Agenda item

Surrey Flood Alleviation Programme - Joint Applicant for the River Thames Scheme Development Consent Order




  1. That Surrey County Council becoming Joint Applicant with the Environment Agency in obtaining the Development Consent Order for the River Thames Scheme under the Planning Act 2008 subject to a legal agreement setting out the governance and financial arrangements be approved.
  2. That Surrey County Council entering into negotiations for a legal agreement with the Environment Agency to include the governance and financial arrangements, how risk will be managed and how disputes will be resolved be approved.
  3. That the approval of the separation of responsibilities for SCC’s role as both applicant and host authority be delegated to the Executive Director for Environment, Transport and Infrastructure in consultation with the Planning Group Manager.
  4. That the approval of a Service Level Agreement setting out the requirements and expected levels of service between SCC as Host Authority be delegated to the Planning Group Manager.

Reason for Decision:

It is recommended that Cabinet approves Surrey County Council becoming Joint Applicant for the River Thames Scheme alongside the Environment Agency, to enable influence over the programme, process, design, assurance and delivery, to ensure it represents the best interests of the County.

As Joint Applicant, Surrey County Council would be legally responsible for ensuring the process set out in the Planning Act 2008 is followed from pre-application through to the completion of the project and that works are carried out in accordance with the Development Consent Order.

Officers are confident that being Joint Applicant would be at no extra cost to Surrey County Council as the project funding, including the approved £237 million contribution, will cover costs including resourcing. A Service Level Agreement is also being developed that would cover any additional costs incurred by Surrey County Council acting as Host Authority.

Surrey County Council is in a strong position to take on the role of Joint Applicant on this strategically important project which aligns with the Councils desire to take more of a leadership role in delivering infrastructure. There are several risks in this approach and would need to be kept entirely separate from SCC’s role as a host authority.  However, there is already a positive and collaborative relationship with the Environment Agency, and we are ready to mobilise the required resources to drive the River Thames Scheme forward.  It will also send a strong message to residents and Government that the scheme is being delivered though a true partnership between the two organisations.

[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Communities, Environment and Highways Select Committee]



The report was introduced by the Deputy Leader on behalf of the Cabinet Member for Environment and Climate Change.In October 2019, Cabinet approved investment of £270m to deliver the objectives of Surreys Local Flood Risk Management Strategy.  This includes a financial contribution of £237M to the River Thames Scheme (RTS). The benefits of the scheme are not only to protect the homes of the residents that live adjacent to the River Thames, but many Surrey rivers flow into the Thames, so this scheme would benefit many residents throughout Surrey. With the size of the councils investment in this significant piece of infrastructure, it was vital that the council play a leading role in the schemes design and construction. On 24 December 2020, the Secretary of State gave direction that the RTS would be considered as a Nationally Significant Infrastructure Project and could therefore apply for a Development Consent Order (DCO) under the Planning Act 2008.


Members recognised the vast amount of work that had been undertaken by the Cabinet Member and the Flood team with this scheme. The fact that this scheme was now being recognised as a Nationally Significant Infrastructure Project was a great achievement. Residents impacted by flooding were delighted with the news of progress with the scheme. 




  1. That Surrey County Council becoming Joint Applicant with the Environment Agency in obtaining the Development Consent Order for the River Thames Scheme under the Planning Act 2008 subject to a legal agreement setting out the governance and financial arrangements be approved.
  2. That Surrey County Council entering into negotiations for a legal agreement with the Environment Agency to include the governance and financial arrangements, how risk will be managed and how disputes will be resolved be approved.
  3. That the approval of the separation of responsibilities for SCC’s role as both applicant and host authority be delegated to the Executive Director for Environment, Transport and Infrastructure in consultation with the Planning Group Manager.
  4. That the approval of a Service Level Agreement setting out the requirements and expected levels of service between SCC as Host Authority be delegated to the Planning Group Manager.

Reason for Decision:

It is recommended that Cabinet approves Surrey County Council becoming Joint Applicant for the River Thames Scheme alongside the Environment Agency, to enable influence over the programme, process, design, assurance and delivery, to ensure it represents the best interests of the County.

As Joint Applicant, Surrey County Council would be legally responsible for ensuring the process set out in the Planning Act 2008 is followed from pre-application through to the completion of the project and that works are carried out in accordance with the Development Consent Order.

Officers are confident that being Joint Applicant would be at no extra cost to Surrey County Council as the project funding, including the approved £237 million contribution, will cover costs including resourcing. A Service Level Agreement is also being developed that would cover any additional costs incurred by Surrey County Council acting as Host Authority.

Surrey County Council is in a strong position to take on the role of Joint Applicant on this strategically important project which aligns with the Councils desire to take more of a leadership role in delivering infrastructure. There are several risks in this approach and would need to be kept entirely separate from SCC’s role as a host authority.  However, there is already a positive and collaborative relationship with the Environment Agency, and we are ready to mobilise the required resources to drive the River Thames Scheme forward.  It will also send a strong message to residents and Government that the scheme is being delivered though a true partnership between the two organisations.

[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Communities, Environment and Highways Select Committee]


Supporting documents: