Agenda item


To receive an update from the Highways Area Team Manager (North East).



That the Spelthorne Joint Committee agreed to:


(i)     That the Area Highways Manager brief the divisional member in advance of consultation and be authorised in consultation with the Chairman, Vice-Chairman and Divisional and ward Members to advertise a legal order for new double yellow lines at the junctions of Gibson Place, Roberts Close, Park Road Service Road and Gleneagles Close with Park Road, Stanwell, and to resolve any objections that may be raised;

(ii)   Authorise the Area Highway Manager in consultation with the Chairman, Vice-Chairman and Divisional Member to advertise a legal order for a 20mph speed limit in Stratton Road, Rooksmead Road, Sunmead Road and Ravendale Road, Lower Sunbury, and to resolve and objections that may be raised;

(iii) That the Area Highways Manager brief the divisional member in advance of consultation and be authorised in consultation with the Chairman, Vice Chairman and Divisional and ward Members to undertake any necessary legal procedure, and to install appropriate signs and road markings, to enable buses to proceed straight ahead from the nearside lane of London Road, on its approach to Kingston Road from the Crooked Billet;

(iv) Agree the 2021-22 programme of Capital Maintenance schemes, as detailed in Table 2 below, and to authorise the Area Team Manager, in consultation with the Chairman, Vice Chairman and Divisional Member to amend this programme as appropriate should unforeseen circumstances arise that would put the programme at risk of delivery;

(v)   Authorise the Area Highway Manager in consultation with the Chairman, Vice-Chairman, and relevant Divisional Member(s) to undertake all necessary procedures to deliver the agreed programmes.


As part of the Road Safety Audit process, double yellow lines are proposed to ensure that vehicles can enter and exit the side roads on the northern side of Park Road, Stanwell, without overrunning the verge or the improved cycle route.


A legal order is needed to legitimise the apparent 20mph limit in a number of roads in Lower Sunbury.


Bus operators have suggested a low cost amendment that could improve journey time and reliability of bus services entering Staines along London Road.


A programme of capital maintenance schemes needs to be agreed to invest Committee’s £264,000 allocation for this purpose. Officers have worked with Members to agree priorities. However should unforeseen circumstances arise that might put the programme at risk, the Area Highway Manager needs flexibility to amend the programme as appropriate.



Declarations of Interest: None


Officers attending: The Area Highways Manager was unable to attend the meeting.


Petitions, Public Questions, Statements: None.


Member Discussion – key points:


In relation to the roads listed in Recommendation (ii) Cllr Smith-Ainsley asked what the process had been regarding the TRO when the 20mph signs were installed. Officers agreed to provide a written reply.


Local members stated that they had been unaware of roadworks proposed in their areas as part of the Highways report and a revised wording was agreed for Recommendations (i) and (iii) to ensure that members were briefed on possible works before being consulted by the Highways team.



The Spelthorne Joint Committee AGREED:


(i)     That the Area Highways Manager brief the divisional member in advance of consultation and be authorised in consultation with the Chairman, Vice-Chairman and Divisional and ward Members to advertise a legal order for new double yellow lines at the junctions of Gibson Place, Roberts Close, Park Road Service Road and Gleneagles Close with Park Road, Stanwell, and to resolve any objections that may be raised;

(ii)   To authorise the Area Highway Manager in consultation with the Chairman, Vice-Chairman and Divisional Member to advertise a legal order for a 20mph speed limit in Stratton Road, Rooksmead Road, Sunmead Road and Ravendale Road, Lower Sunbury, and to resolve and objections that may be raised;

(iii) That the Area Highways Manager brief the divisional member in advance of consultation and be authorised in consultation with the Chairman, Vice Chairman and Divisional and ward Members to undertake any necessary legal procedure, and to install appropriate signs and road markings, to enable buses to proceed straight ahead from the nearside lane of London Road, on its approach to Kingston Road from the Crooked Billet;

(iv) The 2021-22 programme of Capital Maintenance schemes, as detailed in Table 2 below, and to authorise the Area Team Manager, in consultation with the Chairman, Vice Chairman and Divisional Member to amend this programme as appropriate should unforeseen circumstances arise that would put the programme at risk of delivery;

(v)   To authorise the Area Highway Manager in consultation with the Chairman, Vice-Chairman, and relevant Divisional Member(s) to undertake all necessary procedures to deliver the agreed programmes.

Reasons for recommendations:

As part of the Road Safety Audit process, double yellow lines are proposed to ensure that vehicles can enter and exit the side roads on the northern side of Park Road, Stanwell, without overrunning the verge or the improved cycle route.


A legal order is needed to legitimise the apparent 20mph limit in a number of roads in Lower Sunbury.


Bus operators have suggested a low cost amendment that could improve journey time and reliability of bus services entering Staines along London Road.


A programme of capital maintenance schemes needs to be agreed to invest Committee’s £264,000 allocation for this purpose. Officers have worked with Members to agree priorities. However should unforeseen circumstances arise that might put the programme at risk, the Area Highway Manager needs flexibility to amend the programme as appropriate.


Supporting documents: