Agenda item

Covid-19: Surrey County Council Update




1.    It be agreed that decision-making for the use of the latest £3.3m of Contain Outbreak Management Fund (COMF) received and all future COMF monies be delegated to the Director of Public Health in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Adults & Health and Surrey’s Local Resilience Forum (SLRF).


2.    It be agreed that decision-making on the distribution of the grant to support Clinically Extremely Vulnerable (CEV) during the current lockdown, and future tranches of this grant be delegated to the Deputy Chief Executive, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Finance and the Cabinet Member for Adults & Health.


3.    That the challenges to the provision of normal council services presented by the new variant and more transmissible Covid-19 virus be noted.


4.    That the principle of needing to de-prioritise certain services/projects to enable more capacity to be deployed into critical services be noted and endorsed.


5.    That the lobbying for the prioritisation of key workers, including teachers, to have access to the vaccination programme as soon as possible be noted and endorsed.


6.    That the latest public health situation, nationally and in Surrey, actions being delivered through Surrey’s Local Outbreak Control Plan, and the ongoing support to vulnerable residents, including through the council’s Community Helpline and the Covid Winter Support Grant scheme be noted.


  1. That the latest impacts on Adult Social Care and Children’s, Families, Lifelong learning services be noted.


  1. That the ongoing preparation for the local elections in May 2021 and associated risks be noted and endorsed.


  1. That the work in train to better understand and respond to the impacts on communities of Covid-19, and the work being planned and undertaken to harness the community spirit evident across the county be noted and endorsed.


Reason for Decision:


The county and council continue to face unprecedented challenges due to the Covid-19 crisis. We are simultaneously managing response activity and work with our partners to enable recovery within the county, looking ahead to a return to day-to-day life for communities following the end of national lockdown.


The recommendations set out in this report ensure Cabinet are appraised of the most recent work going on across the council to protect, sustain and support residents and communities and the economy of Surrey.


[Where necessary a waiver for call-in will be sought from the relevant Select Committee Chairman]


The Leader explained that very strong partnership working was taking place across the system and the report reflects on the activity taking place. Communications around testing and lockdown restrictions had been actively promoted with ad vans travelling across the county. 26 vaccination centres had been opened with two mass vaccination centres in Guildford and Epsom. The vaccination process would start with the top 4 cohorts. The Leader explained that residents being offered vaccinations outside of the county did not have to accept this and should speak to their GP to get this re-arranged at a local vaccination centre. The Director of Public Health, Ruth Hutchinson was thanked for her sterling work in guiding the county through the pandemic. The Leader explained that Recommendation 8 should be amended to read May 2021 which was the anticipated date of the elections. Paragraph 47 should also be amended to read 6 May 2021.




  1. It be agreed that decision-making for the use of the latest £3.3m of Contain Outbreak Management Fund (COMF) received and all future COMF monies be delegated to the Director of Public Health in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Adults & Health and Surrey’s Local Resilience Forum (SLRF).


  1. It be agreed that decision-making on the distribution of the grant to support Clinically Extremely Vulnerable (CEV) during the current lockdown, and future tranches of this grant be delegated to the Deputy Chief Executive, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Finance and the Cabinet Member for Adults & Health.


  1. That the challenges to the provision of normal council services presented by the new variant and more transmissible Covid-19 virus be noted.


  1. That the principle of needing to de-prioritise certain services/projects to enable more capacity to be deployed into critical services be noted and endorsed.


  1. That the lobbying for the prioritisation of key workers, including teachers, to have access to the vaccination programme as soon as possible be noted and endorsed.


  1. That the latest public health situation, nationally and in Surrey, actions being delivered through Surrey’s Local Outbreak Control Plan, and the ongoing support to vulnerable residents, including through the council’s Community Helpline and the Covid Winter Support Grant scheme be noted.


  1. That the latest impacts on Adult Social Care and Children’s, Families, Lifelong learning services be noted.


  1. That the ongoing preparation for the local elections in May 2021 and associated risks be noted and endorsed.


  1. That the work in train to better understand and respond to the impacts on communities of Covid-19, and the work being planned and undertaken to harness the community spirit evident across the county be noted and endorsed.


Reason for Decision:


The county and council continue to face unprecedented challenges due to the Covid-19 crisis. We are simultaneously managing response activity and work with our partners to enable recovery within the county, looking ahead to a return to day-to-day life for communities following the end of national lockdown.


The recommendations set out in this report ensure Cabinet are appraised of the most recent work going on across the council to protect, sustain and support residents and communities and the economy of Surrey.


[Where necessary a waiver for call-in will be sought from the relevant Select Committee Chairman]



Supporting documents: