Agenda item


Purpose of the item:To update the Select Committee on progress made by the Fire Transformation Working Group in reviewing the ‘Making Surrey Safer-Community Safety Plan’.



Declarations of interest:




Saj Hussain, Chairman of the Fire Transformation Working Group

Tina Mountain, Working Group Member

Denise Turner Stewart, Cabinet Member for Community Safety, Fire & Resilience

Steve Owen Hughes, Director of Community Protection & Emergencies


Key points raised during the discussion:

1.    The progress report was introduced by the Chairman of the Fire Transformation Working Group whom explained the work that had been undertaken to date. The Chairman thanked members of the group and explained that various stakeholders had been met to discuss the community safety plan. The Working Group Member explained that the Working Group had met with the Chief Fire Officer at Hampshire Fire and Rescue and was impressed by the Fire and Rescue Authority’s way of working with firefighters.

2.    The Chairman asked if Working Group Members felt that safety would be compromised with the changes to night time cover. The Chairman of the Fire Transformation Working Group stated that one of the main issues was concerns around the shortage of staff within the service. The Chairman was supportive of the dynamic cover tool used by the service. The Working Group Member stated that a concern the Group had was around the availability of on-call firefighters.

3.    A Member of the Committee queried if the number of firefighters would reduce with the new proposals. The Director of Community Protection & Emergencies explained that there had been a combination of historic shortages within the service over the years however recruitment was being undertaken to increase firefighter numbers. Importantly recruitment was being undertaken to the levels needed to maintain full capacity and the IRMP had modelled the correct level of fire service required which includes requirements at day and night time.

4.    It was argued that the spread of information regarding the consultation needed to be shared more effectively with district and boroughs.

5.    A Member of the Committee commented that the evidence from the plan shows that it would take longer to respond to a night time call after the proposals are introduced. The Director of Community Protection & Emergencies stated that the message going to the public is that there would not be a change to response times. It was explained that getting to fires faster did not always save lives and hence the importance of prevention firstly and foremost. Referring back to the Equality Impact Assessment attached to the Plan, the Member reiterated that under the proposals on average a first appliance will arrive at an incident later. The Member felt it was important for the service to be upfront with the public about this. 

6.    Some Members were of the view that the service should be focusing on the improvements that would be gained by the proposals rather than potential savings. The Director of Community Protection & Emergencies was clear that this was not about cuts but delivering a more efficient and effective service. The Cabinet Member added that changing the current model allows the service to meet emerging dangers such as water deaths and put forward an optimum model.

7.    A Member of the Committee stated that he had spoken to local people at local meetings and had no negative comments regarding the proposals. The important message is to stop fires happening in the first place.

8.    The Chairman specified that it was the role of the Working Group to arrive at their own conclusions and present recommendations to the Committee in September ahead of the item being considered by Cabinet. The basis of the discussion in September would be around the Working Group’s recommendations.    



The Communities, Environment and Highways Select Committee acknowledges the progress of the Fire Transformation Working Group in undertaking its review and agrees for the Working Group to return to the Select Committee in September with final recommendations.


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