Agenda item

Accelerating the Introduction of Ultra Low / Zero Emissions Buses and Community Transport Vehicles into Surrey

Surrey County Council is embarking on an exciting investment programme to accelerate the introduction of ultra-low and zero emission vehicles into Surrey. We propose to achieve this by establishing a Surrey Ultra-Low and Zero Emission Scheme backed by county council funding to generate supporting industry investment. This supports our ambitions and strategic priorities for a greener future, our Surrey 2030 vision and our Climate Change Strategy. This is part of the Council’s response to the declared climate change emergency and is part of the associated £300m Greener Futures investment programme.

[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Communities, Environment and Highways Select Committee]







  1. That the establishment of a Surrey Ultra-Low and Zero Emission Scheme that will accelerate the introduction of ultra-low and zero emission vehicles onto a range of bus and community transport services, inclusive of supporting industry investment be supported.
  2. That the Surrey Ultra-Low and Zero Emission Scheme detail and implementation, once agreed by the Capital Programme Panel, be delegated to the Executive Director, Environment, Transport & Infrastructure, the Executive Director of Resources and the Director of Law & Governance in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Transport, including moving the required capital funding from the Capital Pipeline to the capital budget so that the programme can moved forward.

Reason for Decision:

The establishment of a Surrey Ultra-Low and Zero Emission Scheme will accelerate the substantive introduction of ultra-low and zero emissions buses and minibuses into Surrey than would otherwise have been the case with operator investment alone, in a post-Covid 19 financial and operational climate. The project also encompasses investment in bus priority measures at pinch-points on the highway to improve bus journey times and real time passenger information to aid resident knowledge and travel decision making. It also includes complementary investment by bus operators and community transport providers to maximise the number of ultra-low and zero emission vehicles to be introduced over the lifetime of the project, thus generating further reductions in emissions from transport operations.

[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Communities, Environment and Highways Select Committee]






The report was introduced by the Cabinet Member for Transport whom explained that a zero emission ultra- low emissions scheme backed by county council funding to generate supporting industry investment had been introduced. This would support ambitions for a greener future and our climate change strategy. Providing sustainable transport options would contribute to a reduction in harmful emissions, moving us toward net zero carbon as well as helping our communities to be resilient and well connected. The scheme would accelerate the introduction of Ultra Lone Zero emission buses and minibuses into Surrey and would encompass bus priority measures and pinch points on the highway as well as real time journey information. It was added that complimentary investment by the bus operators and community transport would be included in the project. The project would see the introduction of between 70 and 80 ultra-low or zero emission buses, alongside over 50 Community Transport (CT) minibuses, over the next five years. This was believed to be the first occasion that a scheme of such magnitude would have been introduced in one area of the UK. Work had progressed closely with partners whom were excited for the opportunities that lay ahead. It was added that bids would be prioritised for areas with declared Air Quality Management Areas (AQMAs). The bus element of the Surrey Ultra-Low and Zero Emission Scheme is £32.3m of capital funding with an additional £9m which will go into bus priority measures.


Mr Mike Goodman was invited to speak on the item and lent his support to the establishment of the Surrey Ultra-Low and Zero Emission Scheme and congratulated the Cabinet Member and officers on the work undertaken. The exciting project demonstrates the desire of the council to tackle climate change and support residents living in AQMAs.


The Cabinet supported the report focusing on the desire of the council to reduce carbon emissions in Surrey and tackle climate change, prioritise pinch point areas and focus resources on areas with AQMAs.   


The Cabinet Member for Transport explained that work was being undertaken closely with operators and bus operators had thanked the council for continuing with payments during the pandemic. Partnerships were key to the Scheme and operators had agreed to accelerate more buses and investment into the network.




  1. That the establishment of a Surrey Ultra-Low and Zero Emission Scheme that will accelerate the introduction of ultra-low and zero emission vehicles onto a range of bus and community transport services, inclusive of supporting industry investment be supported.
  2. That the Surrey Ultra-Low and Zero Emission Scheme detail and implementation, once agreed by the Capital Programme Panel, be delegated to the Executive Director, Environment, Transport & Infrastructure, the Executive Director of Resources and the Director of Law & Governance in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Transport, including moving the required capital funding from the Capital Pipeline to the capital budget so that the programme can moved forward.

Reason for Decision:

The establishment of a Surrey Ultra-Low and Zero Emission Scheme will accelerate the substantive introduction of ultra-low and zero emissions buses and minibuses into Surrey than would otherwise have been the case with operator investment alone, in a post-Covid 19 financial and operational climate. The project also encompasses investment in bus priority measures at pinch-points on the highway to improve bus journey times and real time passenger information to aid resident knowledge and travel decision making. It also includes complementary investment by bus operators and community transport providers to maximise the number of ultra-low and zero emission vehicles to be introduced over the lifetime of the project, thus generating further reductions in emissions from transport operations.

[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Communities, Environment and Highways Select Committee]





Supporting documents: