Agenda item


This paper presents the Health and Wellbeing Board with the near final draft of the Surrey Heartlands Integrated Care System 5 Year Strategic Delivery Plan (2019-2024) for approval.






Karen Thorburn - Director of Performance at Surrey Heartlands Health and Care Partnership Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs)

Karen McDowell - Chief Finance Officer at Surrey Heartlands Health and Care Partnership Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs)


Key points raised during the discussion:


1.    After an introduction on the close collaboration between Surrey County Council and Surrey Heartlands Health and Care Partnership by the Chairman, the Director of Performance at Surrey Heartlands stated that the 5 Year Strategic Delivery Plan aligned with the NHS Long-term Plan and the Surrey 10 Year Health and Wellbeing Strategy.

2.    The Director of Performance at Surrey Heartlands:

·         Reported Surrey Heartland’s strategic ambition of having ‘out-of-hospital’ care equity across community health crisis response within two hours of referral and within two days for reablement.

·         Stressed the importance of access to General Practice Improved Access (GPIA) seven days a week.

·         Stated the targets in the Plan to achieve the ‘best in class’ rates in a number of areas including: increasing citizen’s use of outdoor areas for exercise and health reasons, reducing smoking rates, providing adequate housing and in particular ensuring specialist accommodation for individuals with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND), the commitment to increased screening and immunisations - particularly childhood vaccination rates.

·         Highlighted the importance to all in society of having a strong start in life for the first 1,000 days for new-borns.

·         That 35 out of 36 measures were compliant with the NHS Long Term Plan metrics, compliance had subsequently been achieved in ambulance conveyance rates but non-compliance remained in Cancer Early Diagnosis as assessed by Cancer Alliance.

·         That the Plan involved significant partnership work which was led by ‘Surrey 500’ who were a group of 100 delegates from the System wide Children’s and Families workforce to ensure effective partnership working.

·         That a key challenge to the Plan was to ensure complete digitalisation of personal care plans and records, which would be shared locally and across the association. That would be facilitated through triangulation workshops in the New Year with key partners, aided by Surrey County Council.


Simon White arrived at 11.38am

3.    The Chief Finance Officer at Surrey Heartlands Health and Care Partnership noted that a barrier to returning the NHS into overall financial balance by 2023/24, was the 2020/2021 £50.1 million deficit, but was being addressed by increasing system efficiencies through incorporating new system partners such as East Surrey CCG and Surrey & Sussex Healthcare.

4.    She explained the challenging ‘system control total’ set in 2019/20 which indicated a £62.4 million deficit in 2020/21. Further non-recurrent measures were being explored in conjunction with the 2019/20 Financial Recovery Plans to address accumulated pressures from previous years. Key areas of focus included outpatient transformation through digitalisation and an integrated transformation unit led by Surrey County Council.

5.    Fundamental to facilitating the 2019/20 Financial Recovery Plans was collaboration across all Commissioning and Provider organisations through ensuring place-based leadership teams and high quality care facilities. A revised document on addressing the financial pressures had been submitted to NHS England regional teams; it detailed the non-recurrent measures needed over next two years such as land sales and a more integrated operating plan process.

6.    A Member explained that Surrey Heartland’s Plan was consistent with the Board’s 38 metrics and was working closely with them to address the few that differed slightly.

7.    In response to a Member query on how the Board would assure that they were getting delivery of outcomes against the strategy, the Director of Performance at Surrey Heartlands explained that a joint performance dashboard had been developed. Performance would be regularly reviewed in a quarterly workshop and monthly monitoring would continue to address any deviances in conjunction with the Surrey Heartlands System Board.




Board members approved the near final draft of 5 year strategic delivery narrative plan (V0.12) for the Surrey Heartlands Integrated Care System.

Actions/further information to be provided:



Supporting documents: