Agenda item


For the Select Committee to receive an update on work that has been undertaken by Cabinet Members and areas of priority work/focus going forward.


To be published in a supplementary agenda prior to the meeting.



Sinead Mooney, Cabinet Member for Adults and Public Health

Liz I Deputy Director – Adult Social Care


Key points raised during the discussion:


  1. The Cabinet Member introduced the item and highlighted that the Cabinet Member update included in the supplementary agenda had previously been considered at the meeting of the County Council on 8 October 2019. Members attention was drawn to the Adult Social Care budget where it was confirmed that significant work was being put into achieving the budget target for the year. The Cabinet Member further confirmed that the Cabinet meeting in October would consider a report on Accommodation with Care and Support which would include details of the three pipeline schemes. In regards to the Integrated Sexual Health, the Cabinet Member informed Members of a recent visit to the service providers and stated that it was very positive and that the continuous improvement plan was clear and focused.
  2. The Select Committee requested details of the officer responsible for implementing the Accommodation with Care and Support ambitions. The Cabinet Member explained that the process was underway to recruit to a position which would have the responsibility to lead and develop the schemes.
  3. The Select Committee further asked what the budget saving would be for an additional 80 units per year within the extra care and supported housing schemes over the next nine years. The Cabinet Member confirmed that the saving within the Adult Social Care budget would be between £750,000 and £1 Million. Members further requested information on how the timescale and number of units were decided and if it was possible for the timescale to be reduced. The Cabinet Member clarified to Members that the figure of 725 units by 2028 highlighted in the report was specifically for affordable social housing needs and that the overall target was 2000 units. It was further highlighted that Cabinet had previously agreed to allow the Council to have the option to purchase private units if there was need. The Select Committee noted that the overall figures of the programme would be circulated by the Cabinet Member after the meeting.
  4. The Select Committee asked when the continuous improvement plan for the Integrated Sexual Health providers would be available for Members to view. The Cabinet Member agreed to circulate an executive summary once it was available. 
  5. Members asked what partnership work was underway between the Substance Misuse Service and mental health workers within the Children’s Services family safeguarding model. The Deputy Director for Adult Social Care informed Members that she now sat on the Family Safeguarding Board and that work was ongoing to finalise any information sharing protocols and that they would be looking to work in a joint up way with Children’s Services.
  6. Members requested information on the work being undertaken to shorten the amount of time it took for those with mental health needs to access appropriate services. The Deputy Director for Adult Social Care explained that part of the review of Section 75 would allow the Council to implement the Care Act appropriately which stated that support delay should be reduced. It was highlighted that this work was a key element of the Health and Wellbeing Strategy. Members further highlighted that disability caused by mental health problems may increase in future years and asked the Cabinet Member whether the Council was highlighting the need for increased funding to Central Government. The Cabinet Member agreed to provide a response outside of the meeting. 
  7. Members asked whether the vacancy rates were improving in Adult Social Care. The Deputy Director for Adult Social Care informed Members that there were still areas where the service struggled to recruit but that officers were conducting ongoing targeted pieces of work to address these areas.
  8. The Cabinet Member was asked how confident she was in Adult Social Care’s processes and services in sight of the upcoming exit of the European Union. The Deputy Director for Adult Social Care explained that she was a member of a working group which considered all the different risk factors for a no deal European exit. Part of this work was being conducted in collaboration which the local health resilience partnership and the local resilience partnership so that providers were aware of any potential risks. Work was also ongoing with NHS England to ensure their work was supported by Adult Social Care. 




For the Select Committee to receive an update at each of its formal meetings from the Cabinet Member for Adults and Public Health and the Deputy Cabinet Member for Health on priorities and work undertaken.


The Chairman agreed to consider item 7 before item 6


Supporting documents: