Agenda item


A verbal update is to be provided on the surveillance of the data and intelligence concerning COVID-19.




Dr Naheed Rana - Public Health Consultant (SCC)

Ruth Hutchinson - Director of Public Health (SCC)


Key points raised in the discussion:

1.   The Public Health Consultant (SCC) noted:

·         the daily monitoring, intelligence and surveillance of data by the Public Health Team (SCC), including a review of the triggers and escalations concerning Covid-19 cases per 100,000 population, test positivity, transmission and vaccinations; agreed actions and notifications.

·         an overview of Covid-19 cases in Surrey up to 24 August 2021 shown via the epi curve across the three lockdowns and the Government’s roadmap out of lockdown, to date there had been 102,177 positive Covid-19 cases in Surrey.

·         the peak in cases as a result of the UEFA European Football Championship final and peak as a result of the easing of restrictions from Step 4 of the Government’s roadmap out of lockdown on 19 July 2021.

·         the number of cases and rates per 100,000 population for the 7-day period up to 29 August 2021: England - 296 per 100,000, South East - 267.9 per 100,000, Surrey - 242.9 per 100,000, Surrey Heath - 284.7 per 100,000 compared to Mole Valley - 195.3 per 100,000.

·         that rates over the last few months across the Boroughs and Districts in Surrey had been fluctuating, nationally Surrey’s Boroughs and Districts were ranked towards the bottom end of the lower-tier local authorities in England for the latest 7-day period to 28 August 2021, recognising the targeted efforts to achieve the decrease in case rates. 

·         that cases in Surrey were on a downward trajectory but could rise with schools starting and rates remained high as shown in the infographic on Surrey Covid-19 summary of cases and rates over a 7-day period published on 1 September 2021.

·         the heat map of cases per 100,000 population by age group across Surrey between 29 July 2021 - 21 August 2021 and within the Boroughs and Districts, with the highest cases in 20 to 29 year olds followed by 10 to 19 year olds. There was also a slight increase in cases for over 50 and 60 year olds.

·         the weekly case rates per 100,000 population in Surrey and surrounding areas between 19 July 2021 - 29 August 2021, areas with higher cases were holiday destinations.

·         that in Surrey up to 30 August 2021 around 84% the adult population had received at least one dose of the Covid-19 vaccination, 77% had received their second dose; uptake varied across the Boroughs and Districts.

·         the triangulation of vaccination rates and case rates, to target areas of higher rates and lower vaccine uptake.

·         the weekly Surrey Covid-19 Intelligence Publications, infographic and summary. 

2.    The Chairman sought an update on an action from the June Informal Board:

-       Minute item 19/21: 1. The Public Health team (SCC) will liaise with the Vice-Chairman concerning his offer of logistical support by Reigate and Banstead Borough Council through volunteers to encourage the uptake of vaccinations.

-     In response, the Director of Public Health (SCC) noted that the ongoing work on encouraging the uptake of vaccinations was led by the Covid Vaccination Programme Director, Surrey Heartlands Integrated Care System - Charlotte Keeble and the Public Health Principal (SCC) - Dr Lucy Gate led on the work with the Boroughs and Districts in Surrey.

-        The Director of Public Health (SCC) noted that there were pockets of lower vaccine uptake in localised geographical areas and population groups within the Boroughs and Districts.

-        The Director of Public Health (SCC) noted that the vaccination Equalities Impact Assessment was being updated and was held under the vaccine equality workstream whereby engagement with Boroughs and Districts was ongoing.

-        The Public Health Consultant (SCC) noted the targeted work within Reigate and Banstead through the five-week task and finish group set up from each of the Boroughs and Districts to triangulate the intelligence on the numbers of residents not vaccinated within the Middle Layer Super Output Areas (MSOAs), with the local services, teams and communications.

3.    The Chairman noted that she had progressed the below action from the June Informal Board, having had a meeting with colleagues from Public Health to promote vaccine uptake particularly in Stanwell and Staines, it was encouraging to see that Spelthorne had a good vaccine uptake on the map, noting the success of the “Grab a Jab” campaign locally:

-     Minute item 19/21: 2. The Chairman will liaise with Spelthorne Borough Council to look to return such an offer in relation to logistical support of the vaccination programme through volunteers.

4.    A Board member asked whether there were any assumptions concerning future modelling and insights to help Surrey better prepare for autumn and winter.

-       In response, the Public Health Consultant (SCC) explained that a report was being prepared on different future modelling assumptions, including the impact of the vaccinations and a potential booster vaccine as well as hospital admissions and deaths in relation to Covid-19, and on winter bugs and viruses; and that the report would be taken to the next Board.

-       The Chairman highlighted the importance of monitoring and preparing for winter pressures, as the next Board was not until mid-November, she asked how Board members could receive the information in advance. 

-       The Director of Public Health (SCC) stressed the challenging nature of modelling and noted that the modelling report would be shared with Board members as soon as possible and was happy to run an informal private Board meeting on modelling.


RESOLVED: (informally)

The Board noted the verbal update and presentation.


Actions/further information to be provided:


1.    The Public Health Consultant (SCC) and Director of Public Health (SCC) will share the report on future autumn and winter modelling assumptions, in advance of the next Board meeting.

2.    The Public Health Consultant (SCC) and Director of Public Health (SCC) to liaise with the Board’s Committee Manager (SCC) to set up an informal private Board meeting to provide detail on the autumn and winter modelling assumptions.