication that speed was a contributory factor.  The item can remain on the tracker and the ITS list until funding becomes available.  The Area Highways Manager acknowledged the local concern on speeds and whilst there has not been a cluster of personal injury accidents there have been a number of damage only claims.


The Area Highways Manager advised that due to the ‘Signs and Road Marking for Statutory Instruments’ the word ‘slow’ can only be painted on a road on the approach to a bend or crossing point to be a warning for drivers.  The team will assess Lingfield Common Road to see if applicable.


4)    A lorry had jack-knifed on Titsey Hill this morning, should the police indicate that the incident relates to the camber would it change the priority for work to be carried out.


The Area Highways Manager advised she speak to the team and find out if on the prioritisation list.


Cllr Michael Cooper arrived


5)    Clarification with regards to The Square, Caterham roundabout work was marked as open on the tracker but has been completed.  It was advised that at the time of publishing the work had not been completed. 


6)    Request for an update on the Bletchingley safety scheme.  It was advised that the yellow backed signs had been ordered and would be installed by the end of the financial year.  The high friction surfacing is being funded by the Road Safety budget, however officers are hopefully that this will be carried out next financial year.



7)    There are a large number of Vehicle Activated Signs do not work across the County, naming Rook lane and Buxton Lane in his Division.  He asked that SCC repair, replace or remove the signs that do not work.  The cost to replace a VAS is approximately £1500-£2000 and Parishes can fund these in their areas.


Members noted that the Vehicle Activated Signs were placed there due to residents concerns and through discussions with Parishes.  Would this be taken into consideration before removal?


The Area Highways Manager advised that there is a programme going ahead at the moment to remove Vehicle Activated Signs across the county, which are no longer working.  She will ask about the signs on Rook Lane and Buxton Lane to see if they will be removed. A risk assessment will be carried out and signs will not be removed in isolation as may have been part funded by parish councils or other groups.


8)    Thanks to the Maintenance Engineer for attending a meeting regarding a blocked culvert, he was extremely knowledgeable and professional in the site visit.


9)    An update on David Hodge’s statement regarding Southern Gas Network major works as she has not received an update since being advised that the works are delayed till April.  The Area Highways Manager advised she would speak to the team responsible for the works and they will provide an update.





The Local Committee (Tandridge)


(i)            NOTED the contents of the report


(ii)           AGREED to remove the closed items from the tracker


(iii)         AGREED to add Rook Lane to the tracker and Lingfield Common Road to remain open.

Supporting documents: