Agenda item


The report provides an update on the 2020/21 programme of highway works funded by this committee, an update on other centrally funded projects being promoted in the local area. In addition, it details the committee devolved allocation for 2021/22 and how it is proposed to be allocated.



The Local Committee (Waverley) agreed:


(i)    To note the committee approved allocations and works progressed during 2020/21


(ii)  To agree the recommendations made in this report for utilising the available highways budget for 2021/22.(Paragraph 2.1.8 - 2.1.16 refers.)

(iii)To agree to allocate the £500,000 parking surplus fund reserved for Farnham to the Farnham Board.

(iv)To delegate to the Area Highway Manager, in consultation with the Chairman, Vice Chairman and Divisional Member, the ability to resolve any problems encountered, to facilitate scheme delivery throughout the year.


Declarations of Interest: None.


Officer in attendance: Frank Apicella, Area Highways Manager.


Petitions, Public Questions/Statements: None


The Chairman introduced the item stating that report set out the proposals for how the highways budget could be allocated for the 2021/22 financial year.

Officers attending:

Frank Apicella, Area Highways Manager

Adrian Selby, Senior Traffic Engineer


Key points made during the discussion:

  • The members welcomed the additional funding from Surrey County Council for highways projects in the current financial year and the additional projects that this would support; and would like these to be progressed as quickly as possible for improvements for residents.
  • It was recognised that no income had been generated from parking enforcement so there was no parking surplus to be allocated to be used for highways projects.
  • There was a discussion about the disparity of funding being allocated to Farnham this year. It was noted that in recognition of the £500k that is being directed towards Farnham at the current time through the Farnham Board, the Farnham members had requested that due to the remainder of the local committee funding be allocated across the rest of Waverley and not in Farnham. Members were supportive of this approach.
  • Clarification was requested on the funding that is being spent in Farnham. It was noted that the £500k was being allocated to a project to consult and develop proposals for infrastructure improvements in Farnham. There was a discussion regarding whether this should be transferred to the Farnham Board. It was noted that currently there were smaller projects being carried out in the town, this funding was being held back from previous years to contribute to this larger holistic project. There was a need to transfer the funding so that the projects could be identified and carried out in a timely fashion.
  • It was noted that the funding relating to the Farnham area was identified within the Council’s Medium Term Financial Plan and was connected with making the most out of the Brightwells development within Farnham.
  • It was noted that the annexes to the report could be more linked up and easier to read, and it was accepted that this would be looked into for future meetings.
  • Cllr Harmer requested that it was noted that the Area Highways Manager would amend one of the projects in Annex A identified Linkside North to be retitled Linkside, so that this could be allocated against the area along that road most in need.
  • Two members abstained from agreeing the recommendations


The Local Committee (Waverley) agreed:


(i)    To note the committee approved allocations and works progressed during 2020/21


(ii)  To agree the recommendations made in this report for utilising the available highways budget for 2021/22.(Paragraph 2.1.8 - 2.1.16 refers.)

(iii)To agree to allocate the £500,000 parking surplus fund reserved for Farnham to the Farnham Board.

(iv)To delegate to the Area Highway Manager, in consultation with the Chairman, Vice Chairman and Divisional Member, the ability to resolve any problems encountered, to facilitate scheme delivery throughout the year.

Supporting documents: