SCC Parking Strategy and Implementation Team (parking team) carry out periodic reviews of on-street parking restrictions across Surrey on a borough by borough basis. Committee approval is required in order to progress these changes to the stage of ‘formal advertisement’.
The Local Committee (Waverley) resolved to AGREE that:
(i) the proposed amendments to on-street parking restrictions in Waverley as described in this report and shown in detail on drawings in annex A are agreed
(ii) funding in the 2020/21 financial year will be required to implement the parking amendments and the committee will need to contribute a maximum of £9,000 from the 2018/19 parking surplus - as detailed in paragraph 5.1
(iii) the intention of the county council to make an order under the relevant parts of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 to impose the waiting and on street parking restrictions in Waverley as shown on the drawings in annex A is advertised and that if no objections are maintained, the orders are made
(iv) if there are unresolved objections, they will be dealt with in accordance with the county council’s scheme of delegation by the parking strategy and implementation team manager, in consultation with the chairman/vice chairman of this committee and the appropriate county councillor.
Reason: It is recommended that the waiting restrictions are implemented as detailed in Annex A. They will make a positive impact towards:
· Road safety
· Access for emergency vehicles
· Access for refuse vehicles
· Easing traffic congestion
· Better regulated parking
· Better enforcement
· Better compliance
Declarations of Interest: None.
Officer in attendance: Jack Roberts, Engineer, Parking Strategy & Implementation Team.
Petitions, Public Questions/Statements: None.
Member discussion – key points:
The officer introduced the item and informed Members that there had been over 130 requests regarding parking restrictions since the last on-street parking review.
· Members expressed their thanks to the officer and were in support of the proposals.
· Any resident concerns such as yellow lines can be made known during the 28 day consultation, when views and objections can be lodged – reference paragraph 4.3.
· The Vice Chairman asked the Chairmen of Churt and Frensham Parish Councils, who were present at the meeting in the public gallery, if he should withdraw Jumps Road from the resident consultation, referencing the written question received earlier in the meeting during item 6. They both replied ‘no’.
· It was explained in answer to a Member query that any new parking request should be made to the SCC Parking Team so it can be considered for the following on-street parking review, due in June 2021.
· A Member felt that Network Rail should take more responsibility for commuter parking issues in Godalming and Farncombe.
· Members requested that SCC parking enforcement officers work more closely with Waverley Council. The Vice Chairman offered to talk to Godalming Members outside of the meeting to try to address Godalming parking issues.
The Local Committee (Waverley) resolved to AGREE that:
(i) the proposed amendments to on-street parking restrictions in Waverley as described in this report and shown in detail on drawings in annex A are agreed
(ii) funding in the 2020/21 financial year will be required to implement the parking amendments and the committee will need to contribute a maximum of £9,000 from the 2018/19 parking surplus - as detailed in paragraph 5.1
(iii) the intention of the county council to make an order under the relevant parts of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 to impose the waiting and on street parking restrictions in Waverley as shown on the drawings in annex A is advertised and that if no objections are maintained, the orders are made
(iv) if there are unresolved objections, they will be dealt with in accordance with the county council’s scheme of delegation by the parking strategy and implementation team manager, in consultation with the chairman/vice chairman of this committee and the appropriate county councillor.
Reason: It is recommended that the waiting restrictions are implemented as detailed in Annex A. They will make a positive impact towards:
· Road safety
· Access for emergency vehicles
· Access for refuse vehicles
· Easing traffic congestion
· Better regulated parking
· Better enforcement
· Better compliance
Cllr Mark Merryweather left the meeting.
Supporting documents: