Agenda item

Surrey's Greener Futures Climate Change Delivery Plan (CCDP)

This report sets out plans to reduce emissions and tackle the effects of climate change in line with net-zero carbon targets between 2021 and 2025. 

(The decisions on this item can be called-in by the Communities, Environment and Highways Select Committee)






1.    That Cabinet approves the Greener Futures Climate Change Delivery Plan for 2021 – 2025 (Delivery Plan).

2.    That Cabinet approve the Council’s 2030 Net Zero Carbon Programme (the 2030 Programme), which sets out how the Council’s organisational emissions will be reduced, on the basis that any resulting significant new policy will be brought to future Cabinet meetings for approval.

3.    That Cabinet approves the initial Greener Futures Finance Strategy (the Finance Strategy), noting the quantum of investment necessary to meet our 2030 and 2050 carbon reduction targets, that the plan will be reiterated over time and recognising that where appropriate future investment will need to be considered as part of the Council’s MTFS.

4.    That Cabinet approves the initial Greener Futures Communications and Engagement Plan (the Engagement Plan), whose priorities will be updated on a six-monthly basis; recognising the critical role of partners in delivering net zero carbon.

5.    That delegated authority for approving any further changes to the Delivery Plan is given to the Executive Director for Environment, Transport and Infrastructure in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Environment, to enable the plan to evolve and adapt to local and national developments.


Reasons for Decisions:


The Delivery Plan and associated annexes document the proposed approach to meeting the targets set out in the Climate Change Strategy agreed by the SCC Cabinet in May 2020. The Delivery Plan is Surrey-wide, not a plan solely for SCC. It must have broad ownership by the public sector, residents, communities and business for successful delivery, and it must continue to remain relevant to existing and new partners to ensure continued ownership. National policy and technology are rapidly changing so the Delivery Plan must also be agile. Therefore, it is recommended that delegated authority be given to the Executive Director for Environment, Transport and Infrastructure in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Environment to evolve the Delivery Plan.

[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Communities, Environment and Highways Select Committee]



The report was introduced by the Cabinet Member for Environment who explained that The Climate Change Strategy (CCS) published in May 2020 sets out what needs to be achieved to decarbonise the county by 2050 and Surrey County Council by 2030. Cabinet were being asked to approve various plans including the Greener Futures Climate Change Delivery Plan for 2021 2025 (Delivery Plan). Real progress had been made with the plans but extensive work would need to be done over the coming months around the finance and communication plan. All the work being undertaken is driven by a desire to have better outcomes for the next generation. The council had not been directed by government and had taken its own initiatives to develop its greener future work. There was a short discussion amongst the Cabinet around the finance strategy and the Your Fund initiative which would support the greener agenda.


Andy Macleod, Chairman of the Greener Futures Member Reference Group introduced the recommendations of the group explaining that ongoing engagement had taken place with the Cabinet Member and officers to reach the set of recommendations. The member pressed the Leader on the importance of online meetings for members to support the climate change agenda. The Leader explained that he had spoken with the Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities who supported the idea of hybrid meetings although primary legislation would be required to impose this.


Jonathan Essex welcomed the report but argued that the council needed to be more ambitious in its aims and felt that there was a gap between the strategy and the delivery plan. The member queried what needed to be done in terms of the evidence base asks of government with regards to funding. The Cabinet Member for Environment explained that ambitions in the strategy were set at a realistic level. The Cabinet Member for Transport and Environment welcomed the comprehensive report and stated that housing growth and road improvements/expansions should not always be viewed in a negative light and are a vital requirement for a growing society. Roads and homes could be built in a sustainable manner.




1.    That Cabinet approves the Greener Futures Climate Change Delivery Plan for 2021 – 2025 (Delivery Plan).

2.    That Cabinet approve the Council’s 2030 Net Zero Carbon Programme (the 2030 Programme), which sets out how the Council’s organisational emissions will be reduced, on the basis that any resulting significant new policy will be brought to future Cabinet meetings for approval.

3.    That Cabinet approves the initial Greener Futures Finance Strategy (the Finance Strategy), noting the quantum of investment necessary to meet our 2030 and 2050 carbon reduction targets, that the plan will be reiterated over time and recognising that where appropriate future investment will need to be considered as part of the Council’s MTFS.

4.    That Cabinet approves the initial Greener Futures Communications and Engagement Plan (the Engagement Plan), whose priorities will be updated on a six-monthly basis; recognising the critical role of partners in delivering net zero carbon.

5.    That delegated authority for approving any further changes to the Delivery Plan is given to the Executive Director for Environment, Transport and Infrastructure in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Environment, to enable the plan to evolve and adapt to local and national developments.


Reasons for Decisions:


The Delivery Plan and associated annexes document the proposed approach to meeting the targets set out in the Climate Change Strategy agreed by the SCC Cabinet in May 2020. The Delivery Plan is Surrey-wide, not a plan solely for SCC. It must have broad ownership by the public sector, residents, communities and business for successful delivery, and it must continue to remain relevant to existing and new partners to ensure continued ownership. National policy and technology are rapidly changing so the Delivery Plan must also be agile. Therefore, it is recommended that delegated authority be given to the Executive Director for Environment, Transport and Infrastructure in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Environment to evolve the Delivery Plan.

[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Communities, Environment and Highways Select Committee]


Supporting documents: