This report is to inform the committee of the impact of winter 2018/19 on the Surrey Heartlands system, including reference to previous winter pressures; and to describe the whole system measures being put in place to promote resilience throughout the upcoming winter period.
To outline the impact and risks associated with winter pressures and the measures put in place by the whole System for mitigation and promotes resilience throughout the winter season.
To assure the Select Committee that appropriate measures are in place in preparation for seasonal winter pressures, ensuring that local people receive services at the right time in the right place and have the best possible outcomes.
Dr Claire Fuller, Senior Responsible Officer for Surrey Heartlands
Karen Thorburn, Director of Performance, Surrey Heartlands Integrated Care System
Giles Mahoney, Integrated Care Partnership Director - Guildford and Waverley
James Thomas, Chief Operating Officer, Ashford and St Peters NHS Foundation Trust
Jackie Raven, Associate Director for Urgent and Integrated Care, Surrey Heartlands
Liz Uliasz, Deputy Director, Adult Social Care
Key points raised during the discussion:
a. Performance data which includes data on the reasons why someone would refuse a vaccination / not come forward
b. Communications
c. Partnership work to raise awareness and how local authorities can feed into the communication and promotion of vaccinations
b. Frimley Health and Care Preparations for Winter Pressures
Shelley Head, Area Director - North West Surrey and Surrey Heath, Adult Social Care
Nicola Airey, Director - Planning and Performance, Surrey Heath CCG
Jonathan Sly, Associate Director of Integrated Care
Kate Scribbins, Healthwatch Surrey
Key points raised during the discussion:
1. The Director - Planning and Performance introduced the item and provided Members with an overview of the report. It was highlighted that Frimley Health and Care were preparing for increased pressures over the winter period and reassured Members that they had historically had strong performance as a system. The reason for good results was said to be due to shared ownership through the system to ensure all areas were focused on improving the experience and outcomes for service users. Members noted that a focus for the system in the coming year was to ensure people were leaving hospital at the correct time. Due to the reduced number of admissions and flat A&E attendances, there was an increase in more complex patients admitted therefore more needed to be done to communicate and prepare them for leaving hospital. Members went on to receive an introductory presentation which is attached to these minutes as annex 2. In regards to flu preparedness, it was noted that additional funding had been allocated to housebound patients who would be seen by community teams to receive vaccinations. In regards to Mental Health, The Director - Planning and Performance explained that some people experience Seasonal Affective Disorder during the winter months and that it was part of the system’s communications plan to provide information and support on how to help manage symptoms. This disorder affected a variety of people and not just those already with severe mental health needs. Members also noted that the breakdown of carer support could lead to people having to visit hospital more therefore there was also support available for carers during the winter months.
2. The Select Committee asked whether the system was sufficiently staffed to meet additional pressures during the winter season. Officers explained that the system did not have high levels of vacancies across its providers due to the good reputation and benefits of the integrated care teams which provided support to all staff. It was noted that the Surrey and Boarders Partnership had also recently conducted various workshops focused on staff wellbeing and resilience.
3. The Select Committee noted the system’s good performance and asked whether good practice was shared with other systems. Officers confirmed that they had taken many opportunities to share good practice with other systems nationally to help improve outcomes. Members noted that some national policy was shaped around the Frimley Health and Care system.
4. The Chief Executive from Healthwatch Surrey noted the ongoing positive work to prepare patients for discharge from hospital and requested more information on the early conversations taking place. The Associate Director of Integrated Care explained that there was frailty work taking place which focused on having conversations in the community before patients visit hospital to ensure they were prepared in the event of being discharged. It was also highlighted that, historically, it was the hospital’s responsibility to have conversations with patients about discharge but the new processes of sharing responsibility with the community was having very positive outcomes.
5. The Select Committee asked if there were issues related to patients with dementia deteriorating after entering hospital and how this was being dealt with. The Associate Director of Integrated Care stated that this may be an issue called Delirium and that there were situations where a patient’s mental health deteriorates with no confirmation whether it was a short or long term issue. Members noted that a pathway to support this had been development in partnership with the acute provider.
The Select Committee:
1. notes that the Frimley Health and Care System had contained the growth of Accident & Emergency attendances and reinforces the importance of sharing good practice nationally on areas of good performance.
2. requests that the Frimley Health and Care system feed into the vaccination report outlined in recommendation 2 of item 7a of the current meeting.
3. notes the plans put in place by the System Partners for 19/20 Winter Plan together with the risks associated with winter pressures and the mitigating actions.
4. is assured of the measures put in place by the whole System for mitigation which promoted resilience throughout the winter season.
5. notes that due consideration is needed to recognise the need for provision of appropriate mental health support for those in need using system.
Supporting documents: