a. The report will seek approval to i) adopt the relevant new national guidance, legislation, etc; ii) permit us to spend new money, adopting a process to govern and count extra spend and activity; iii) update our own service plans and priorities; iv) provide an update from the Director of Public Health and v) introduce a Surrey economic and community stimulus package.
[Where necessary a waiver for call-in will be sought from the relevant Select Committee Chairman.]
1. That the latest public health situation with regard to COVID-19 and Surrey’s response and acknowledge the impact on Surrey’s residents and the Council be noted.
2. That the changes to Local Authority powers and duties introduced by the Coronavirus Act be noted and that authority be delegated to the relevant Executive Director in consultation with the relevant Cabinet member to amend service provision in accordance with the Council’s statutory duties as these may be varied by the Act, regulations and guidance made thereunder be noted.
3. That the initial assessment of the impact on Surrey County Council’s short and medium-term financial position be noted.
4. That the development of a COVID-19 package of support for key suppliers and service providers and the Voluntary, Community and Faith Sector in Surrey, delegating authority to the Executive Director of Resources and Executive Director of Transformation, Prosperity and Partnerships in consultation with the Leader to determine the detail of the scheme was approved.
5. That the reprioritisation of services and transformation programmes due to the impact of COVID-19, acknowledging it is a fast-changing situation that will require regular review of priorities be agreed.
6. That the establishment of economic stimulus measures for businesses to support their survival and recovery from COVID-19, delegating authority to the Executive Director of Resources and Executive Director of Transformation, Prosperity and Partnerships in consultation with the Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Financeto determine the detail of the scheme be agreed.
That the four decisions taken by officers as set out in annexes to the submitted report be noted.
Reason for decision:
We are facing unprecedented challenges due to the COVID-19 emergency and therefore need to supplement our established goals and ambitions for Surrey and its communities, as outlined in the Community Vision 2030, with very clear immediate priority objectives, to: delay the spread of the virus in Surrey and save lives, protect our most vulnerable residents and communities and support colleagues in health to ensure that we reduce pressure on the health system.
These will guide our decisions, both at a strategic level as we regularly re-prioritise services and redirect our staff and resources, and at an individual level as we make important choices day-by-day. The recommendations set out in this report will enable us to do this and provide the best services and support to our communities through the emergency and recovery phases.
[This decision is subject to call-in by the relevant Select Committee Chairman dependent on the recommendation.]
The Leader gave an overview of council’s response to the Covid-19 situation and how the council with key organisations had come together to provide a co-ordinated effort to protect vulnerable residents and give reassurance to all residents. He spoke of the good work being done by volunteers and different parties such as military planners working with the emergency team. There were challenges in identifying residents that did not have their own network of support and the borough and district councils were helping with this.
The Leader also spoke of the costs and that £25m was coming from the government but this was not enough. He reassured that cash would be available to the council when needed and that the liquidity of the council was assured. A hardship fund had been set up and was administered by the district and borough councils. The residents helpline number for this hardship fund was 0300 200 1008. The council was also committed to supporting organisations from which services were commissioned.
The Leader and Cabinet Members thanked all the volunteers, foster carers, staff for being adaptable and the voluntary & faith sector for the phenomenal work they were doing.
The Leader concluded by reiterating the need for all to continue to stay at home and following social distancing rules to save lives. He also went on to explain that the council would look at planning for a smooth recovery when the emergency was over.
1. That the latest public health situation with regard to COVID-19 and Surrey’s response and the impact on Surrey’s residents and the Council be noted.
2. That the changes to Local Authority powers and duties introduced by the Coronavirus Act be noted and that authority be delegated to the relevant Executive Director in consultation with the relevant Cabinet member to amend service provision in accordance with the Council’s statutory duties as these may be varied by the Act, regulations and guidance made thereunder be noted.
3. That the initial assessment of the impact on Surrey County Council’s short and medium-term financial position be noted.
4. That the development of a COVID-19 package of support for key suppliers and service providers and the Voluntary, Community and Faith Sector in Surrey, delegating authority to the Executive Director of Resources and Executive Director of Transformation, Prosperity and Partnerships in consultation with the Leader to determine the detail of the scheme was approved.
5. That the reprioritisation of services and transformation programmes due to the impact of COVID-19, acknowledging it was a fast-changing situation that would require regular review of priorities be agreed.
6. That the establishment of economic stimulus measures for businesses to support their survival and recovery from COVID-19, delegating authority to the Executive Director of Resources and Executive Director of Transformation, Prosperity and Partnerships in consultation with the Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Finance to determine the detail of the scheme be agreed.
Four decisions taken under Standing Order 54 were presented for noting.
That the four decisions taken by officers as set out in annexes to the submitted report be noted.
Reason for decision:
We are facing unprecedented challenges due to the COVID-19 emergency and therefore need to supplement our established goals and ambitions for Surrey and its communities, as outlined in the Community Vision 2030, with very clear immediate priority objectives, to: delay the spread of the virus in Surrey and save lives, protect our most vulnerable residents and communities and support colleagues in health to ensure that we reduce pressure on the health system.
These will guide our decisions, both at a strategic level as we regularly re-prioritise services and redirect our staff and resources, and at an individual level as we make important choices day-by-day. The recommendations set out in this report will enable us to do this and provide the best services and support to our communities through the emergency and recovery phases.
Supporting documents: