Agenda item


To receive an update from the Highways Area Team Manager.



The Joint Committee (Runnymede) noted:


(i)    the progress of schemes and revenue funded works for the 2019/20 financial year.

(ii)  the budgetary position.

(iii)that a further Highways Update will be brought to the next meeting of this Committee.




Highways matters are part of the Committee’s executive function and operational and budget status is reviewed at every committee meeting throughout the year.


The Chairman elected to take this item first, in a change to the published agenda.


The Area Highways Manager (North-West Surrey) addressed the Committee to present his report which outlined the work carried out during 2018/19 and the proposed schedule for 2019/20 against the allocated budget.This year’s budget does see an increase in capital funds but no revenue funding which will have an impact on the amount of maintenance that can be carried out this year.


The Area Highways Manager explained the Members’ Highways Fund in which each County Member receives an allocation of £7,500 which they can use to respond to particular issues in their respective areas.


He proposed that Members contribute some of this towards the establishment of a “vegetation gang” which would target overgrown vegetation that impacts the use of the highways and footpaths. This approach would mean that Members could nominate priority areas which, when aggregated as part of a borough wide programme, would be more cost effective.


Members also enquired as to other uses for the funding such as whether it can be applied to parking issues. The Area Highways Manager replied that there are some restrictions to its usage; such as there being a maximum spend per item of £2,500 and that the project should not be one that would incur future maintenance costs for the Council. However, the funding can be applied to a variety of improvements.


Clarification was requested as to why the sum of all the schemes in the proposed capital works programme came to £320,000 when the available funding is £190,000. The response was that a number of contingency items are included as “fall back schemes” should other projects be unable to proceed for operational reasons. This removes the need to bring the schedule back to Committee for further approval. This prevents delays in works being implemented, and ensures that budget is fully allocated.


Finally, the Area Highways Manager outlined the process for how schemes are included in the schedule and agreed on by the Committee and how Members can nominate schemes for future consideration. As part of this discussion, Members wanted to know how improvements can be made to the camber of pavements where the surface has become hazardous and how access can be improved for those with mobility issues The Area Highways Manager advised that there was no specific protocol for pavement surface improvements and that this was done on an adhoc basis. However in the case of new developments or refurbishments, access was often a consideration in the planning process and that the County County could advise on these issues as a statutory consultee.




The Joint Committee (Runnymede) noted:


(i)    the progress of schemes and revenue funded works for the 2019/20 financial year.

(ii)  the budgetary position.

(iii)that a further Highways Update will be brought to the next meeting of this Committee.




Highways matters are part of the Committee’s executive function and operational and budget status is reviewed at every committee meeting throughout the year.

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