To seek agreement from Members for the Chief Executive to take up the role of Commissioner to Liverpool City Council.
Key points raised during the discussion:
1. The Chairman introduced the item and provided a brief summary. Members noted that the Chief Executive was advised that she had been nominated by the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG) to act as a Commissioner to Liverpool City Council. It was further noted that the nomination was for a period of three years in the role of Local Government Improvement Commissioner.
2. The Chairman highlighted that the Chief Executive would continue to attend her regular public meetings at Surrey County Council.
3. Eber Kington stated that he was not happy with the recommendation for the following reasons:
a. Surrey County Council was facing significant issues of its own which included service provision, climate change, the property estate, workforce and the pandemic.
b. It would become even more difficult to schedule meetings between political groups and the Chief Executive.
c. Concern for the Chief Executive’s wellbeing due to the additional workload.
d. Concern for the additional workload being put on the Chief Executive’s executive officers.
e. The Surrey County Council would be subsidising the process.
4. Due to the time commitment of the chief executive to Liverpool City Council, Will Forster ask whether the council would therefore have the capacity for a part-time Chief Executive following the end of the three year period.
5. Mark Nuti stated the he was pleased that the Chief Executive was selected to share the council’s good work and experience.
6. The Chairman made the following comments:
a. That the Chief Executive had given exemplar leadership to the council.
b. That local government was one family and that it was important to provide assistance to each other when needed.
c. That the council had a strong leader model and that he continued to aim to provide the best services possible with the support from the Chief Executive.
d. That the council was not losing its Chief Executive and that she would continue to attend her usual meetings.
e. That he had no concerns related to the chief executive’s work-life balance.
f. That he was aware of the challenges the council faced and would continue to lobby the Government and drive forward with interaction with the select committee process.
g. That he was supportive of the recommendations.
7. Eber Kington stated that his concerns were not related to the Chief Executive’s capability and hard work but was in regards to the possible outcomes.
8. The Chairman moved the recommendations. Recommendation one received 3 votes for, 0 against, and one abstention. Recommendation two was unanimously voted for the recommendation. Recommendation three was unanimously voted for the recommendation.
Actions/ further information to be provided:
The People, Performance and Development Committee:
1. approved the Chief Executive’s acceptance of the appointment of Commissioner to Liverpool City Council “LCC”.
2. noted the arrangements that have been put in place to give effect to the appointment.
3. noted the internal management arrangements that are to be put in place at Surrey County Council (SCC).
Supporting documents: