Caroline Smith, Planning Development Manager
Jenkins, Deputy Planning Development Manager
Nancy El-Shatoury, Principal
No Members of the public had
registered to speak on this application.
local Member, Victoria Young could not attend the meeting but
submitted a statement for the Chairman to read out on her
“I wish to object to
this application on the basis that firstly the development will
have a harmful impact on the setting and appearance of a very rural
location, and secondly on the basis of the noise and traffic
created by the operations which will be inconsistent with the rural
location of the site. We should be protecting our rural
countryside which is a great asset to the county and not let it
simply be destroyed. In terms of traffic, the vehicle movements
created by this application should be taken together with those
that are already being created by the adjacent Chiddingfold Storage
Depot. Chiddingfold Road is a minor C class road and is simply not
suitable for large HGVs, which will have to travel along unsuitable
narrow minor roads to reach the site. I am also concerned about the noise
that the operations will cause at the site, and the ensuing
disruption to neighbours. If this permission is granted, I
would ask that the hours of operation are reduced so that they do
not start earlier than 7.30 am and finish” by 5.30 pm, Monday
to Friday. There should be no working at weekends or bank
Key points raised during the
- The report was introduced by theDeputy Planning
Development Manager.
- It was confirmed that there would
be 17 vehicle movements in total per day with the application.
These would comprise of 6 vehicles coming into the site in the
morning and then 3 vehicles leaving shortly after. There would then
be 3 vehicles returning back into the site in the afternoon and 5
vehicles departing in the evening, making it 17 movements in total.
It was explained that this was a very small site with little room
to increase traffic movements and capacity.
- With regards to noise pollution,
the Deputy Planning Development Manager explained that the
application may involve an element of chipping but the majority of
processing would be done off site. There was a condition within the
report to monitor the noise level which the County Noise Consultant
- It was further added that a
transport plan would be submitted under condition in due course by
the Applicant.
- A Member of the Committee queried
if Areas of Great Landscape Value (AGLV) were treated the same as
Areas of Natural Beauty (AONB) in planning policy terms. Officers
commented that in the context of the setting and scale of the site
they do not believe there would be an adverse impact on the
- It was queried why the Chilworth
site was no longer being used and if this due to traffic concerns.
The Deputy Planning Development Manager explained that the
Chilworth site did not have facilities for storage therefore
material was being transported to another site which incurred
traffic mileage.
- It was confirmed that the
buildings on the application site would only be used for the green
waste operations.
- There was a short discussion
around noise levels and the noise level set for the site at (44
dB). The Deputy Planning Development Manager explained that noise
levels were recorded over a period of time usually an hour and that
the noise levels set for this site was the same as the noise level
set at the Chiddingfold storage depot.
- A Member of the Committee stated
that the noise level within the condition did not incorporate a
period of time. It was agreed that the condition would require
amending to include ‘any 30 minute period of time’ to
give officers assurance.
- A Member of the Committee stated
that they supported this application as it was a rural industry in
a rural location and would enable rural industries to
- It was confirmed that the nearest
noise sensitive receptor was Wetwood Cottage.
- The Chairman proposed that the
Noise Control condition in the report be amended to match the Noise
Control condition for the Chiddingfold application site. The Deputy
Planning Development Manager explained that this would include
adding a qualifying time period of 30 minutes to the
Condition. The Chairman moved
the recommendation to permit the application. There were ten votes for and one vote
against; therefore the
recommendation was carried and the application
Subject to conditions and informatives andthe
amendment agreed to Condition 4, that planning application no. WA/2018/1613 be PERMITTED.