Agenda item

Transformation of Accommodation Based Care and Support for Working Age Adults: Delivering Supported Independent Living Options

A paper was brought to Cabinet in July 2019 setting out Adult Social Care’s Accommodation with Care and Support Strategy for Extra Care Housing for older people and supported independent living schemes for adults with a learning disability and/or autism. Surrey County Council (SCC) has a strategic aim to Empower its Communities by increasing the number of working age adults with support needs living in supported independent living settings and reduce its reliance on traditional residential care provision. To achieve this aim, supported independent living accommodation will be delivered through a variety of mechanisms through SCC identified sites, through independent sector provision and through partnership working with the district and borough councils.


N.B There is a part 2 Annex at Item 20.


[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Adults and Health Select Committee]





  1. That the approach to delivering the published strategic aim of increasing the proportion of working age adults with support needs living in supported independent living settings be approved.


  1. That the sites disclosed in Part 2 of this paper to be used to deliver new supported independent living accommodation be approved in principle.  Business cases will be presented to Cabinet to confirm final approval for the development of these sites for independent living.


Reason for Decision:


The Council has published its strategic aim to reduce the number of people with a learning disability and/or autism in residential care by 40-50% over the next five years by expanding the development of supported independent living provision. 

The Community Vision for Surrey 2030 states “By 2030, Surrey will be a uniquely special place where everyone has a great start to life, people live healthy and fulfilling lives, are enabled to achieve their full potential and contribute to their community, and no one is left behind.  One of the underpinning principles is that “Everyone has a place they can call home, with appropriate housing for all”.  The development of supported independent living accommodation is central to this Vision being realised for working age adults in Surrey who are eligible for ASC. The provision of this accommodation alongside the commissioning of appropriate care and support will enable people to live as independently as possible and deliver positive outcomes to individuals and their families/carers.

The transformation of Surrey’s approach to providing accommodation with care and support is expected to generate significant efficiencies.  Based on financial modelling to date £4.4m of efficiencies have been included in the 2021-26 MTFS, with the potential for greater efficiencies through completing all of the transfers to independent living planned.

Partnership with District and Borough Councils offers benefits to all parties. Some D&Bs have indicated that they might be able to help SCC secure housing options that are well placed, in locations that offer community inclusion and employment opportunities.  They have also indicated that they are keen to release properties that are not well matched to their own client base but could be appropriate for ASC clients.  This would be in exchange for other properties which are more appropriate to their client base.

Review of SCC’s current estate portfolio will allow us to re-use or optimise existing freehold assets, as well as the opportunity to co-locate with other Council services.

[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Adults and Health Select Committee]






The Cabinet for Adults and Public Health introduced the report stating that she was pleased to be announcing the delivery of 500 independent living schemes for our most vulnerable residents. Progress had been made through the use of external partnerships, void properties and other initiatives. The Council would commission a variety of supported independent living housing options so that appropriate housing is available to meet a range of needs where individuals have increased choice and control over the support they receive. The report is a great example of the council’s commitment to empowering communities and would help fulfil the ambitious accommodation with care and support strategy.


The Deputy Cabinet Member for Place welcomed the report and the council’s commitment to providing residents with an increased choice in choosing accommodation options available to meet their care needs. The programme would truly transform the lives of residents with learning disabilities and autism. The Cabinet Member for Children’s, Young People and Families welcomed the more independent style of accommodation proposed in the report and agreed it was a fantastic move into the 21st century. The Cabinet Member for Communities supported the proposals in the report and was pleased to see the council delivering yet again on a bold ambition.


Sinead Mooney left the meeting at 15:15 and re-joined the meeting at 15:22




  1. That the approach to delivering the published strategic aim of increasing the proportion of working age adults with support needs living in supported independent living settings be approved.


  1. That the sites disclosed in Part 2 of this paper to be used to deliver new supported independent living accommodation be approved in principle.  Business cases will be presented to Cabinet to confirm final approval for the development of these sites for independent living.


Reason for Decision:


The Council has published its strategic aim to reduce the number of people with a learning disability and/or autism in residential care by 40-50% over the next five years by expanding the development of supported independent living provision. 

The Community Vision for Surrey 2030 states “By 2030, Surrey will be a uniquely special place where everyone has a great start to life, people live healthy and fulfilling lives, are enabled to achieve their full potential and contribute to their community, and no one is left behind.  One of the underpinning principles is that “Everyone has a place they can call home, with appropriate housing for all”.  The development of supported independent living accommodation is central to this Vision being realised for working age adults in Surrey who are eligible for ASC. The provision of this accommodation alongside the commissioning of appropriate care and support will enable people to live as independently as possible and deliver positive outcomes to individuals and their families/carers.

The transformation of Surrey’s approach to providing accommodation with care and support is expected to generate significant efficiencies.  Based on financial modelling to date £4.4m of efficiencies have been included in the 2021-26 MTFS, with the potential for greater efficiencies through completing all of the transfers to independent living planned.

Partnership with District and Borough Councils offers benefits to all parties. Some D&Bs have indicated that they might be able to help SCC secure housing options that are well placed, in locations that offer community inclusion and employment opportunities.  They have also indicated that they are keen to release properties that are not well matched to their own client base but could be appropriate for ASC clients.  This would be in exchange for other properties which are more appropriate to their client base.

Review of SCC’s current estate portfolio will allow us to re-use or optimise existing freehold assets, as well as the opportunity to co-locate with other Council services.

[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Adults and Health Select Committee]





Supporting documents: