To receive an update from the Area Highway Manager (South West).
The Local Committee (Waverley) resolved to AGREE:
(i) To note the committee approved allocations and works being progressed during 2019/20.
(ii) To approve the commencement of the statutory consultation to enable a bus stop clearway together with associated signing and road markings, to be introduced to the southbound bus stop on Petworth Road, Wormley (section 2.8.6 to 2.8.9 of the report).
Declarations of Interest: None.
Officer in attendance: Frank Apicella, Area Highway Manager (South West).
Petitions, Public Questions/Statements: None.
Member discussion – key points:
The Area Highway Manager explained information in the annexes detailing Section 106 monies. He was asked where s106 money is held. He replied that SCC Transport Development Planning (TDP) team hold the money handed over by Waverley Borough Council from developers. Some money is held in Waverley. The report annexes list values of monies held or going to be held. S106 money is agreed with the developer at the time of signing. Members commented that things change and the Chairman asked that what is agreed with the developer is checked, as often it is signed by people who do not know the local area. It was felt that often it is too late for local members to influence the agreements. There was a request that TDP and Waverley’s Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) officers attend future meetings to provide members with information.
Mr Stephen Spence asked that it be noted that his Highway SCC member spend in Annex 2 was no longer ‘0’ and also that he has had agreement for some s106 money to be spent on a traffic island in his division, which should now appear on the s106 list.
Cllr Jerry Hyman thanked officers for grit bin support (reference paragraph 2.4.3). Cllr Hyman commented that the diagram in paragraph 2.8.4 regarding Farnham trains service pattern was not the most up-to-date and that he had a more accurate version. The Area Highway Manger replied that the pie chart came from Southwestern Trains and that it was not as they had originally explained.
Members requested that the Area Highway Manager produces a list of intended and then completed works from the SCC members’ £5,000 allocation to the vegetation gang. He replied that he can include a list of completed works in the Highways Update.
Mr Wyatt Ramsdale requested that officers check the information in paragraphs 2.1.12 and 2.1.19 with Waverley Council. The Area Highway Manager replied that he will check the information with TDP, who supplied the PIC figures.
New Committee members queried the list in Annex 1 and asked about timings. The Chairman explained that the list was prioritized by the Local Committee, for when money is available to spend on the schemes.
Cllr Mark Merryweather offered to supply members with the link to Waverley’s s106 public database and the link should be included in the minutes: Cllr Merryweather encouraged all to refer to the user guide provided online.
Corrections to the report were noted: Paragraph 2.1.10 should say 2018 (not 2108); some locations in Annex 1 were spelt incorrectly.
The Local Committee (Waverley) resolved to AGREE:
(i) To note the committee approved allocations and works being progressed during 2019/20.
(ii) To approve the commencement of the statutory consultation to enable a bus stop clearway together with associated signing and road markings, to be introduced to the southbound bus stop on Petworth Road, Wormley (section 2.8.6 to 2.8.9 of the report).
Supporting documents: