Agenda item


The funding bid report is attached together with associated paperwork and costs


Woking Joint Committee agreed that:


(i)    The application submitted by Ward Councillors for Pyrford Neighbourhood Area for the repair of the Cricket  Pavilion be approved subject to the conditions set out in the application;

(ii)   The Deputy Chief Executive be authorised to approve payment up to a total of £14,000 when the works have been undertaken and the invoices have been submitted to the Council. The £14,000 will be drawn from the total CIL income earmarked for the Pyrford Neighbourhood Area, this currently stands at £28,246.98; and

(iii)  The Ward Councillors for the Pyrford Neighbourhood Area be asked to oversee all works relating to the repair of the Cricket Pavilion in accordance with their project plan, project specification, costs and quality control

Reasons for decision:

To enable funding to be secured for the repair of the Cricket Pavilion at Coldharbour Road, Pyrford.



Declarations of Interest:      None

Officers attending:  Ernest Amaoko, Planning Policy Manager, WBC

Petitions, Public Questions, Statements:  None

Cllr Graham Chrystie, Ward Councillor and Cllr Liz Bowes, County Councillor recommended support for the bid for repairs of the Cricket Pavillion.  Cllr Bowes noted that she had also put £1,000 of her Members allowance towards the project.


Woking Joint Committee agreed that:


(i)    The application submitted by Ward Councillors for Pyrford Neighbourhood Area for the repair of the Cricket  Pavilion be approved subject to the conditions set out in the application;

(ii)   The Deputy Chief Executive be authorised to approve payment up to a total of £14,000 when the works have been undertaken and the invoices have been submitted to the Council. The £14,000 will be drawn from the total CIL income earmarked for the Pyrford Neighbourhood Area, this currently stands at £28,246.98; and

(iii)  The Ward Councillors for the Pyrford Neighbourhood Area be asked to oversee all works relating to the repair of the Cricket Pavilion in accordance with their project plan, project specification, costs and quality control

Reasons for decision:

To enable funding to be secured for the repair of the Cricket Pavilion at Coldharbour Road, Pyrford.


Supporting documents: