The report provides an overview to the Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Point Trials, setting out the programme of delivery of on-street charge points in the next 12 months and seeks the approval of Waverley Local Committee to advertise the change in Traffic Regulation Orders (TRO) required to deliver the charging infrastructure in 20 parking bays in Waverley Borough.
The Local Committee (Waverley) resolved to AGREE:
(i) To note the overview of the plans and PROPOSED locations of bays TO BE CONSULTED ON to undertake the Electric Vehicle Charging Point trials funded by the Enterprise M3 (EM3) Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) and led by Surrey County Council (SCC) in Waverley.
(ii) That the project sponsor, in consultation with the parking strategy and implementation team manager, the Chairman/Vice Chairman of this committee and the appropriate county councillor can modify the layout and location of the bays prior to a traffic regulation order (TRO) being advertised.
(iii) To authorise advertisement of all necessary TROs across the selected sites in the Borough of Waverley, as and when required, in order to allow the bays to be introduced and agree that if no objections are maintained, the orders are made.
(iv) That if there are unresolved objections, they will be dealt with in accordance with the county council’s scheme of delegation by the parking strategy and implementation team manager, in consultation with the Chairman/Vice Chairman of this Committee and the appropriate county councillor, with the addition also of the project sponsor.
During Item 9, Mrs Penny Rivers left the meeting at 11.29am, as agreed with the Chairman beforehand.
Declarations of Interest: None.
Officer in attendance: Cherrie Mendoza, SCC Transport Strategy Project Manager.
Petitions, Public Questions/Statements: None.
The officer introduced the item and outlined the purpose of the pilot to test the demand and usage of electric charging points and to test the County Council’s current and future responsibilities and impacts (including air quality). The full trial across the County over two years will involve 80 charging points – 20 in Waverley, funded by the EM3 Local Enterprise Partnership, with match funding from the relevant Borough Council in the four trial Boroughs. Phase One of the pilot will end in November 2021.
Member discussion – key points:
· The pilot was welcomed, although Councillors raised whether this went far enough in scope to give the public confidence to invest in electric vehicles. It was noted that delivery of the charge points would take place this calendar year with further points next year. Charging would be from home for the majority of users, with these sites to be used as a back-up.
· Councillors queried the numbers of sites in paragraph 7 of the report. There are 11 priority locations. Paragraph 7.4 incorrectly says 9 sites but this should read 11 sites (typo). Each of the 5 sites eventually selected will contain twin charging points - each charge point would service 2 (existing) parking bays.
· Concerns were raised over Brighton Road and Croft Road in Godalming being quite close to each other and the impact on loss of parking. It was clarified that the Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) would only be between the hours of 8am to 6pm.
· Concerns were also raised on the use of the bays – times of use, length of use and enforcement of other road users in the bays – it was clarified that the pilot purpose was also to look at these issues and the impacts of the bays and resident reactions. Charging times on average were 2 to 4 hrs using the flash chargers (see Annex C).
· Councillors agreed in principal with the pilot as a move towards change, but acknowledged that this could cause some discomfort. It was noted that the TRO would go out for public consultation, so residents affected would have an opportunity to raise concerns.
· Councillors felt that sites could be more in town centres and places where people would visit, for example train stations. The Officer clarified that the pilot only encompassed areas on current Highways land and costs were also a consideration as some sites would not be within the budget.
· Councillors were keen to be involved in site selection for phase 2 and would forward comments and ideas to the Officer.
· Councillors raised whether undertaking a TRO on 11 sites (when they only plan to choose 5 for phase 1) was the best way forward.
· An amendment to the recommendations was requested, to reflect that residents will be consulted. The 5 Electric Vehicle (EV) charging point locations will be brought to the next Local Committee meeting for information.
Mr Andy MacLeod proposed an amendment to Recommendation (i), which was seconded by Cllr John Gray.
(i) was agreed by all Councillors, with one abstention.
(ii) was agreed by all Councillors.
(iii) was agreed by all Councillors, with one abstention – Cllr Jerry Hyman.
(iv) was agreed by all Councillors, with one abstention – Cllr Jerry Hyman.
The Local Committee (Waverley) resolved to AGREE:
(i) To note the overview of the plans and PROPOSED locations of bays TO BE CONSULTED ON to undertake the Electric Vehicle Charging Point trials funded by the Enterprise M3 (EM3) Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) and led by Surrey County Council (SCC) in Waverley.
(ii) That the project sponsor, in consultation with the parking strategy and implementation team manager, the Chairman/Vice Chairman of this committee and the appropriate county councillor can modify the layout and location of the bays prior to a traffic regulation order (TRO) being advertised.
(iii) To authorise advertisement of all necessary TROs across the selected sites in the Borough of Waverley, as and when required, in order to allow the bays to be introduced and agree that if no objections are maintained, the orders are made.
(iv) That if there are unresolved objections, they will be dealt with in accordance with the county council’s scheme of delegation by the parking strategy and implementation team manager, in consultation with the Chairman/Vice Chairman of this Committee and the appropriate county councillor, with the addition also of the project sponsor.
Supporting documents: