Agenda item

Your Fund Surrey Application - Normandy Community Shop And Café Limited

This report is for Cabinet decision making approval for funding the amount of £518,354 from Surrey County Council’s (SCCs) Your Fund Surrey, towards the construction of a community shop and café located in Normandy Surrey. 


(The decisions on this item can be called-in by the Communities, Environment and Highways Select Committee)




1.         That Cabinet approve the recommendation to fund project CF104 Normandy Community Shop and Café Limited – Normandy Community Shop and Café, for the full amount requested £518,354.


2.         That Cabinet agree the further following conditions in awarding this funding:

a.      That the project demonstrates a commitment to local skills, vocational training, volunteering and employment opportunities linked to the enterprise, including support for employment opportunities so the widest cross-section of residents can benefit from this project.

b.      That the project demonstrates a commitment to sustainable practices in the operation of the shop and café premises, and that Surrey County Council, through its Greener Futures team, should provide support and advice.


Reason for Decisions:


The recommendations will enable expenditure from the Your Fund Surrey to be awarded to the Normandy Community Shop and café project. This application has been the subject of a rigorous assessment process by officers, as set out in the body of this report.  Officers consider the project to meet the aims and published criteria of the fund and to satisfy the requirements to award funding.

The application is recommended for a full award of funding as the project has been formulated in response to a demonstrated community need which is extensively supported both in advocacy and financially by residents. It will provide the widest possible community benefit directly through using the shop and café but also in relation to the opportunities provided, such as training and employment.

The recommendation in the report will contribute towards the Surrey County Council’s (SCCs) priority areas of growing a sustainable economy so everyone can benefit; tackling health inequality; enabling a greener future through using renewable energy and trading of local produce; and enabling communities through investing in a meaningful and lasting way in the Normandy community.

(The decisions on this item can be called-in by the Communities, Environment and Highways Select Committee)




The Cabinet Member for Communities explained that Keith Witham who was the local member in the area which the project fell was supportive of the project but as he was a shareholder in the Community interest company that was formed he could not take part in the proceedings of the Cabinet meeting or the advisory panel that took place earlier in the month. To date over 200 applications had been received. The Cabinet Member briefly explained that results of the community survey demonstrated strong community support for a shop and cafe and indicated residents’ willingness to help set-up and then to volunteer in different capacities and contribute towards such a venture. A community share offer launched in relation to the project has generated £89,421, with over 280 people investing. The business plan for the project had been thoroughly scrutinised by finance and legal.


Nick Darby who sat on the YFS advisory panel spoke on the item stating that this was essentially a commercial venture and that the advisory panel had not been given the opportunity to review the business plan for the project. The Cabinet Member explained that the advisory panel was ‘advisory’ and that the relevant experts had been engaged with to carry out due diligence on the project. The Cabinet Member agreed to take away the comments made around sharing information.


There was support for the project from the Cabinet and it was commented that it was positive to see funding being used to support the local community. 




1.         That Cabinet approve the recommendation to fund project CF104 Normandy Community Shop and Café Limited – Normandy Community Shop and Café, for the full amount requested £518,354.


2.         That Cabinet agree the further following conditions in awarding this funding:

a.      That the project demonstrates a commitment to local skills, vocational training, volunteering and employment opportunities linked to the enterprise, including support for employment opportunities so the widest cross-section of residents can benefit from this project.

b.      That the project demonstrates a commitment to sustainable practices in the operation of the shop and café premises, and that Surrey County Council, through its Greener Futures team, should provide support and advice.


Reason for Decisions:


The recommendations will enable expenditure from the Your Fund Surrey to be awarded to the Normandy Community Shop and café project. This application has been the subject of a rigorous assessment process by officers, as set out in the body of this report.  Officers consider the project to meet the aims and published criteria of the fund and to satisfy the requirements to award funding.

The application is recommended for a full award of funding as the project has been formulated in response to a demonstrated community need which is extensively supported both in advocacy and financially by residents. It will provide the widest possible community benefit directly through using the shop and café but also in relation to the opportunities provided, such as training and employment.

The recommendation in the report will contribute towards the Surrey County Council’s (SCCs) priority areas of growing a sustainable economy so everyone can benefit; tackling health inequality; enabling a greener future through using renewable energy and trading of local produce; and enabling communities through investing in a meaningful and lasting way in the Normandy community.

(The decisions on this item can be called-in by the Communities, Environment and Highways Select Committee)



Supporting documents: