Agenda item

SURREY COUNTY COUNCIL PROPOSAL WA/2019/0854: Potters Gate Primary School, Potters Gate, Farnham, GU9 7BB

This is an application for single storey extensions and associated works to facilitate the expansion of the School without compliance with Conditions 3 (Transport Mitigation Measures) and 5 (Travel Plan) of planning permission Ref: WA/2012/0695 dated 26 June 2012 (retrospective).




An update sheet was tabled at the meeting and is attached as Annex 1 to the minutes.



Caroline Smith, Planning Development Manager

Katie Rayner, Senior Planning Officer

Richard Cooper, Principal Transport Development Planning Officer

Saira Tamboo, Lawyer


Key points raised during the discussion:

  1. The report was introduced by the Senior Planning Officer whom explained that an update sheet had been tabled and referred to only minor amendments to conditions and informatives. Conditions were placed on this permission requiring the further assessment of off-site highway works as proposed at the time (Condition 3) and the submission of an updated School Travel Plan (Condition 5) however Conditions 3 and 5 have not been discharged and have therefore not been complied with.
  2. A Member stated that pick up and drop off points were essential especially for open access sites even though this may not be supported by the education department. The policies referred to in pages 20 and 21 of the report support the provision of pick up and drop off points and the committee need to be mindful of this going forward. The officer explained that there was no facility for pick up and drop off points at the site and hence why parents were being given permission to use the Upper Hart Car Park.
  3. A Member stated that an objection listed in the report was around air quality and asked if air quality was something considered by planning officers. The Senior Planning Officer explained that the school travel plan seeks to address this by encouraging more sustainable modes of transport.
  4. A Member queried why considerations were being based on 2012 vehicle movements and not 2019 vehicle data as per paragraph 24 of the report and argued that it was unacceptable to consider seven year old data. With regards to the solutions to uncontrolled pedestrian crossings, the Member raised concerned that not enough was being done to deliver highway safety at the identified crossing points and a 20 mph zone had only been introduced because of the Local Committee.
  5. The Principal Transport Development Planning Officer explained that the works being proposed to discharge condition 3 included promoting the pedestrian route between the car park and school which had been supported by Waverley Borough Council. The main issue is around the Falkner road and Potters Gate access road where a new uncontrolled crossing facility with tactile paving has been introduced with double yellow lines which has been considered to be adequate for the type and number of people using it. Highways did not believe a controlled crossing was required.
  6. It was explained that data in paragraph 24 was the estimated trip generation from the transport assessment in 2012 but that the school had undertaken an on the ground assessment in 2017 which has been used to inform the necessary highway measures.
  7. A Member stated that he was not supportive off school pick up and drop off points due to engines stalling. Concern was raised around the uncontrolled crossing and the need for more than just tactile pavement.
  8. Concern was raised as to why wider walking measures had not been considered alongside road markings for the uncontrolled crossing. It was felt that the service was not doing as much as it should be to promote highway and pedestrian safety. The Principal Transport Development Planning Officer stated that the school travel plan has measures to promote walking which will be promoted and delivered alongside the safer schools teams.
  9. It was explained by the Principal Transport Development Planning Officer that it was normal procedure to use previous vehicle and traffic data.
  10. The Chairman stated that central Farnham was very congested and felt that accurate traffic figures were required.
  11. The Planning Development Manager explained that this permission was granted in 2012 and that at the time the conditions were considered acceptable. The development has been granted and the committee’s role is to discharge the condition and not to review the permission again.
  12. Officers confirmed that the school travel plan was submitted in January 2019 and is approved and monitored by a travel planning officer whom works with the school.
  13. The Chairman asked for the Committee to be provided with updated figures with regards to travel movements to the school. The Planning Development Manager explained that this information was available in the school travel plan. A Member argued that the up to date 2017 figures should have been included.  
  14. Mrs Mary Angell proposed to defer the application so the Committee can be provided with up to date traffic movement figures and further details on traffic calming measures. This was seconded by Mr. Andrew Povey.
  15. The Chairman moved the recommendation to defer the application on the basis that the committee require up to date travel figures to be supplied and that pedestrian measures within the report are reviewed. There were 5 votes for, 2 votes against and 2 abstentions. Therefore the application was deferred.




That planning application no. WA/2019/0854 be deferred awaiting up to date travel figures and additional/proposed pedestrian measures.


Supporting documents: