Elmbridge Borough Council has awarded CIL funding for a number schemes promoted by the Local Committee, which will enable these schemes to go ahead.
The feasibility study for new traffic and speed management measures in Oxshott Village Centre is moving forwards. A proposed overnight weight restriction has been proposed as a potential quick-win.
Officers have been working with members to agree priorities for Committee’s 2021-22 capital maintenance programme of carriageways and footways.
Public consultations have been completed for two schemes that originally emerged from the Active Travel programme.
That the Local Committee (Elmbridge) agreed:
(i) To authorise the creation of a new cycle route along the east side of Seven Hills Road, in the form of a shared surface on the existing (widened) footway, in consultation with the Divisional Members and residents as appropriate;
(ii) To authorise the Area Highway Manager to finalise the preferred options for improving the junctions at either end of Baker Street, Weybridge, in consultation with the Divisional Member and local community as appropriate, and to undertake any necessary legal procedure that may be necessary to deliver this scheme;
(iii) To authorise the creation of a new cycle route connecting the end of Grotto Road to Oatlands Drive, in the form of a shared surface on the existing (widened) footpath, in consultation with the Divisional Members and residents as appropriate;
(iv) To authorise the Area Highway Manager to advertise the legal notice for the introduction of a new Pegasus Crossing in Copsem Lane, Esher, at the point where the track underneath the powerlines crosses the road, in consultation with the Divisional Member and local stakeholders as appropriate, and to resolve any representations that might be received;
(v) Subject to Elmbridge Borough Council awarding CIL funding, to authorise the Area Highway Manager to advertise the legal notice for the removal of one Zebra Crossing and the introduction of a new Zebra Crossing in Walton High Street , in consultation with the Divisional Member, ward members and local community as appropriate, and to resolve any representations that might be received;
(vi) Subject to Elmbridge Borough Council awarding CIL funding, authorise the Area Highway Manager to deliver the road safety scheme Ember Lane, including any necessary legal procedure, in consultation with the Divisional Member and local community as appropriate ;
(vii)[Recommendation deleted as CIL decision has been deferred a decision pending consideration of whether the proposed scheme is the most appropriate] To reinstate the Task Group to consider the way forward;
(viii)Delegate authority to the Area Highway Manager to develop an overnight weight restriction for Oxshott Village, taking into account any potential impact on surrounding roads, in consultation with Divisional and Ward Members, the Mole Valley Local Committee and local communities as appropriate, including any legal procedure necessary to introduce the restriction, and should a scheme be identified that is supported by these stakeholders to implement the scheme;
(ix) Agree the 2021-22 programme of Capital Maintenance schemes, as detailed in Table 2 below, and to authorise the Area Team Manager, in consultation with the Chairman, Vice Chairman and Divisional Member to amend this programme as appropriate should unforeseen circumstances arise that would put the programme at risk of delivery;
(x) Agree to remove from the programme of works the part-time pedestrianisation proposal for Bridge Road, East Molesey, which emerged from the Active Travel scheme;
(xi) Agree to defer the trial of a new part time pedestrian area at the Lime Tree in Thames Ditton High Street, and to delegate authority to the Area Highway Manager to continue discussion with the Division and Ward Members and the local community with the intent of agreeing a consensus on how Thames Ditton High Street might be improved;
(xii)Authorise the Area Highway Manager in consultation with the Chairman, Vice Chairman, and relevant Divisional Member(s) to undertake all necessary procedures to deliver the agreed programmes.
Elmbridge Borough Council has awarded CIL funding for implementation of a number of schemes that have been promoted by the Local Committee. At the time of writing this report the outcomes of some applications for CIL funding were not known. Delegated authority is needed to facilitate the delivery of these schemes in consultation with local stakeholders.
The feasibility study for speed and traffic management measures in Oxshott Village centre has begun. A proposed overnight weight restriction has been identified as a potential quick win; delegated authority is needed to move this forward through its consultative and legal processes.
A programme of capital maintenance schemes needs to be agreed to invest Committee’s £311,000 allocation for this purpose. Officers have worked with Members to agree priorities. However should unforeseen circumstances arise that might put the programme at risk, the Area Highway Manager needs flexibility to amend the programme as appropriate.
In March 2021 Committee agreed to two public consultations – relating to Bridge Road in East Molesey and Thames Ditton High Street – these consultations have now been completed in consultation with local Divisional and Ward Members.
Declarations of Interest: None
Officers attending: Nick Healey, Area Highways Manager
Petitions, Public Questions/Statements: None
Member discussion –key points
The Area Highways Manager updated members on the latest position in relation to the CIL bids submitted. In relation to recommendation vii the position has changed since the study started and the Elmbridge Borough Council deferred consideration to determine if this is still the best way forward and provides value for money.
In respect of recommendation viii whilst members were supportive of a weight restriction, there was potential to impact on surrounding roads including into the Mole Valley area and this should be taken into account in considering the proposal.
The divisional member thanked the Area Highways Manager for the work done consulting both residents and businesses in the area on a potential pedestrian scheme and expressed his hope that it will be possible to do something which has a general consensus.
(i) To authorise the creation of a new cycle route along the east side of Seven Hills Road, in the form of a shared surface on the existing (widened) footway, in consultation with the Divisional Members and residents as appropriate;
(ii) To authorise the Area Highway Manager to finalise the preferred options for improving the junctions at either end of Baker Street, Weybridge, in consultation with the Divisional Member and local community as appropriate, and to undertake any necessary legal procedure that may be necessary to deliver this scheme;
(iii) To authorise the creation of a new cycle route connecting the end of Grotto Road to Oatlands Drive, in the form of a shared surface on the existing (widened) footpath, in consultation with the Divisional Members and residents as appropriate;
(iv) To authorise the Area Highway Manager to advertise the legal notice for the introduction of a new Pegasus Crossing in Copsem Lane, Esher, at the point where the track underneath the powerlines crosses the road, in consultation with the Divisional Member and local stakeholders as appropriate, and to resolve any representations that might be received;
(v) Subject to Elmbridge Borough Council awarding CIL funding, to authorise the Area Highway Manager to advertise the legal notice for the removal of one Zebra Crossing and the introduction of a new Zebra Crossing in Walton High Street, in consultation with the Divisional Member, ward members and local community as appropriate, and to resolve any representations that might be received;
(vi) Subject to Elmbridge Borough Council awarding CIL funding, authorise the Area Highway Manager to deliver the road safety scheme Ember Lane, including any necessary legal procedure, in consultation with the Divisional Member and local community as appropriate;
(vii)[Recommendation deleted as CIL decision has been deferred a decision pending consideration of whether the proposed scheme is the most appropriate] To reinstate the Esher Transport Study Member Task Group to consider the way forward;
(viii)To delegate authority to the Area Highway Manager to develop an overnight weight restriction for Oxshott Village, taking into account any potential impact on surrounding roads, in consultation with Divisional and Ward Members, the Mole Valley Local Committee and local communities as appropriate, including any legal procedure necessary to introduce the restriction, and should a scheme be identified that is supported by these stakeholders to implement the scheme;
(ix) To agree the 2021-22 programme of Capital Maintenance schemes, as detailed in Table 2 below, and to authorise the Area Team Manager, in consultation with the Chairman, Vice Chairman and Divisional Member to amend this programme as appropriate should unforeseen circumstances arise that would put the programme at risk of delivery;
(x) to agree to remove from the programme of works the part-time pedestrianisation proposal for Bridge Road, East Molesey, which emerged from the Active Travel scheme;
(xi) To agree to defer the trial of a new part time pedestrian area at the Lime Tree in Thames Ditton High Street, and to delegate authority to the Area Highway Manager to continue discussion with the Division and Ward Members and the local community with the intent of agreeing a consensus on how Thames Ditton High Street might be improved;
(xii)To authorise the Area Highway Manager in consultation with the Chairman, Vice Chairman, and relevant Divisional Member(s) to undertake all necessary procedures to deliver the agreed programmes.
Elmbridge Borough Council has awarded CIL funding for implementation of a number of schemes that have been promoted by the Local Committee. At the time of writing this report the outcomes of some applications for CIL funding were not known. Delegated authority is needed to facilitate the delivery of these schemes in consultation with local stakeholders.
The feasibility study for speed and traffic management measures in Oxshott Village centre has begun. A proposed overnight weight restriction has been identified as a potential quick win; delegated authority is needed to move this forward through its consultative and legal processes.
A programme of capital maintenance schemes needs to be agreed to invest Committee’s £311,000 allocation for this purpose. Officers have worked with Members to agree priorities. However should unforeseen circumstances arise that might put the programme at risk, the Area Highway Manager needs flexibility to amend the programme as appropriate.
In March 2021 Committee agreed to two public consultations – relating to Bridge Road in East Molesey and Thames Ditton High Street – these consultations have now been completed in consultation with local Divisional and Ward Members.
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