Agenda item

Decision on the Route to Market for Two Extra Care Housing Schemes

A paper was presented to Cabinet in July 2019 setting out Adult Social Care’s (ASC) Accommodation with Care and Support Strategy for delivering Extra Care Housing for older persons and Independent Living schemes for adults with a learning disability and/or autism. This paper sets out Surrey County Council’s proposed route to market for two sites proposed for Extra Care Housing. This will support our strategy to deliver accommodation with care and support by 2030 that will enable people to access the right health and social care at the right time in the right place, with appropriate housing for residents that helps them to remain independent, achieve their potential and ensures nobody is left behind.


N.B There is a part 2 Annex at Item 23.


[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Adults and Health Select Committee]





  1. That the development of Extra Care Housing on the Lakeside and Salisbury Road sites owned by the Council set out in the paper be approved.


  1. That the Extra Care Housing schemes are approved and developed on these sites on the basis that the Council has 100% nomination rights for all of the units. This will mean that all of the units will be available to support people with Adult Social Care needs for whom the Council has a responsibility to commission care and support services to meet their eligible needs.


  1. That the following delivery models for the development of Extra Care Housing on  Lakeside, Frimley, Surrey Heath and Salisbury Road, Epsom, Epsom and Ewell sites be approved:


  1. External delivery through the tender for strategic development and housing management partner(s) as the preferred option.
  2. In-house delivery whereby the Council would manage and fully fund the costs of the developments if the tender for strategic development and housing management partner(s) is not successful.


  1. That grants approval to procure in order to enable a full tender process to identify an Extra Care Housing development and housing management strategic partner(s) for the Lakeside, and Salisbury Road sites as set out in this paper be approved.


  1. That in the event of in-house delivery, decisions be delegated for:


  1. the award of contract to a building contractor,
  2. final agreement on tenure and lease arrangements,
  3. agreements with the housing management partner,


Collectively to the Executive Director for Resources in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Resources and Executive Director for Adult Social Care in consultation with Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care.


Reason for Decision:


The development of Extra Care Housing on the two sites set out in this paper will represent a substantial contribution towards the Council’s strategic objective to expand affordable Extra Care Housing provision by 2030.


Tendering for strategic development and housing management partner(s) to take forwards the development of Extra Care Housing on the Lakeside and Salisbury Road sites is consistent with previous decisions made by Cabinet. In October 2019 and July 2020 Cabinet agreed to identify a strategic partner(s) for the development and housing management of Extra Care Housing at the former Pond Meadow School, the former Brockhurst Care Home and the former Pinehurst Resource Centre sites through a tender process.


This is consistent with our ASC vision for development of Extra Care Housing, which has been clearly communicated through market and stakeholder engagement.



A tender was published in the Summer 2020 for an Extra Care Housing development and housing management strategic partner at the former Pond Meadow School site. This process provides the Council with learning and a template to inform any future tenders for further Extra Care Housing schemes.


By approving both delivery models for Extra Care Housing on the Lakeside, and Salisbury  Road sites, in the event that the tender is not successful, the in-house delivery option can be employed. This will minimise delay in delivering Extra Care Housing at these sites.


[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Adults and Health Select Committee]










The report was introduced by the Cabinet Member for Adults and Public Health introduced the report explaining that a paper was presented to Cabinet in July 2019 setting out Adult Social Care’s (ASC) Accommodation with Care and Support Strategy for delivering Extra Care Housing for olderpersons and Independent Living schemes for adults with a learning disability and/or autism. This paper sets out Surrey County Council’s proposed route to market for two sites proposed for Extra Care Housing on the Lakeside and Salisbury Road sites owned by the Council. This would support the councils strategy to deliver accommodation with care and support in line with the councils 2030 vision. These sites would provide 136 affordable extra care units which would help us stay on target to deliver our ambitions.


The Cabinet Member for Resources supported the report and also supported the option in the report for the council to undertake the development on its own if required. The Cabinet Member for Corporate Support stated that the report was very comprehensive and fully supported the recommendations.





  1. That the development of Extra Care Housing on the Lakeside and Salisbury Road sites owned by the Council set out in the paper be approved.


  1. That the Extra Care Housing schemes are approved and developed on these sites on the basis that the Council has 100% nomination rights for all of the units. This will mean that all of the units will be available to support people with Adult Social Care needs for whom the Council has a responsibility to commission care and support services to meet their eligible needs.


  1. That the following delivery models for the development of Extra Care Housing on  Lakeside, Frimley, Surrey Heath and Salisbury Road, Epsom, Epsom and Ewell sites be approved:


  1. External delivery through the tender for strategic development and housing management partner(s) as the preferred option.
  2. In-house delivery whereby the Council would manage and fully fund the costs of the developments if the tender for strategic development and housing management partner(s) is not successful.


  1. That grants approval to procure in order to enable a full tender process to identify an Extra Care Housing development and housing management strategic partner(s) for the Lakeside, and Salisbury Road sites as set out in this paper be approved.


  1. That in the event of in-house delivery, decisions be delegated for:


  1. the award of contract to a building contractor,
  2. final agreement on tenure and lease arrangements,
  3. agreements with the housing management partner,


Collectively to the Executive Director for Resources in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Resources and Executive Director for Adult Social Care in consultation with Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care.


Reason for Decision:


The development of Extra Care Housing on the two sites set out in this paper will represent a substantial contribution towards the Council’s strategic objective to expand affordable Extra Care Housing provision by 2030.


Tendering for strategic development and housing management partner(s) to take forwards the development of Extra Care Housing on the Lakeside and Salisbury Road sites is consistent with previous decisions made by Cabinet. In October 2019 and July 2020 Cabinet agreed to identify a strategic partner(s) for the development and housing management of Extra Care Housing at the former Pond Meadow School, the former Brockhurst Care Home and the former Pinehurst Resource Centre sites through a tender process.


This is consistent with our ASC vision for development of Extra Care Housing, which has been clearly communicated through market and stakeholder engagement.



A tender was published in the Summer 2020 for an Extra Care Housing development and housing management strategic partner at the former Pond Meadow School site. This process provides the Council with learning and a template to inform any future tenders for further Extra Care Housing schemes.


By approving both delivery models for Extra Care Housing on the Lakeside, and Salisbury  Road sites, in the event that the tender is not successful, the in-house delivery option can be employed. This will minimise delay in delivering Extra Care Housing at these sites.


[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Adults and Health Select Committee]









Supporting documents: