Agenda item


Purpose of report: This report seeks the Communities, Environment and Higways Select Committee’s views about changes to the council’s on street parking management and enforcement policies including a review of fees and charges for parking related services.



Declarations of interest:






Richard Bolton, Local Highway Services Group Manager

David Curl, Parking Strategy and Implementation Team Manager


Key points raised during the discussion:

1.     The Parking Strategy and Implementation Team Manager introduced the report explaining that the Surrey County Council (on street) Parking Strategy was adopted in 2011 and sets out the councils policies about on-street parking regulation and enforcement. It has evolved and developed in the years since but it is now time for a more comprehensive update to ensure it is in alignment with the councils ‘2030 vision’ and changes in national legislation.

2.     It was queried how officers could justify the increase of resident permits from £50 to £80. Officers explained that the increase would cover the costs for administration and enforcement of resident permits.

3.     It was explained that parking reviews combine all the agreed changes to parking restrictions in a district or borough over a period of time so that they can be taken through the statutory process together. This saves time and money as by law it is necessary to place a statutory notice in a local paper to amend or create a as a single Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) which could costs up to £800 for a small change therefore batching it is more efficient.

4.     A member commented that the fear of traffic enforcement had disappeared and argued that the committee should write to central government on issues concerning pavement parking. Officers explained that governments transport committee recommended in there ‘pavement parking’ report a ban on pavement parking nationally which officers supported.

5.     There was agreement that the costs associated with placing a statutory notice in a local paper to amend or create a single Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) was too high and needed to be reviewed.

6.     A member of the committee commented that the increase charges for second and third additional resident permits was extremely high from £75 to £100 (second permit) and £130 (third permit). Officers explained that costs had increased to discourage the use of second and third permits and to encourage off street parking.

7.     It was explained that the enforcement of parking restrictions solely by camera is now only allowed for contraventions on School Keep Clears (SKC’s), bus stop clearways/bus lanes and red routes. It was explained that camera operations are very expensive and can become onerous.

8.     There was a discussion around electric vehicle charging points although officers explained that EV charging points were not part of the parking strategy.

9.     Some members of the committee were opposed to the increase in permit charges arguing that increased costs should not be used to offset service charges.

10.  The Chairman rounded up the discussion stating that the committee support the majority of the proposals within the report. The Chairman could see the rational for increasing costs as it had not happened for a number of years. The profit would also be reinvested into local committees which was a positive.

11.  Mr Gulati asked for the following statement to be included in the recommendation: that Select Committees urge Local Committees when looking at on street parking charges should consider the matter with caution in light on local opinion, likely impact of displacement parking and cost of enforcement.

12.  A vote was taken on the recommendation included within the officers report including the additional detailed statement from Mr Gulati. There were seven votes in support and two votes against. The recommendation was therefore carried.




That the Communities, Environment and Highways Select Committee endorse the parking proposals contained within the report and urge Local Committees when looking at on street parking charges to consider the matter with caution in light on local opinion, likely impact of displacement parking and cost of enforcement.










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