Agenda item


Purpose of the report:  Scrutiny of Services and Budgets/ Policy Development and Review


To provide an update on the Lead Local Flood Authority (LLFA) regarding the local strategy and the Sustainable Drainage Approving Body (SAB).



Declarations of interest: None.



Deborah Fox, Strategy and Commissioning Team Manager

BavaSathan, Strategy and Commissioning Manager, Sustainable Drainage Approval Body (SAB)


Key points raised during the discussion:


1.    The Committee was informed that the report outlined the results of the consultation, and details on the proposed Sustainable Drainage Approval Body (SAB). It was noted that there had been a positive public response with regards to the consultation. Officers also highlighted that there had been a number of positive conversations with key risk management partners such as the Highways Agency The Committee was informed there had been a low response from local businesses.


2.    Officers outlined that residents had expressed a number of concerns around heavy rainfall and flash floods. A significant number of comments had also been received regarding road drainage and Surrey County Council’s need to address this.


3.    The Committee was informed that the Surrey Flood Risk Partnership Board was making efforts to ensure that it was engaging with all District & Borough Councils. The intention would be to work together with all partners in setting up the SAB; the main function of which would be to approve drainage systems for planning. Officers outlined work being undertaken with the South East 7 (SE7) to develop guidance on Sustainable Urban Drainage (SuDS). The Committee was informed that the current timescales for implementation was for the SAB to be fully operational by April 2014, with a six month lead-in time in advance of this.


4.    Members highlighted the role of the Environment Agency as a statutory consultee in planning, and suggested that the SAB could fulfil some of this statutory function in providing its views in relation to planning decisions. The view was expressed that little consideration was being given to the impact of building works on drainage and flooding. It was felt by some Members that the Environment Agency failed to take into account historical local issues around flooding when providing advice to planning authorities. It was suggested that Parish Council flood forums would also be useful in providing input, and this could be managed in part through Local Committees.


5.    It was suggested by the Committee that that the District & Borough Councils should be required to seek comment and approval from Surrey County Council in its capacity as lead flood risk authority. Officers clarified that current legislation did not require this to be the case. It was also confirmed that the lead flood risk authority were only required to look at planning with reference to surface drainage and not specific issues around rivers or other waterways. Members pointed out that ‘not required’ did not mean that it could not be done and as SCC is the Lead Authority; they should therefore lead.


6.    The Chairman raised concerns that there was a greater need to take the initiative in defining the role of the SAB, particularly in relation to its position as a statutory body in the planning authority process. Members commented that this could be achieved in part by working with partners in the SE7 to influence central government policy.


7.    Members highlighted concerns that the agricultural community and other key land owners such as Network Rail had not been consulted. The view was expressed that there were occasions when issues pertaining to land management had an impact on highways drainage. Officers clarified that efforts had been made to consult with more bodies than responded and efforts would continue to engage with them, for example Network Rail. It was also confirmed that the responsibilities of land owners would be reflected in the final strategy, which would go to Cabinet.







Actions/further information to be provided:




Committee Next Steps:




[The Committee adjourned for lunch from 12.35pm until 1.05pm. Stephen Cooksey and Geoff Marlow were absent from the afternoon session.]

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