Agenda item


To receive any petitions in accordance with Standing Order 14.1.  Notice must be given in writing or by email to the Community Partnership and Committee Officer at least 14 days before the meeting.  Alternatively, the petition can be submitted on-line through Surrey County Council’s or Spelthorne Borough Council’s e-petitions website as long as the minimum number of signatures has been reached 14 days before the meeting.




Petition 1: Cycle/pedestrian bridge over Clock House Lane to Bedfont Lakes


The Joint Committee (Spelthorne) agreed:

      i.     To indicate its support for new pedestrian / cycle facilities connecting Ashford to Bedfont Lakes along the Clock House Lane corridor, noting that funding options need to be clarified – including CIL and any contributions from the London Borough of Hounslow – and also noting that further exploration is needed to identify potential options.



      i.        The Joint Committee recognises the benefit of the proposal to the safety of pedestrians and cyclists.

     ii.        The Joint Committee recognises that there are various design options and funding opportunities that need to be investigated before committing to this project.


Petition 2: Road Safety Changes to Long Lane, Stanwell.


The Joint Committee (Spelthorne) agreed to:



      i.        Note that the location and collision history have been discussed at the road safety partnership of Surrey County Council and Surrey Police and that investigative measures are ongoing and the Committee agree to work with agencies to look at possible ways to address this situation.




      i.        The Committee recognises the potential dangers of the road in question and would like to examine ways to mitigate these.



Petition 3: Road safety improvements to Laleham Road (Commercial Road and Wheatsheaf Lane)



The Joint Committee (Spelthorne) agreed to:



       i.        Include a scheme for a pedestrian crossing on the list for prioritisation on future schemes.





      i.        The Committee recognised the potential safety benefits of a pedestrian crossing for local people.


Petition 1: Cycle/pedestrian bridge over Clock House Lane to Bedfont Lakes


The Lead Petitioner, spoke for three minutes. He brought the petition as he and his sons are avid cyclists and have found it dangerous to use the bridge to visit Bedfont Lakes. The petition attracted the support of 798 signatories who were Surrey residents.


The Divisional Member spoke in support of the petition, noting that this has been an issue for a number of years and that the bridge had seen a fatality back in 2001. However it was later stated that there had been a low level of casualties since and this was probably due to people avoiding crossing the bridge on a bike or on foot.


The Committee discussed the item, noting the history of the site and the level of  funding that would need to be secured in order to implement provision for cyclists and pedestrians. It was also noted that as the bridge is located on the boundary with the London Borough of Hounslow, they would have a joint responsibility for sourcing the funding.


The Committee supported the proposal for new pedestrian and cycle facilities on the bridge and wanted to explore design and funding options.





The Joint Committee (Spelthorne) agreed:

      i.     To indicate its support for new pedestrian / cycle facilities connecting Ashford to Bedfont Lakes along the Clock House Lane corridor, noting that funding options need to be clarified – including CIL and any contributions from the London Borough of Hounslow – and also noting that further exploration is needed to identify potential options.



      i.        The Joint Committee recognises the benefit of the proposal to the safety of pedestrians and cyclists.

     ii.        The Joint Committee recognises that there are various design options and funding opportunities that need to be investigated before committing to this project.


Petition 2: Road Safety Changes to Long Lane, Stanwell.


The Lead Petitioner was unable to attend this meeting. The Divisional Member spoke in support of the petition which attracted the signatures of 222 Surrey residents. The road in question is a village road which is often used by HGVs who are visiting nearby Heathrow airport or the local warehouses. In addition to the concerns raised around the tragic incident in question, the councillor had been contacted by a number of residents about their ongoing safety concerns. The Member went on to say that he would like to see some specific measures being taken rather than the report just being noted. This stance was supported by a local borough councillor and the Vice-chairman.


The Area Highways Manager proposed that a feasibility study that is being discussed in item 10 could be extended to include road safety measures for Long Lane.


The amended recommendation was put forward and agreed by the Committee so that further investigation into possible measures could take place.


The Joint Committee (Spelthorne) agreed to:



      i.        Note that the location and collision history have been discussed at the road safety partnership of Surrey County Council and Surrey Police and that investigative measures are ongoing and the Committee agree to work with agencies to look at possible ways to address this situation.




      i.        The Committee recognises the potential dangers of the road in question and would like to examine ways to mitigate these.



Petition 3: Road safety improvements to Laleham Road (Commercial Road and Wheatsheaf Lane)


The Lead Petitioner spoke to support his petition highlighting the dangers for local residents including the elderly population and pupils to nearby schools. He also noted that there was a number of incidents of damage to parked cars which does not get captured by the police accident statistics. The Divisional Member also spoke in support of the petition and requested that a feasibility study could be included so that this proposal could be considered.


The Area Highways Manager stated that a number of options for this road was currently being considered including the active travel programme and that this location could certainly be considered for prioritisation should any of the current options not come to fruition. As the Committee supported this proposal, the amended recommendation below was agreed.



The Joint Committee (Spelthorne) agreed to:



       i.        Include a scheme for a pedestrian crossing on the list for prioritisation on future schemes.





      i.        The Committee recognised the potential safety benefits of a pedestrian crossing for local people.

Supporting documents: