Extraction of silica sand from land north west of Brewerstreet Farm; the continued extraction from land known as Pendell Farm Quarry and North Park Farm Quarry; retention of a silica sand processing plant and ancillary structures at North Park Farm Quarry including stockpiling and storage areas, water and tailings pipelines, water treatment and holding lagoons and the haul road; retention of the conveyor and access tracks; continued temporary diversions of public footpaths 160, 161, 162 and 163 (parts) and public bridleways 142 and 148 (parts) and the continued stopping up of footpath 121 and 143 (parts); diversion of an unnamed brook along the boundary of land known as Pendell Farm Quarry and land north east of Brewerstreet Farm; with associated landscaping and woodland planting; and restoration and aftercare to agriculture and nature conservation.
1. Plans
2. Aerials / photographs
3. Plan ending 003 which shows all the former permissions in different colours
4. North Park Farm rights of way plan
5. Phasing plans COMP 30 – 34 which shows how the land is proposed to be worked
6. Restoration plan
Caroline Smith (Planning Group Manager)
Nancy El-Shatoury (Principal Highways and Planning Solicitor)
Stephen Jenkins (Planning Development Manager)
Andre Ferreira (Regulatory Business Manager)
Samantha Murphy (Planning Development Team Leader)
Christopher Reynolds (Senior Historic Buildings Officer)
Simon Elson (Principal Environment Enhancement Officer)
Key points raised during the discussion:
1. Officer introduced the report and provided Members with a brief summary. It was noted that the application was for the extraction of silica sand from land north west of Brewerstreet Farm; the continued extraction from land known as Pendell Farm Quarry and North Park Farm Quarry; retention of a silica sand processing plant and ancillary structures at North Park Farm Quarry including stockpiling and storage areas, water and tailings pipelines, water treatment and holding lagoons and the haul road; retention of the conveyor and access tracks; continued temporary diversions of public footpaths 160, 161, 162 and 163 (parts) and public bridleways 142 and 148 (parts) and the continued stopping up of footpath 121 and 143 (parts); diversion of an unnamed brook along the boundary of land known as Pendell Farm Quarry and land north east of Brewerstreet Farm; with associated landscaping and woodland planting; and restoration and aftercare to agriculture and nature conservation. Members noted a late response from the Environmental Agency.
2. Members noted that an update sheet was published on 24 May 2022.
3. A Member raised concern with the proximity of the works to the listed buildings. Officers explained that Historic England had initially assessed the works to have a high level of less than substantial harm to the buildings. The council and Historic England recognised that the works were an important mineral resource and so mitigations were put in place prior to consideration by the committee. These included:
a. Planting to mitigate issues caused by views from the conversation area.
b. Additional screening along Becks Cottage.
c. Additional documentation requested to show long term impacts.
4. The Historic Buildings Officer confirmed that he was content that tree planting would mitigate the visual issue and believed that nothing more could be done to enhance the screening.
5. Members sought officers opinion on the flooding risks to the historic buildings. The Historic Buildings Officer confirmed that he was not concerned by the risk of flooding due to the distance between the buildings and the soil bunds.
6. The Committee asked whether a condition could be included to address the risk of flooding from Water Lane on to the field and potentially damaging the buildings. Officers explained that there was a surface water drainage condition for both the operation and restoration. Members noted that the condition was an initial condition which needed to come in before any soil stripping took place on the extension area. Officers suggested that the condition be amended to include a regular review of the drainage scheme which was agreed by Members. Officers also highlighted that any issues could be picked up through the Landscape Ecological Plan.
7. Members noted that the Environmental Agency had suggested an additional condition related to contamination. A Member requested that the condition be amended to prevent works from continuing on site when contamination was found. Officers explained that stopping works may not be reasonable and proportionate to the level of contamination found and therefore suggested that, in the event of contamination being found, works be stopped within the vicinity of the identified contamination.
8. The Historic Buildings Officer noted that, following restoration, it was not possible to return the landscape to its original topography.
9. Members noted that the screening would be implemented to disguise both the quarry and the soil bunds however some views of the quarry would still be visible from historic buildings.
10. Members noted that it was possible for the permissive footpaths to be retained upon restoration of the area.
11. Officers highlighted that the seed mix to screen the soil bunds included both trees and shrubs.
The committee agreed to PERMIT subject to any added and amended conditions and informatives discussed at the meeting, and any conditions and informatives from page 186 of the agenda, and any added and amended conditions and informatives outlined within the update sheet.
Supporting documents: