Agenda item

SURREY COUNTY COUNCIL PROPOSAL RE20/00808/CON - Westvale Park Primary School, off Webber Street, Westvale Park Development, Horley, Surrey

Installation of temporary buildings comprising two double classroom units and a staff administration unit, a temporary pedestrian access gate, a temporary vehicular access gate, temporary fencing and temporary reinforced gravel surface.


Please note, as this meeting is being held on Monday 29 June 2020, any representations received after 12.00 noon on the last working day before committee, Friday 26 June 2020, may not be taken into account at the meeting.





Dawn Horton-Baker, Principal Planning Officer

Charlie Cruise, Senior Transport Development Planning Officer

Nancy El-Shatoury, Principal Lawyer

Joss Butler, Committee Manager



Nicholas Wooding, local Resident, made representations in objection to the application. The following key points were made:


  • That they had multiple concerns due to the proximity of the proposed building units and their property
  • That they were concerned with the use of the private lane with parents dropping of pupils as there would be an impact on privacy and increased noise
  • That the cottage located parallel to the proposed site was a listed building and may be damaged by vibrations from heavy machinery five metres away.
  • That the proposed pedestrian access gate at the top of the road would encourage parents to use Malthouse Lane.
  • That there was no reference to COVID-19 in the report as the proposed building would cause residents to struggle to work from home. There was also a risk of parents gathering around the school gates which would restrict social distancing in the area.
  • That it was not clear who would maintain the pedestrian path and road.


Key points raised during the discussion:



1.     Dawn Horton-Baker, Principal Planning Officer, introduced the report and provided a brief summary. Members noted that the application was for the Installation of temporary buildings comprising two double classroom units and a staff administration unit, a temporary pedestrian access gate, a temporary vehicular access gate, temporary fencing and temporary reinforced gravel surface. Members noted further details on the application which were outlined in the report.

2.     Members asked for clarification on the main disadvantages to residents for the proposal. Officers stated that the residents were concerned that parents would use the private road to drop off pupils at the pedestrian access. Officers further stated that Surrey County Council did not have the power to prevent access down the private road however the council is promoting that the school has active management of pupils and staff to ensure the private road is not used for dropping off.

3.     Members asked whether residents could use a gate to prevent cars using the private road. Officers confirmed that the road was a private road however it had public footpath rights therefore could not prevent pedestrians. In regards to placing a gate, officers said this would likely that only the road owner could take action against trespassers.

4.     Officers confirmed that the school contractor had stated that they would monitor the use of the lane for the duration of the temporary period. Officers further stated that there was a condition for the permanent application to have a full travel plan. For the current proposal, the school would be providing a management man to look at managing the problems which have been identified by the residents. A council officer would monitor this and encourage compliance.

5.     The Chairman stated that from his experience as a school governor it was important for the school to be immediately clear on any travel management plans. Officers highlighted that this was a temporary application and that the school would not have the ability to produce a full travel plan in the current timescales. Officers had been proactive to encourage the school to create a management plan where travel to the school was taking into consideration which officers believed to be a proportional action for the temporary application. 




The Committee unanimously agreed to PERMIT application RE20/00808/CON for a temporary period until August 2021 subject to conditions from page 331 of the agenda and update sheet.



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