This paper sets out the Council’s proposal for a replacement of the Youth and Community Centre within Great Bookham in Mole Valley and to provide housing on the existing site.
[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Resources and Performance Select Committee]
· Feasibility fees up to detailed planning applications for both developments, and
· The remaining activities relating to delivery/development of the replacement Bookham Youth and Community Centre.
Reason for Decision:
[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Resources and Performance Select Committee]
The report was introduced by the Leader. The paper sets out the council’s proposal for a replacement of the Youth and Community Centre within Great Bookham in Mole Valley and to provide housing on the existing site. The existing site was well used by the community. The re-provision of Bookham Youth Centre will provide an improved multi-purpose community building, invest in a Council owned asset for much needed housing and support the 2030 Community Vision for Surrey. There were two sites in question with Site 2 being the preferred option for the council although this was subject to planning consent which it was hoped would be approved by Mole Valley planning committee at their forthcoming meeting.
The local member, Ms Clare Curran spoke on the item thanking officers, the Leader and Mr Mel Few for bringing this project forward over many years. Although Site 2 is the preferred option for the council it was also the preferred option for the community. The alternative Site 1 was also viable. The local member explained that many community stakeholders supported the project and read statements from the Bookham Residents Association, Bookham Youth and Community Association and the Leatherhead Youth Project all whom supported the project for a new youth and community centre.
It was explained that from 08 March, Surrey Clubs for young people would take over the management of 10 out of the 11 youth centres in Surrey. The council would retain the ownership of the properties and maintain the properties.
· Feasibility fees up to detailed planning applications for both developments, and
· The remaining activities relating to delivery/development of the replacement Bookham Youth and Community Centre.
Reason for Decision:
[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Resources and Performance Select Committee]
Supporting documents: