Clare Curran, Cabinet Member for Children and
Rachael Wardell, Executive Director – Children, Families
and Lifelong Learning
Siobhan Walsh, Assistant Director – South West
Key points
raised in the discussion:
- The Cabinet Member introduced the item, noting that the Care
Leavers Service was subject to close review and scrutiny by the
Corporate Parenting Board, in which they focussed on specific areas
in greater detail. The Cabinet Member informed the Members that the
council was keen to sign up to the Care Leavers Charter and
emphasised the importance of the Celebration Fund.
- The Assistant Director introduced the report, noting that the
Service was in a strong position and had received positive feedback
from both the Ofsted monitoring visit and the full Ofsted
inspection. There was stability in the workforce, with a high
number of staff permanently recruited, as well as good skillset of
Personal Advisors (PAs). An area of improvement was to ensure that
they were consistently responsive to care leavers and to work with
PAs to ensure that they understand the complexities of the
- A
Member asked about the changing levels of demand for services over
the next few years and how this would be managed, with note to the
medium-term financial strategy (MTFS). The Member also asked about
the differing needs and funding of unaccompanied asylum-seeking
children (UASC) who often became care leavers. The Assistant
Director explained that the Service was well placed in terms of
capacity, but there was some work to been done with the 16-year-old
cohort. The biggest threat was the impact of international
circumstances, as Surrey received high numbers of UASC. There was a
dedicated team for this cohort, with a capacity of 100 children.
There were currently around 15-16 new arrivals each month, thus, if
the predicted arrival rate continued, then this would place a large
demand on the Service. The over-18 cohort had increased to 318
asylum experienced care leavers. There were two county-wide care
leaver teams for this cohort, who understood the specific needs of
these young people. There were also specialist mental health
services in place to support those young people who presented a
different type of trauma.
- The Executive Director added that children who grew up in Surrey
were likely to leave the Service prior to becoming a care leaver,
however, as UASC arrived without family and usually at an older
age, they were likely to be eligible for services until 25 years
old. It was expected that the demand would continue to rise.
Practices within the Safeguarding Service intended to drive down
the number of children who became care leavers, however, this was
more difficult during the pandemic. The Executive Director
commented that care leavers should be funded by the Home Office,
although they were not adequately funded currently. As demand could
change quickly, this was closely monitored and factored into
financial planning.
- A
Member queried whether the accommodation for asylum experienced
care leavers was different to the accommodation of the wider
cohort. The Assistant Director explained that the accommodation
was, provided based on need and not significantly different to that
of the wider cohort. The Service had an extensive offer of
supported accommodation available and had recently increased the
number of beds available by around 100. The Assistant Director
acknowledged that there was a legacy issue of some young people
being placed outside of Surrey where there was not sufficient
provision in county, however, this position was changing. The
Member asked whether the Assistant Director could provide the
numbers regarding differences in accommodation following the
- Regarding the rising cost of living, the Member asked about the
support provided for care leavers. The Assistant Director responded
that the Service had access to the Household Support Fund and they
had increased payments to care leavers during the pandemic. There
was still work to be done to ensure that care leavers received all
that they are entitled to. Independence skill training was even
more important now to ensure they understand how to budget. The
Member also asked how issues highlighted by the Ofsted monitoring
visit regarding delayed support payments had been addressed. The
Assistant Director explained that she had investigated the issue
with colleagues in finance and it had been addressed. The Member
enquired about the energy efficiency of the accommodation of care
leavers, as well as support for those in accommodation that was
more expensive to run. The Assistant Director noted that some
providers had started to allocate smart meters to young people but
acknowledged that this did not address it entirely. If a young
people encountered specific hardships, there was flexibility with
the policy which would be raised with their PA. The Executive
Director added that the teams were not resourced nor prioritised to
understand the energy ratings of accommodation. They were conscious
of the council’s Greener Futures plan and it would fit into
this in the future.
- A
Member asked when the Service would be in the position to implement
the care leavers housing protocol. The Assistant Director explained
that they were close to finalising it and it would likely be
implemented in the next fortnight.
- In
response to a question on targets for increasing the number of care
leavers in county, the Assistant Director explained that ideally,
they would want all young people to be in Surrey. The exact targets
could be provided following the meeting. They would not want to
move a young person who was settled, thus, the focus was now on
preventing young people moving outside of Surrey. It was often the
case that UASC wanted to be placed in London, partially due to
cultural understandings, and work to manage those expectations
needed to be done. There were some challenges for PAs as they would
not have as thorough understanding of the offers available outside
of Surrey. It could make negotiations harder, but outcomes were not
necessarily worse.
- A
Member queried whether the council maintained the financial
responsibility for a UASC care leaver if they moved out of the
county. The Assistant Director clarified that any UASC that had
arrived in Surrey and remained in the Service’s care for at
least 24 hours, became the responsibility of Surrey County Council
until they are 21 or 25.
- A
Member asked about the impact of moving young people back into
Surrey once they become a care leaver. The Executive Director
explained that when any young person becomes a care leaver, the
work completed with their PA was individualised. Care leavers had
the opportunity to ‘stay put’ with their foster carers.
The Executive Director noted that the transition to adulthood was
difficult and there were no pre-determined outcomes.
- In
response to a question on accommodation stability and supported
accommodation, the Assistant Director explained that a care leaver
was likely to experience at least two changes in accommodation, but
the precise data could be provided after the meeting. Around 95-97%
of care leavers were placed in suitable accommodation. There needed
to be more work on the offer of supported lodging. There had been
interest for bids for staying close, as a step-down option from
residential accommodation.
- A
Member asked about houses in multiple occupation (HMO). The
Assistant Director responded that they had been developing an HMO
offer in areas where care leavers lived close to colleges. The
Service commissioned floating support to help with tenancy
management and had worked with Money Works, a charity that helped
with financial literacy and management.
- A
Member noted a number of points which came out of the session with
care leavers earlier in the week, such as: a lack of PAs, pathway
plans feeling like a tick box exercise, and a lack of training for
the transition into adulthood. The Member acknowledged that some
care leavers did emphasise the positive relationship they had with
their PA. The Assistant Director explained that caseloads were in
line with national guidelines and were reasonable. Some PAs could
have more young people; however, some would be 16 years old and
thus, the level of contact would be much lower. Ofsted had a
similar view on caseloads. There was an inconsistency around
pathway plans, with some being creative and collaborative, and
others not so. The Assistant Director noted that workforce
stability was fairly good, the greatest turnover of staff was in
the east of the county; however, most PAs were permanent. The
Service had resources for preparing for independence, especially
for those in residential homes. The Service needed to get the
message out to young people about the importance of this work and
to start it at a younger age. The UVP team had been working on
this, for example, by encouraging care leavers to write letters to
their younger self. The Assistant Director added that they were
hoping to develop some trainer flats to help with the transition.
The Executive Director clarified that the primary worker for a
16-year-old looked after child was still their social worker,
rather than their PA. The Cabinet Member added that a lot of
positive comments had come out at the pre-meets with looked after
children and care leavers for the Corporate Parenting Board
meetings, especially on transitions.
- A
Member asked whether a care leaver was able to remain in their
foster care home. The Assistant Director explained that the
conversation would take place in their review and if both parties
wanted it to happen, arrangements could be facilitated. The Member
also asked about support for a mainstream young person at risk of
becoming homeless. The Executive Director explained that the term
‘young person’ covered both children and adults. If
they were under 18 and presented as homeless, they could become a
looked after child or receive help for housing from their District
or Borough Council. If they were a young adult, the County Council
would not be involved in finding them support, this would come from
the District or Borough Council.
- A
Member raised concern regarding a small number of care leavers who
lacked suitable accommodation which had been noted in the Ofsted
monitoring report. The Executive Director explained that there had
been an ongoing dialogue between the Service and District and
Borough Councils to address this. Members, especially those who
were twin hatters, could help to support this collaboration. Care
leavers could now make a housing application for more than one
District or Borough. The Assistant Director noted the importance of
understanding each other’s roles and responsibilities with
regards to social care and housing. They were meeting next week
with District and Boroughs about the findings from the Ofsted
visit. The Assistant Director emphasised that bed and breakfast
accommodation should only be exceptionally used and for a short
period of time.
- A
Member requested that future reports highlighted both positive
areas and those that required improvement to ensure that the Select
Committee received a balanced picture. This was noted by the
Executive Director.
- A
Member asked what proportion of 16-year-olds had a PA allocated to
them and how this compared for those out of county. The Member
additionally asked about how issues identified in pathway plans
were addressed and the timeliness of reviewing the plans every six
months. The Assistant Director explained that the target for
pathway plans was that there were in be in place by 16 years and 3
months and were undertaken predominantly by their social worker
months before. It covered all areas of their life including where
they were now and preparing for independence. The Service was
currently 20% below their target for pathway plans in place by 16
years and 3 months. There were performance clinics to monitor this
and supervision with team managers and social workers. Timeliness
of reviews were 7% below target. There were pathway surgeries in
place to ensure that social workers understood the quality that was
expected. There were different expectations of a PA regarding their
involvement with a 16-year-old. There was no difference for those
placed out of county. Work was needed to ensure that plans were
updated when significant changes in a young person’s life
took place and to ensure when a plan was handed over to a PA from a
social worker, that any issues were addressed. The Member asked
about recruiting suitable PAs for UASC or those with language
barriers. The Assistant Director explained that they had a number
of PAs who were fluent in other languages, but they were still
largely reliant on interpreting services and tried to enrol UASC
care leavers into English language lessons early on.
- The Cabinet Member encouraged Members to think about any
opportunities that they could facilitate for looked after children
or care leavers.
The Assistant Director – South West to provide
the provide the data on the differences in accommodation between
asylum experienced care leavers and the wider cohort.
The Assistant Director – South West to provide
the targets for the number of care leavers in county and associated
The Assistant Director – South West to provide
data on the number of changes of accommodation experienced by care
- The Select Committee
recommends that the Corporate Parenting Service work with the
Council’s Greener Futures Team to understand the energy
efficiency of current care leavers accommodation and opportunities
for its improvement, and seek to place care leavers in energy
efficient accommodation wherever possible going
- The Select Committee
agrees to write to
all district and borough councils in Surrey
encouraging them to support the housing needs of care leavers;
all County Councillors requesting those who are also
members of district or borough councils to encourage those councils
to act to support the independent accommodation needs of care