Cabinet to consider the following:
A. Referral of County Council motion to Cabinet (Motion 8 iv)
B. Referral of County Council motion to Cabinet (Motion 8 v)
At the County Council meeting on 12 October 2021, Lance Spencer moved a motion under Standing Order 11. It was agreed for the motion to be referred to Cabinet for consideration.
1. That the Cabinet Member for Environment write to the Rt Hon Michael Gove MP, the new Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities, the Rt Hon Kwasi Kwarteng MP Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, and Alok Sharma, President of COP26 to urge sufficient funding and policy change to allow local government to make urgent progress in meeting its challenges meaningfully in the financial year 2022/23.
2. That the Cabinet Member for Environment review and update the existing communications and engagement plan, before the next meeting of the Council, to set out how we will engage with the 1.2 million residents, eighty-one Members and businesses across Surrey so they fully understand the transformation needed for Surrey to meet its carbon reduction targets.
The Community, Environment and Highways Select Committee scrutinised, as part of its pre-decision scrutiny process, the Government’s new National Bus Strategy for England (Bus Back Better). Recommendations were considered by Cabinet at its meeting.
3. That the recommendations from the Communities, Environment and Highways Select Committee on the National Bus Strategy, Bus Back Better be noted.
Motion 8IV on the agenda had been deferred pending a government consultation outcome.
Motion 8V was introduced by Lance Spencer who explained that the global average temperature had already increased by roughly 1.1 to 1.2 degrees and if action wasn’t taken it could hit 3 degrees a catastrophe for earth. Although there was currently a focus on net zero pledges including pledges by Surrey County Council, these net zero pledges lacked the policy detail and delivery mechanisms, and the deficit between the targets and the global carbon budget was widening every year. The battle against climate change was being lost and will have various knock on effects for societies and businesses in different regions of the world. The member asked that Cabinet approach the national government and ask them release those funds necessary for this Council to hit the various targets that have been set in the ambitious plans as laid out in the greener Futures delivery plan and also for the Cabinet to consider how it is going to communicate and engage with members, residents and numerous businesses to get them to truly understand what needs to be done to save the planet.
The motion was seconded by Catherine Baart who added that it was important to limit the amount of carbon released before we reach a net zero. Bold changes in policy at national level were vital as well as a strong communications plan.
The Cabinet Member for Environment welcomed the motion and was happy to write to ministers regarding policy change and funding. The engagement plan would be discussed later in the meeting under the greener futures item. The work on the plan would begin immediately and discussions would be taking place with the district and boroughs. The Leader also supported the motion and explained that the focus over the last few months had been to adopt a county wide plan with district and boroughs.
The report of the Select Committee was introduced by John O’Reilly who welcomed the Bus Service Improvement Plan (BSIP) but raised some concern around government uncertainty with funding for this plan. The Member explained the recommendations put forward by the Select Committee. The Cabinet Member for Transport and Infrastructure welcomed the Select Committee report explaining that writing the BSIP had been a challenge as government kept changing its advice to local authorities. A number of options to reduce bus fares were being consider to encourage people to use buses more. The Cabinet Member had written to Baroness Vere regarding the cuts to bus funding.
1. That the Cabinet Member for Environment write to the Rt Hon Michael Gove MP, the new Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities, the Rt Hon Kwasi Kwarteng MP Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, and Alok Sharma, President of COP26 to urge sufficient funding and policy change to allow local government to make urgent progress in meeting its challenges meaningfully in the financial year 2022/23.
2. That the Cabinet Member for Environment review and update the existing communications and engagement plan, before the next meeting of the Council, to set out how we will engage with the 1.2 million residents, eighty-one Members and businesses across Surrey so they fully understand the transformation needed for Surrey to meet its carbon reduction targets.
3. That the recommendations from the Communities, Environment and Highways Select Committee on the National Bus Strategy, Bus Back Better be noted.
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