Agenda item


To receive any petitions in accordance with Standing Order 68.


Declarations of Interest: Cllr Neale stated that he had taken part in the ‘Walk for Safety’ on Old Malden Lane in September.


Officers attending: Nick Healey, formerly Area Highways Manager


Petitions, Public Questions, Statements:

One petition had been received, from Cllr Jones (Cuddington ward), requesting a feasibility study of options relating to pedestrian safety on Old Malden Lane. The petition and officer’s response are included in the main agenda pack.


Cllr Jones addressed the meeting. He stressed the increase in the number of houses that has occurred since he moved to the road and developments which are still planned. The northern side of the Lane will be full, with 110 properties, bringing a consequent rise in the number of vehicle movements and pedestrians; although SCC officers had offered some suggestions of work to improve the situation Cllr Jones felt these were inadequate in relation to pedestrian safety. He noted that on completion of the final proposed development, which included provision of a footway, there would be a gap of 80m with no footway; the landowners along this stretch have said they would be happy for a path to be constructed.


Member Discussion – key points:

The officer outlined the issue as being one of limited available space. It was encouraging to hear that the landowners with the 80m frontage where the gap would be were happy to allow a path; this is something that could be covered by the local committee’s budget. Traffic calming measures would be expensive, at approximately £25,000 per speed cushion, plus upgraded street lighting. It was noted that any footway installed would be fully accessible and include features such as tactile surfaces.


The feasibility study would cover the design and cost of a scheme. It would not take place before the start of the next financial year at the earliest, by which time the outcome of the planning application would be known. It was suggested that building work could be done in advance of knowing when this final housing development would be built.


With the housing developments taking place and planned, it was suggested that CIL funding might be available. While this could be applied for, it was noted that the allocation of CIL is a decision for the Borough Council and not the local committee.


The Divisional member for Ewell Court, Auriol & Cuddington thanked the officer for the suggestions of works to improve the lane such as cutting back vegetation and cleaning the road markings and installing signs but he stressed the need for further action to allow for the scale of development that is taking place.


In the light of the importance of the road as a main route through the area, the expectation of an increase in the number of vehicles and pedestrians, and the recorded history of accidents along the road, members agreed there was a need to address the situation.



Using the text of the petition as a recommendation, the Local Committee (Epsom & Ewell) AGREED:


To fund a feasibility study to assess options for improving the safety of pedestrians using Old Malden Lane, including a 20mph speed limit, physical speed reduction measures, improved signage and the potential for extending the existing footway.


Members voted by a show of hands:

In favour – nine

Against – zero


Reasons:  To take forward this study in response to the petition.

Supporting documents: