Agenda item


This report seeks approval that the existing 30mph speed limit in a section of the A25 Godstone Road where the average mean speed do not comply with the SCC’s Cabinet approved speed limit policy, be increased to 40mph. This will create a stepped speed limit reduction from 50mph that exists on the next section of the A25.


(Report and 6 Annexes attached)



AGREED the whole report be rejected and the matter be reconsidered when officers are able to return with a positive new report that recommends (a) a Vehicle Activated Sign and a pedestrian refuge to support the speed limits of 30mph outside Chevington and Sunnybank Villas, (b) extending the 30mph speed limit in Godstone westwards to North Park Lane supported by the introduction of a Vehicle Activated Sign, a pedestrican refuge, better lighting, better signage and better road markings and (c) a reduction in the speed limit in the middle section to 40 supported by additional Vehicle Activated Signs.


If resources are an issue, this can be mentioned in the new report and discussions can be had then as to how to address the shortfall.


Once these additional highway measures have been introduced their effects can be analysed after a period of time. If their effect is proved not to have been enough to reduce the speed adequately on that mad mile, average speed cameras could then be looked at to support a single average speed limit of 30mph from Godstone to the western boundary of Tandridge,


Tandridge Local Committee are prepared to discuss with the Cabinet Member for Highways at a future formal committee meeting.  


Declarations of Interest: None


Officer attending: Zena Curry, Area Highways Manager


Petition, Public Question, Statements: Cllr Gill Black, District Councillor for Bletchingley and Nutfield 


The Chairman introduced the item and thanked officers for the new report, and acknowledged the strength of feeling on this matter.


The Chairman noted that in line with the Surrey County Council ‘Setting Local Speed limits’ policy, should the Local Committee disagree with the recommendations presented to them by the Area Highways Manager and wish to pursue an alternative option, then the issue must be submitted for decision by the Cabinet Member responsible for road safety.


The Chairman opened the item for Member discussion and also permitted a public statement during the course of the discussion. They key points from this statement are summarised below:


Cllr Black raised:

  • Concerns that the report failed to mention that the 30mph speed limit was originally reduced as residents in Chevington Villas and Sunnybank Villas had difficultly crossing the road to the bus stop and exiting their service road to the A25.
  • The residents living in Knights Way feel vulnerable when exiting their road on to the A25 due to the speeds.
  • Concern that the report recommends five different speed limits on a one mile stretch from Godstone to Bletchingley.
  • The report content had been copied and pasted from the previous report and does not offer new information. 
  • The Vehicle Activated Sign had been removed from Godstone Road opposite the cemetery and had not been replaced.
  • If a pedestrian island could be installed as an engineering measure this would slow traffic as well as offering a place for pedestrians to cross.
  • She felt that officers and the police should help facilitate the wishes of local residents. 




Members Discussion – Key Points


Members had a lengthy discussion on the matter and the following points were made. The meeting was formally adjourned twice during the discussion, to allow the chairman to receive officer advice.


1)    Concerns raised that the two motions agreed at the September meeting, had not been met in the new report. 

2)    It was felt by some members that the new report offered very little new information, apart from an additional speed survey.  Concerns were raised that Annex 2 shows eight different speed surveys that had been completed at different times over a number of years. This would not take into consideration problems on the M25 or utility works locally that may affect speeds.

3)    It was suggested that the speed policy could be changed to reflect the concerns locally.

4)    Concerns that this report threatens the credibility of the Tandridge Local Committee, as officers are not listening to residents and the Local Committee.  Local Members views should not be ignored on this matter.

5)    Cllr Pat Cannon proposed that the whole report be refused and put forward a new motion for Local Committee:


‘The whole report be rejected and the matter be reconsidered when officers are able to return with a positive new report that recommends (a) a Vehicle Activated Sign and a pedestrian refuge to support the speed limits of 30mph outside Chevington and Sunnybank Villas, (b) extending the 30mph speed limit in Godstone westwards to North Park Lane supported by the introduction of a Vehicle Activated Sign, a pedestrian refuge, better lighting, better signage and better road markings and (c) a reduction in the speed limit in the middle section to 40 supported by additional Vehicle Activated Signs.


If resources are an issue, this can be mentioned in the new report and discussions can be had then as to how to address the shortfall.


Once these additional highway measures have been introduced their effects can be analysed after a period of time. If their effect is proved not to have been enough to reduce the speed adequately on that mad mile, average speed cameras could then be looked at to support a single average speed limit of 30mph from Godstone to the western boundary of Tandridge.’


The motion was seconded by Mr Chris Botten.


The Chairman allowed a public statement at this point which is summarised above.



At this point the chairman adjourned the meeting 11.15am to receive officer advice on the requirements of the SCC Setting Local Speed Limits Policy and SCC Constitution governing local committees. The meeting reconvened at 11.18am.


6)    Concerns that the service roads were also being included within the 40mph speed limit as narrow, with parked cars and pot holes.

7)    The need for the committee to take into account the statement from the police which states that the stretch for drivers ‘does not look or feel like a 30mph’.  There has been no increase in accidents since the change in speed limit. He highlighted that divers are adhering to the correct speed limits all the way along the A25 from Godstone to the Reigate and Banstead border except for the section which is proposed to be increased within the report. In Annex 1, the pictures show that it is a wide and open road and this is why drivers drive at 40mph. Narrowing the road would be the only way to reduce the speed.


The Area Highways Manager advised she understood the depth of feeling on this matter.  Due to the policy, the motion proposed is an alternative recommendation to the report and therefore the decision would need to be sent to the Cabinet Member responsible for road safety.  A report would include the concerns of the local committee and their alternative recommendation.  The Cabinet Member decision meeting would be a meeting held in public at County Hall and the public would be welcome to attend or ask a question and raise a petition.


8)    Frustration that the recommendations being put to them did not reflect local concern, and that the requirement to refer the matter to the Cabinet Member undermined the role of the local committee, and put at risk the close cooperation that had been achieved between the district and county council. The Leader of the District stated that he may consider withdrawing district members from the committee as a result of this issue.

9)    The Partnership Lead (East) suggested that the Committee invite the Cabinet Member to a future local committee meeting so members can discuss their concerns with him.


At this point the chairman adjourned the meeting 11.34am for members to discuss. The meeting reconvened at 11.36am.


10)Cllr Cannon proposed an addendum to the motion


‘Tandridge Local Committee are prepared to discuss with the Cabinet Member for Highways at a future formal committee meeting.’ 


Seconded by Chris Botten.



A vote was taken on the motion.


For -10

Abstention - 1 





(i)            AGREED the whole report be rejected and the matter be reconsidered when officers are able to return with a positive new report that recommends (a) a Vehicle Activated Sign and a pedestrian refuge to support the speed limits of 30mph outside Chevington and Sunnybank Villas, (b) extending the 30mph speed limit in Godstone westwards to North Park Lane supported by the introduction of a Vehicle Activated Sign, a pedestrian refuge, better lighting, better signage and better road markings and (c) a reduction in the speed limit in the middle section to 40 supported by additional Vehicle Activated Signs.


If resources are an issue, this can be mentioned in the new report and discussions can be had then as to how to address the shortfall.


Once these additional highway measures have been introduced their effects can be analysed after a period of time. If their effect is proved not to have been enough to reduce the speed adequately on that mad mile, average speed cameras could then be looked at to support a single average speed limit of 30mph from Godstone to the western boundary of Tandridge,


Tandridge Local Committee are prepared to discuss with the Cabinet Member for Highways at a future formal committee meeting. 








The Local Committee (Tandridge) felt the report did not provide a response to their motion agreed at Committee meeting on the 21 September 2018.  The Committee would like to discuss the matter with the Cabinet Member for Highways to raise their concerns.

Supporting documents: