Agenda item

SCMPB Update

·         SCMPB Draft Annual Report – 2018/19 (attached)


·         Updated 2018/20 SCMPB Action Plan (attached)


·         Updated SCMPB Terms of Reference (attached)

(original ToR from 2012 attached for information)


·         Community Integration Task Group

o   Health Champions

o   Unit Welfare Officers

o   Education


·         Recognise and Remember Task Group


SCMPB Annual Report – the draft report was welcomed and agreed. A list of Employee Recognition Scheme award holders will be annexed to the report.  This would now be designed with photos included. Board members requested some hard copies as well as an electronic version. Action - Any additional comments or photos to Sarah Goodman by 22 March 2019.


Updated 2018/20 SCMPB Action Plan

The updated RAG action plan was discussed by the Board:

A couple of Red actions were currently being worked on:

  • Surrey County Council Civil Military Peer support group – this will be taken forward during the year
  • Case study – WW100 events brought forward some amazing artefacts and stories which need to be archived at the Surrey History Centre if possible.  Lord-Lieutenant very supportive of this. 
  • MPs briefing will be taken forward after Brexit.


Updated Terms of Reference were approved by the Board.


Community Integration Task Group

A brief history of the Community Integration Task Group was given for benefit of new members.  The Task Group was set up to focus on Education, Employment, Housing and Health and Wellbeing.  It has been successful in gaining the implementation of positive changes in all areas which means that the Task Group no longer has specific regular meetings, but supports ongoing work where required. 

  • Education

Education was the prime focus of theafternoon session of the recent Surrey Armed Forces Covenant Conference where a video was played of service children (can be viewed via  It was noted that Mark Scarborough has now left Surrey County Council, but an interim Director is scrutinising attainment data to build on the work that Mark had done.  The Board is committed to continuing to focus on education, and the work being undertaken will be reported back to the Board at the next meeting.

  • Employment

This area of work has progressed and the link with businesses will be taken forward by SERFCA and Surrey Chambers.  The Employer Recognition Scheme has been promoted and businesses have been encouraged to consider military applicants and to accommodate reservist training. 

  • Housing

The Task Group has facilitated all local authorities equalising their approach to the armed forces community with regard to local connection.

  • Health and Wellbeing

This is currently the most active group, with broad representation across the health arena.  The group meets quarterly and deals with a range of issues including GP veteran registration, promotion of Step into Health, mental health and armed forces carers.


Recognise and Remember Task Group

Brig Paul Evans updated the group. 

  • New Armed Forces Champions will be inducted following the elections and will be invited along to the Task Group.
  • Veterans Hubs - Armed Forces Champions are being encouraged to visit and get involved in veterans’ hubs in their areas.  Some new hubs are due to open under work led by Surrey County Council under Forces Connect South East.  The group are planning to promote the profile of Hubs during the poppy appeal. 
  • The focus of the Task Group is now shifting to WW2. Action - AFCs to ensure they share details of any events planned in their areas with so these can be added to the armed forces calendar.


During discussion, the Board noted the following:

  • DDay 75 - 5 June is the national day and RBL are holding an event on 9 June in Brookwood.  It was suggested that the section of wall on Hankley Common could be focus for an event.  The Board agreed that the County event should take place in Guildford Cathedral during the Surrey Joint Services’ Charities Choral Mattins on 23 June. Action – Peter Bruinvels and Paul Evans to progress.
  • Silent Soldiers – there is no national programme to take these down on a certain date where they are all privately owned.  Surrey Fire & Rescue Services HQ Wray Park would welcome any silent soldiers which have been taken down.
  • It was suggested that the Task Group could encourage local authorities to add the names of those who have died more recently to memorials to make them more relevant for younger generations. 


Supporting documents: