The purpose of this report is to set out the proposed approach and principles underpinning the first five-year Greener Futures Climate Change Delivery Plan and clarify the role of Surrey County Council in implementation and progress already made.
(The decisions on this item can be called-in by the Communities, Environment and Highways Select Committee)
1. That the proposed approach and principles underpinning the development of the Greener Futures Climate Change Strategy Delivery Plan for achieving net zero 2050 be approved.
2. That Cabinet agree to continue to fully engage partners, in particular districts and boroughs, in developing and shaping the Plan.
3. That Cabinet agree the pivotal role of behaviour change in delivering the county’s net zero targets and the outline approach for engaging and empowering communities to act.
4. That the crucial role that all partners must play in delivering and approving the establishment of a Greener Futures Board to provide countywide leadership to this agenda be agreed.
5. That the full county Greener Futures Climate Change Delivery Plan, the Council’s own Net Zero Delivery Plan and a robust Greener Futures Finance Strategy be brought back to Cabinet in Autumn 2021.
Reason for Decision:
Having declared a climate emergency and published the Greener Futures Climate Change Strategy in 2020, it is now essential to have an evidence-based delivery plan that shows how Surrey’s target of net zero by 2050 can be achieved.
Surrey County Council has a crucial role to play in delivering and driving this agenda and must ensure that the resources and levers that are within its control, and the influence that can be brought to bear, are utilised to maximum effect.
However, the Council is only one part of the solution, and ultimately all partners must play their part in the implementation of a jointly developed, owned and delivered plan, with a strong governance framework to provide strategic direction.
Most importantly, delivering the ambitions of the Greener Futures Climate Change Strategy will require a step change in how our communities live, work and play, and therefore the critical role of enabling residents and businesses to make more sustainable choices is highlighted as a major focus.
[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Communities, Environment and Highways Select Committee]
The report was introduced by the Cabinet Member for Environment who explained that the report sets out the proposed approach and principles underpinning the first five-year Greener Futures Climate Change Delivery Plan and works towards the council becoming carbon neutral by 2050. The recommendations focus on agreeing the pivotal role of behaviour change in delivering the county’s net zero targets and agreeing to continue to fully engage partners. A conscious effort had been taken to link up and communicate with partners and residents to ensure a clear 5 year plan. This plan requires input from residents and partners so it can be a plan for the whole of Surrey. Jonathan Essex spoke on the item stating that he hoped the Greener Future Board would engage with politicians across the party spectrum. The delay to the plan was welcomed and the member commented that he hoped the Greener Future Board would work with district and boroughs to come up with a plan to de-carbonise all buildings and homes in Surrey by 2035. The member felt there were many opportunities for the Greener Future Boards to deliver improvements.
The Leader stated that a delivery plan should not be rushed through and the summer would be spent consulting with residents and partners on a plan that was deliverable. It was also vital that the government did more to support the council and the right channels would be used to lobby government. Most importantly, the hearts and minds of residents needed to be won over to bring about change towards a greener future.
1. That the proposed approach and principles underpinning the development of the Greener Futures Climate Change Strategy Delivery Plan for achieving net zero 2050 be approved.
2. That Cabinet agree to continue to fully engage partners, in particular districts and boroughs, in developing and shaping the Plan.
3. That Cabinet agree the pivotal role of behaviour change in delivering the county’s net zero targets and the outline approach for engaging and empowering communities to act.
4. That the crucial role that all partners must play in delivering and approving the establishment of a Greener Futures Board to provide countywide leadership to this agenda be agreed.
5. That the full county Greener Futures Climate Change Delivery Plan, the Council’s own Net Zero Delivery Plan and a robust Greener Futures Finance Strategy be brought back to Cabinet in Autumn 2021.
Reason for Decision:
Having declared a climate emergency and published the Greener Futures Climate Change Strategy in 2020, it is now essential to have an evidence-based delivery plan that shows how Surrey’s target of net zero by 2050 can be achieved.
Surrey County Council has a crucial role to play in delivering and driving this agenda and must ensure that the resources and levers that are within its control, and the influence that can be brought to bear, are utilised to maximum effect.
However, the Council is only one part of the solution, and ultimately all partners must play their part in the implementation of a jointly developed, owned and delivered plan, with a strong governance framework to provide strategic direction.
Most importantly, delivering the ambitions of the Greener Futures Climate Change Strategy will require a step change in how our communities live, work and play, and therefore the critical role of enabling residents and businesses to make more sustainable choices is highlighted as a major focus.
[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Communities, Environment and Highways Select Committee]
Supporting documents: