Agenda item


Delivery of the second phase of the public realm enhancements across Guildford Town Centre.


The Guildford Joint Committee:


i.                 Agreed the following principles for delivering the Guildford Public Realm Scheme:

a)  Chapel Street: accessibility improved from the junction with the High Street; create a more pedestrian-dominant area; enhance access restriction for vehicles to promote greater use of the carriageway.

b)   Swan Lane: to upgrade the pedestrianised carriageway with materials is in keeping with the town centre’s heritage.

c)     Castle Street: to introduce better traffic measures to address traffic management issues and provide an improved pedestrian link to the castle grounds.

d)     Town centre Pedestrian Safety: Ensure existing vehicular control barriers and applied ‘safety by design’ measures are appropriate for the High street and adjoining streets.


ii.               Agreed that decisions regarding details of the scheme are delegated to Area Highways manager in consultation with the Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Committee and Local Councillors


iii.              Delegated Authority to the Area Highways Manager to take necessary steps to implement the scheme and advertise any formal orders needed to create the changes agreed. Should any objections be received to proposed orders, delegate determination of those objections to the Area Highways Manager in consultation with the Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Committee.

iv.              Agreed that SCC work in partnership with GBC on this project in delivery of the scheme providing in-kind support as required.

v.               Supported the County Council and Guildford Borough Council entering into a formal agreement for the future maintenance and operation of the roads referred to in recommendation (iand to include the High Street and Tunsgate.


Reasons for recommendations

To request authority to create a scheme to enhance Guildford streetscape and to delegate the details to ensure that the scheme can be delivered in the tight timescales set out.


Declarations of Interest: None


Officer attending: Paul Bassi, Guildford Borough Council Project Manager


Petitions, Public Questions, Statements: None.


Member Discussion – key points:  

Paul Bassi explained that he was in discussion with the police over the standards that apply to the safety barriers at the main entry points to the High Street. The barriers do not match current legal requirements and need to be upgraded – this work will be incorporated into the project.


Concerns were raised about large vehicles using Castle Street and the possibility of damage being caused to the arch at the bottom of Castle Hill if traffic is displaced as a result of the current plans. It was noted that Castle Street is outside the scope of the current report although an extension of the area for work was being considered. Paul Bassi agreed to continue the discussion on this point with the divisional member for Guildford South-East outside this meeting.


The designs for the proposed work have not yet been finalised and will be developed fully following further consultations. Over 400 responses from residents had been received to online surveys so far, and local access groups had attended the Chapel Street site visit to give first-hand feedback. The consensus is for construction work to begin shortly after Christmas.



The Guildford Joint Committee:


i.                 AGREED the following principles for delivering the Guildford Public Realm Scheme:

a)  Chapel Street: accessibility improved from the junction with the High Street; create a more pedestrian-dominant area; enhance access restriction for vehicles to promote greater use of the carriageway.

b)   Swan Lane: to upgrade the pedestrianised carriageway with materials is in keeping with the town centre’s heritage.

c)     Castle Street: to introduce better traffic measures to address traffic management issues and provide an improved pedestrian link to the castle grounds.

d)     Town centre Pedestrian Safety: Ensure existing vehicular control barriers and applied ‘safety by design’ measures are appropriate for the High street and adjoining streets.


ii.               AGREED that decisions regarding details of the scheme are delegated to Area Highways manager in consultation with the Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Committee and Local Councillors


iii.              DELEGATED authority to the Area Highways Manager to take necessary steps to implement the scheme and advertise any formal orders needed to create the changes agreed. Should any objections be received to proposed orders, delegate determination of those objections to the Area Highways Manager in consultation with the Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Committee.

iv.              AGREED that SCC work in partnership with GBC on this project in delivery of the scheme providing in-kind support as required.

v.               SUPPORTED the County Council and Guildford Borough Council entering into a formal agreement for the future maintenance and operation of the roads referred to in recommendation (iand to include the High Street and Tunsgate.


Reasons for recommendations:

To request authority to create a scheme to enhance Guildford streetscape and to delegate the details to ensure that the scheme can be delivered in the tight timescales set out.

Supporting documents: