Agenda item

11 Brigade Update

·         Support to COVID response

·         2 Duke of Lancs

·         2PWRR

·         Task Force Commanders

o   Lt Col Shamus Kelly

o   Major Richard Watkins


Apologies were received from Col John Baynham who had been called away at the last moment.  Richard Moore gave the following update.

Key points:

  • Prince Philip’s funeral – noted the role of the armed forces and what a fitting tribute to a loyal servant of the Crown this was. 
  • Integrated review of the Armed Forces is ongoing.  Not yet clear what impact this will have on 11 Brigade and HQ SE.  The new Ranger Regiment formation will be a refinement to the specialised infantry concept and will include 2PWRR and 2 Lancs – it is not expected they will re-locate as part of this new role.
  • Current operation to support the NHS on the Covid response will end at the end of April, although they will remain on stand-by.
  • 1 Welsh Guards will deploy to Iraq this Summer.


Armed Forces Covenant Legislation

·         A virtual update on the legislation currently going through Parliament will be given to Army Unit Armed Forces Champions on 5 May.

·         11 Brigade has been asked to run additional focus groups with local authorities on the legislation which will look at guidance and the Bill as it continues its journey through Parliament.  It is anticipated that the first meeting will be held in June with a follow up in August/September.

·         Hoped mature draft of legislation will be ready by the Autumn.


Armed Forces Covenant Fund


·         Force for Change programme – grants of up to 10K for projects which reduce social isolation is now open.  Round two closes 2 Aug 2021. Pirbright Cricket Club has submitted a bid to the first round.

Surrey County Council Adult Social Care was recently successful in being awarded a grant of 20k to enable a one year pilot programme supporting veterans in residential and nursing homes.

·         Sustaining Support for Armed Forces Communities programme – grants of up to 100k for existing charitable projects to sustain activities that people from Armed Forces communities use and value. Round 1 closes 4 June 2021.

·         NAFFI fund

Will open May 2021 and will make grants to Armed Forces bases.  Round one closes 14 July 2021.

·         Strengthening Delivery of the Armed Forces Covenant grant  - details will be circulated when made available.


The Board was urged to continue sharing details of the funds available with partners and colleagues and reminded that Sarah Goodman is always happy to provide advice and guidance around any bids.


Task Force Commanders


Lt Col Shamus Kelly – ATC Pirbright


Lt Col Shamus was welcomed to the Board and shared details of his background and what he hopes to achieve / be able to offer from ATC Pirbright. This covered the importance of networks to ensure output both within the base and in terms of offer to wider community, the re-establishment of community relationships coming out of Covid-19 and aiming to develop a programme of events to capture the enthusiasm of people to re-immerse in society when able to do so.


Strategic vision going forward over the next 3-5 years:

·         Over next 3-12 months developing mental health and resilience programme for ATC Pirbirght.  This will be ongoing.  Will circulate the plan in due course, but would be keen for any help and support from the Board to enhance the package.  This idea was fully supported by members of Board and will be added to the agenda for next meeting.

·         Have re-invigorated basic training programme – now known as Creating Military Syllabus – CMS21.  This is a 14 week programme developing core values and physical ability.

·         As head of Armed Forces Jujitsu Team is organising a national competition between armed forces and blue light services to be held in Aldershot.  Hoping to make it a big event with up to 200 competitors.

·         Hoping to use sporting connections to provide an opportunity for inspiring young people to go in to schools, perhaps to do a presentation on the armed forces or some sporting sessions.

·         Pilot on elections has had to be paused due to Covid but they are working to be able to add it to the CMS programme in September.


Maj Richard Watkins – Irish Guards

Maj Watkins was welcomed by the Board and provided an update regarding Irish Guards.


  • Irish Guards were heavily involved in providing Covid-19 support.  Now transitioning back to being a fighting battle group.
  • Moving from Barracks in Hounslow to Aldershot in May / June 21. 
  • Will be with 11 Brigade until Jan/Feb 2022, then returning to London District and public duties
  • Prior to that will be in USA on operation with an American Airborne Division
  • Resource offer for community very limited until October


Sincere thanks from the board to the Irish Guards particularly for their assistance with Covid.  The legacy of their input will have positive impact on Surrey way beyond the current crisis.