Agenda item


To receive any petitions in accordance with Standing Order 14.1. Notice must be given in writing or by email to the Partnership Committee Officer at least 14 days before the meeting. Alternatively, the petition can be submitted on-line through Surrey County Council’s or Runnymede Borough Council’s e-petitions website as long as the minimum number of signatures has been reached 14 days before the meeting.


For Petition 1, requesting a 20mph speed limit in Rosemary Lane, Thorpe, the Runnymede Joint Committee NOTED:


(i)            A speed survey will be undertaken to measure vehicle speeds in Rosemary Lane. The results of the survey will then be assessed in conjunction with the road safety record for the location.

(ii)           If the assessment identifies a problem with excessive speeds and poor road safety relative to other sites on the Runnymede speed management plan then Rosemary Lane would be categorised as a high priority site. Options for reducing vehicle speeds would then be assessed to determine what type of measure(s) would be most appropriate and effective.

Reasons for recommendations:


Rosemary Lane is not an existing site on the Runnymede speed management plan and vehicle speeds have not previously been monitored. In response to the concerns raised by the petition, a speed survey will therefore be undertaken in Rosemary Lane. The results of the survey will then be assessed by specialist road safety officers from the county council and Surrey Police.


For Petition 2, requesting a 20mph speed limit and traffic calming measures in Victoria Street, Englefield Green, the Runnymede Joint Committee NOTED:


(i)            The results of a speed survey and an examination of collision data indicate Victoria Street has both a good level of compliance with the speed limit and a good safety record relative to other locations on the Runnymede speed management plan.

(ii)           There are currently no proposals to introduce traffic calming measures or a reduced speed limit in Victoria Street, and the introduction of such measures would be difficult to justify as a priority when many sites on the speed Runnymede speed management plan have a significantly lower level of compliance with the speed limit and a much poorer safety record.

(iii)         Victoria Street will be retained on the Runnymede speed management plan and vehicle speeds and collision rates will be monitored within the next six months.


Reasons for recommendations:


Given both the good level of compliance with the speed limit and good safety record relative to so many other sites on the Runnymede speed management plan, it would be difficult to justify the introduction of measures at the location as a priority. Furthermore, the introduction of measures such as traffic calming and a 20mph speed limit would be unlikely to have any significant impact given the already relatively low average speed.


Declarations of Interest: None


Officers attending: David Curl, Parking Strategy and Implementation Team Manager


Petitions, Public Questions/Statements: 2 petitions were received. The text of each petition and the officer responses were published with the agenda pack.


Member Discussion – key points:


Petition 1: requesting a 20mph speed limit in Rosemary Lane, Thorpe.

The lead petitioner, Mr Doran, addressed the committee, drawing attention to the narrowness of the lane, the lack of space for cars to pass, and the use of the lane by children walking to school.


The local Borough member stated that he had visited Rosemary Lane in the week prior to this meeting; he supported the completion of a speed survey to collect data on vehicle driver behaviour and to indicate the level of need for further work. He thanked Mr Doran for attending the committee and for meeting him on-site.


The question about possible effects of covid-related changes to driving habits was raised and whether the survey process would allow for this. Officers commented that the council’s traffic studies team would be monitoring traffic levels countywide but they were confident that the results of the speed survey in this road would be accurate and reflect traffic activity at the time it was carried out.


Following consideration of collision data and the physical layout of the lane, committee members supported the recommendation for a speed survey.


The chairman thanked Mr Doran for attending.


For Petition 1 the Runnymede Joint Committee NOTED:


(i)            A speed survey will be undertaken to measure vehicle speeds in Rosemary Lane. The results of the survey will then be assessed in conjunction with the road safety record for the location.

(ii)           If the assessment identifies a problem with excessive speeds and poor road safety relative to other sites on the Runnymede speed management plan then Rosemary Lane would be categorised as a high priority site. Options for reducing vehicle speeds would then be assessed to determine what type of measure(s) would be most appropriate and effective.

Reasons for recommendations:


Rosemary Lane is not an existing site on the Runnymede speed management plan and vehicle speeds have not previously been monitored. In response to the concerns raised by the petition, a speed survey will therefore be undertaken in Rosemary Lane. The results of the survey will then be assessed by specialist road safety officers from the county council and Surrey Police.


Petition 2, requesting a 20mph speed limit and traffic calming measures in Victoria Street, Englefield Green.

There was no-one present to address the committee about this petition.


A speed survey had been carried out in autumn 2020 and showed good compliance with the speed limit; however, members raised points about changes in driving habits because of covid-related restrictions and the fact that survey results showed average speeds rather than maximum speeds. The local Borough member described the road as wide and straight, with clear sight lines, and asked for innovative ideas to be considered when tackling issues of vehicle speed on local roads.


The chairman asked officers to provide information on how the surveys are conducted and data extrapolated.


It was noted that the County Council’s policy on speed limits was being reviewed and he invited the local Member to submit her comments to the review.


A revision to recommendation (iii) was proposed by Cllr Heath and seconded by Cllr Mullens giving a deadline of six months within which to complete a speed survey, with members voting in favour of the revision.


For petition 2 the Runnymede Joint Committee NOTED:


(i)            The results of a speed survey and an examination of collision data indicate Victoria Street has both a good level of compliance with the speed limit and a good safety record relative to other locations on the Runnymede speed management plan.

(ii)           There are currently no proposals to introduce traffic calming measures or a reduced speed limit in Victoria Street, and the introduction of such measures would be difficult to justify as a priority when many sites on the speed Runnymede speed management plan have a significantly lower level of compliance with the speed limit and a much poorer safety record.

(iii)         Victoria Street will be retained on the Runnymede speed management plan and vehicle speeds and collision rates will be monitored within the next six months.


Reasons for recommendations:


Given both the good level of compliance with the speed limit and good safety record relative to so many other sites on the Runnymede speed management plan, it would be difficult to justify the introduction of measures at the location as a priority. Furthermore, the introduction of measures such as traffic calming and a 20mph speed limit would be unlikely to have any significant impact given the already relatively low average speed.


Supporting documents: