The Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) needed to be refreshed following publication of the new Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy (JHWS) in 2019. The JSNA is a core part of the intelligence system capability.
Liz Uliasz arrived at 1.14pm
Helen Griffiths arrived at 1.14pm
Rod Brown arrived at 1.20pm
Frances Rutter arrived at 1.20pm
Lucy Lynch - Public Health Registrar (SCC)
Key points raised in the discussion:
· it was a statutory requirement to maintain the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA), so a refresh following the publication of the new Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy (JHWS) in 2019 was needed.
· the refresh proposed using the 12 focus areas identified in the JHWS to frame the JSNA and support detailed action plans that address local needs.
· central to renewing the governance of the JSNA was the avoidance of duplication - to be achieved by ensuring ownership of specific chapters by the relevant JHWS governance group with a coordinating operational oversight group - to meet in April 2020. That group would include representatives from the Council and other key organisations.
The Health and Wellbeing Board agreed:
1. The 5 core principles to underpin the JSNA, namely that the JSNA is:
a. Current – a rolling programme of review will ensure the JSNA remains up to date through an iterative process of maintenance and development.
b. Embedded – linked into Council and NHS organisational processes to spend money, shape services and respond to need.
c. Relevant – to our professional audience, supporting the JHWS, working through partnerships to fill knowledge gaps or undertake calls for evidence.
d. Partner-driven – working together, informed by residents, to develop the evidence base required to drive improvements in outcomes.
e. Transparent – both in how we develop chapters, by involving residents, patients and partners, and in publications, which will be available online.
2. For the relevant teams to develop:
a. New chapters underpinning each of the 12 focus areas of the JHWS.
b. Target population group summaries identifying key health inequalities.
3. To renew governance for the JSNA with:
a. An operational oversight group with representatives from Surrey County Council public health, adult and children’s services, the Insight & Analytics team, the CCGs, HealthWatch and Districts & Boroughs. Others may be coopted as appropriate.
b. Ownership of specific chapters by the relevant governance group within the JHWS governance structure, reporting to priority area boards as appropriate, or task and finish groups where these are required.
4. In 2020, for the new operational oversight group to oversee delivery of:
a. An action plan for refreshing the entire JSNA.
b. Target population group summaries for 4 groups.
c. New chapters for up to 3 topics requiring in-depth analysis.
d. Refreshed chapters for up to 3 topics requiring minor updates.
Actions/further information to be provided:
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