Agenda item

Community Projects Fund

The report sets out the proposed approach to the development of the Community Project Fund (CPF) in readiness for it to be launched in the Autumn. It sets out the aims of the Fund to bring community-led place-making or place-improving projects to life at a scale to make a significant impact and deliver a real legacy in communities.


[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Communities, Environment and Highways Select Committee]





  1. That the proposed process, criteria and governance for managing the Community Projects Fund (CPF) be approved;

  2. That the role of the Member Task Group in helping to shape the CPF be noted;

  3. That £300k of revenue funding in 2020/21 from the Corporate Feasibility budget is approved, to help establish a core CPF team to manage the delivery of the fund as well as other set up costs, on the understanding that the ongoing cost of managing the Fund will be built into the Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS) from 2021/22;


  1. Delegated authority to approve funding awards, including the ability to transfer appropriate amounts from the capital pipeline to the capital programme, as well as to make funding awards to successful applicants in the following three bands is approved, on the understanding that the named decision maker will make such decisions after receiving and giving due consideration to the recommendations from the CPF Panel:


·         Projects up to £100K – delegated to the Executive Director for Environment, Transport and Infrastructure

·         Projects between £100K and 500K – delegated to the appropriate Cabinet Member as determined by the Leader

·         Projects over £500K – decision taken by Cabinet


  1. An initial phase of community co-development to test key aspects of the CPF as set out in this report prior to the formal launch of the Fund in the Autumn is approved;


  1. A further report in September confirming the outcome of the co-development phase and the final details of the Fund is supported. 


Reasons for Decisions:


The development of the Community Project Fund (CPF) represents a significant opportunity for Surrey County Council (SCC) to invest in a meaningful and lasting way in communities. The recommendations in the report will enable the Fund to be developed in a way that ensures that the right level of due diligence and ensuring value for money is achieved from the Fund’s investments, while at the same time ensuring that the Fund is as accessible as possible.

[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Communities, Environment and Highways Select Committee]



The Chairman of the Community Projects Fund task and finish group explained that a cross party task and finish group had been set up to oversee the development of the Community Project Fund. Over the course of four meetings the group met with the Executive Director – ETI and colleagues to put forward ideas and offer challenge on proposals. The Task Group thanked those who contributed evidence to its review, informing the conclusions and six recommendations regarding the design and implementation of the Community Projects Fund. The task and finish group endorsed the recommendations in the Cabinet report and emphasised the importance of ensuring and encouraging all community groups and residents within Surrey to apply for the Fund.


The Cabinet report was introduced by the Deputy Cabinet Member to the Leader who set out the aims of the Fund which was to bring community-led place-making or place-improving projects to life at a scale to make a significant impact and deliver a real legacy in communities. The development of the Community Project Fund represents a significant opportunity to invest in a meaningful and lasting way in communities with £100m of capital funding to be allocated to community projects over a five-year period. It was explained that the report and recommendations were developed alongside the cross 

party task and finish group. Design work on the Community Project Fund would be progressed and a further report would be presented to Cabinet in September. The Deputy Cabinet Member to the Leader thanked the Leader and the Executive Director - ETI for their ongoing support.


There was recognition that many communities in Surrey would welcome the opportunities presented with the Community Project Fund whilst some communities did not have the experience to properly engage with the administrative processes involved. It was explained that the scheme was flexible and an officer team would be set up to support residents and groups submit applications to the Fund.  




1.That the proposed process, criteria and governance for managing the Community Projects Fund (CPF) be approved;


2.That the role of the Member Task Group in helping to shape the CPF be noted;


3.That £300k of revenue funding in 2020/21 from the Corporate Feasibility budget is approved, to help establish a core CPF team to manage the delivery of the fund as well as other set up costs, on the understanding that the ongoing cost of managing the Fund will be built into the Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS) from 2021/22;


4.Delegated authority to approve funding awards, including the ability to transfer appropriate amounts from the capital pipeline to the capital programme, as well as to make funding awards to successful applicants in the following three bands is approved, on the understanding that the named decision maker will make such decisions after receiving and giving due consideration to the recommendations from the CPF Panel:


•Projects up to £100K – delegated to the Executive Director for Environment, Transport and Infrastructure

•Projects between £100K and 500K – delegated to the appropriate Cabinet Member as determined by the Leader

•Projects over £500K – decision taken by Cabinet


5.An initial phase of community co-development to test key aspects of the CPF as set out in this report prior to the formal launch of the Fund in the Autumn is approved;


6.A further report in September confirming the outcome of the co-development phase and the final details of the Fund is supported. 


Reasons for Decisions:


The development of the Community Project Fund (CPF) represents a significant opportunity for Surrey County Council (SCC) to invest in a meaningful and lasting way in communities. The recommendations in the report will enable the Fund to be developed in a way that ensures that the right level of due diligence and ensuring value for money is achieved from the Fund’s investments, while at the same time ensuring that the Fund is as accessible as possible.

[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Communities, Environment and Highways Select Committee]

Supporting documents: