Ryan Bird, ePCR Operations Manager, SECAmb
Peter Carvalho, Senior Contracts Manager
(Ambulance Contracts & IUC), Surrey Heartlands
Bethan Eaton Haskins, Executive Director
of Quality & Nursing, SECAmb
Kate Scribbins, Chief Executive, Healthwatch Surrey
Nick Markwick, Co-Chair, Surrey Coalition of Disabled
Key points
raised during the discussion:
The Executive Director of Quality and Nursing gave a
summary of the report, including the following points.
The report looked at performance, executive
development and future plans. Despite advances having been made,
the service still required radical improvement. SECAmb examined its
own performance from a quality perspective, not a financial
The incoming HR director of SECAmb could be
announced as Ali Mohammed. Details of new executive leadership,
including the new Chief Executive, were covered in the
SECAmb’s top priority was sustaining and
improving response times.
SECAmb received an outstanding rating in the caring
category, which was a good morale boost for staff. They also
received an outstanding rating in the well-led
For category 1 and 2 calls (the most urgent), the
service was close to or exceeding targets. However, SECAmb remained
challenged with regard to category 3 and 4 calls, due to the lower
priority level.
There were struggles in recruiting paramedics, which
might worsen when paramedics started working in primary care, as
this would make the job offer less attractive to some.
Hospital handover delays were also an area of
concern. There needed to be system-wide change to tackle
Ofsted found two out of the three areas inspected in
the clinical education department less than satisfactory. Members
were assured that education programmes were still being run, but
were no longer allowed to be called apprenticeships. An independent
review of this had been commissioned.
Whatever the outcome of Brexit, mutual aid had been
agreed upon in order to mitigate potential negative
A Member asked for more information on performance
issues in rural populations. The Executive Director explained that
there was a strategy to ensure that essential framework remained in
place in rural areas. The ePCR Operations Manager added that rural
areas were mainly where category 3 and 4 delays were seen. The
Senior Contracts Manager (Ambulance Contracts & IUC) remarked
that collaborative work was being done with regard to system
resilience and accessing local care pathways that could not
currently be accessed.
A Member requested clarification regarding
SECAmb’s acquisition of the NHS 111 contract. The Executive
Director answered that the commissioning for the 111 and 999
services were separate, and that currently SECAmb ran the 999
contract but until now had not run the 111 service. Qualified
healthcare professionals would handle 111 calls where
Members emphasised the importance of SECAmb staff
having special training regarding mental health and learning
disabilities. For example, explaining the situation to patients
with autism was essential for alleviating anxieties that could be
more likely for autistic patients. The Executive Director explained
that there were mental health clinicians in the assessment centres
and this had had a significant impact on improving outcomes.
Members suggested that mental health-friendly ways of working be
put in place as a default for all patients.
A Member enquired whether the eight posts that
formed part of the operational restructure were new posts or just
existing posts with the name changed. The Executive Director
responded that some were new posts, such as the Deputy Director of
Operations, but the majority were not and were rather just slightly
different from before.
A Member asked how paramedics dealt with delays at
hospitals, and whether hospitals with the longest waiting times
were reported. The ePCR Operations Manager
stated that delays within a targeted area were not currently
examined; however, paramedics did send out messages to other
paramedics about alternative pathways available if delays were
being encountered.
A Member enquired if there were some hospitals that
were generally worse in terms of delays. The ePCR Operations
Manager replied that this was the case. Ashford and St
Peter’s Hospital had made marked improvements
A Member expressed concern about the reasons for
handover delays. The Executive Director informed members that there
had been a national project about particularly challenged services,
and that steps had been taken to reduce delays, such as pathways
having been changed.
The ePCR Operations Manager observed that paramedics
‘on the ground’ were sometimes frustrated about access
to pathways and having to go to A&E rather than doing a direct
referment, due to lack of capacity in the system.
A Member enquired if councillors could attend
A&E to observe handover delays and discover what problems were
causing handover delays. It was agreed that this would be
The Co-Chair of the Coalition
asked how cases were categorised and remarked that a resident might
have been injured for a number of hours before they made the phone
call and this should be taken into account. The Executive Director
responded that a triage (priority assessment) tool was used, and
was very strict and there was absolutely no deviation from it. It
was being ensured that trained clinicians would be available to
provide advice over the phone, and where patients had to wait for
some time for an ambulance welfare calls were conducted every 30
minutes to check on the patient’s condition. If the
patient’s condition had worsened, the category might be
changed accordingly. Moreover, the Executive Director confirmed
that the waiting time pre-call was taken into account.
The Co-Chair of the Coalition asked how the system
and response times were being improved in the long term. The
Executive Director responded that the two most important factors in
this were increased staff and an increased fleet of ambulance
The Chief Executive of Healthwatch Surrey requested
more information about the patient engagement strategy. The
Executive Director replied that historically SECAmb had been poor
at patient engagement but that SECAmb had scrapped their old
strategy and started a new piece of work in which Healthwatch had
been heavily involved.
A Member asked what SECAmb’s strategic
planning was for the long term. The Executive Director responded
that in 2019 SECAmb had started an initiative to determine
strategic direction, including staff consultation. The next step
was to initiate wider consultation; the findings would be published
in the next calendar year.
A Member asked if waiting times at A&E were
measured starting from when the ambulance arrived at the hospital,
or when the patient entered the hospital itself. Members were
informed that the latter was the case, which could be problematic
because patients could be waiting in an ambulance for some time
without it being taken into account.
A Member requested statistics and more information
on abandoned and hoax calls, and asked how the Select Committee
could help with reducing these issues. The Executive Director
informed the Select Committee that there was a plan and a process
around these. The ePCR Operations Manager
added that locating some frequent callers was challenging because
they often were of no fixed abode.
A Member queried what went wrong with clinical
education in SECAmb, and what plans were being put in place to
address the immediate issues with clinical education. The Executive
Director replied that there was now a robust plan for improvement,
and a review was being conducted to understand what had gone
A Member commented that issues with staffing in CCGs
and with regard to paramedics would affect SECAmb’s staffing
issues, and emphasised the importance of working with CCGs to
improve recruitment for all parties.
The Select Committee:
Notes the report and the CQC ratings achieved by
Recommends that mental health-friendly ways of
working are put in place as a default for all SECAmb
Requests that it is provided with copies of/updates
regarding the Clinical Education Independent Review, Peer Review
and Transformation Project;
Is to examine the possibility of Members observing
hospital handover delays;
Requests that a report on SECAmb’s strategic
planning is presented at a future meeting.
Actions/further information required:
For SECAmb to provide details on the potential
impact on the service of halving the number of wasted
For SECAmb to provide statistics regarding abandoned
and hoax calls, and frequent callers.