Agenda item

Additional Specialist School Places For Pupils With Special Educational Needs And Disabilities

The Cabinet Member for Education and Learning is requested to determine the statutory notices published for each of the 2 proposals thereby bringing into effect the formal commencement of the proposals.

1.    Expansion of Freemantles School (Building expansion increasing the planned places from 198 pupils to 270 pupils from year 7 to year 14)

2.    Creation of a SEN Unit at Chandlers Field Primary School (Building expansion to create a SEN Unit with 25 places across year R to year 6)




The Cabinet Member for Education and Learning determined the statutory notices published for each of the 2 proposals below without modification, thereby bringing into effect the formal commencement of the proposals.


1.            The Expansion of Freemantle’s School, and

2.            Creation of a SEN Unit at Chandlers Field Primary School.


Supporting documents: