Agenda item



The Local Committee (Elmbridge):


(i)      Delegated authority to the Engagement and Commissioning Team Manager, in consultation with the Chairman, Vice Chairman, Divisional Member and residents of New Road Esher, to agree a scheme of traffic calming for New Road, to include a reduction in speed limit to 20mph, and to undertake any necessary legal procedures for the implementation of the agreed scheme, and to facilitate implementation of the scheme at the expense of the residents of New Road (paragraphs 2.1 to 2.3 and Annex A refer);


(ii)      Delegated authority to the Engagement and Commissioning Team Manager, in consultation with the Chairman, Vice Chairman, Divisional Member and local stakeholders, to agree the extent of a new 20mph limit for Oxshott Village centre, and subject to funding being identified for implementation promote the necessary legal order for the new limit, and implement the scheme (paragraphs 2.4 to 2.6 and Annex B refer);


(iii)     Authorised the Engagement and Commissioning Team Manager in consultation with the Chairman, Vice Chairman, and relevant Divisional Member(s) to undertake all necessary procedures to deliver the agreed programmes.


Reasons for recommendations:


New Road, Esher, is a privately owned and maintained road, which has a full Public Highway right.  This means that while the residents, who are also the owners of this road, are responsible for the upkeep and any improvements to the road, only Surrey County Council as Highway Authority can approve changes that require a traffic regulation order to be made.


Traffic survey results from Oxshott indicate that a 20mph limit may be feasible in the centre of the village with signs alone – without any supporting engineering measures.  Authorisation is sought to move forwards with this in consultation with relevant members and local stakeholders.


Declarations of Interest: None


Officers Attending: Nick Healey, Highway Scheme Design Manager; Zena Curry, Engagement and Commissioning Manager


Petitions, Public Questions and Statements: None


Key points from discussion:

The officer introduced his report, which covered three separate issues:

·         a request by residents of the private New Road in Esher to install measures to slow traffic.

·         progress with the Oxshott Village 20mph limit

·         the impacts of recently introduced speed-reducing measures on the approaches to Esher Green.

The Vice-Chairman outlined the situation that residents of New Road find themselves in, where they are liable for the maintenance of the road but have no say over who can drive along it (the road has full access to the public since rights were acquired after 1945). He and the officer had visited the road and spoken to residents, and he supported the recommendation as it would provide the fastest way to introduce changes.


Cllr Sugden welcomed the results of the Oxshott speed surveys and the conclusion that it would appear to be possible to introduce a 20mph limit on the village high street without the need for engineering interventions. He added that there were other sections further out along the A244 that would need expensive work and suggested the use of average speed cameras especially in the areas leading to a new 20mph stretch. He also mentioned the need for measures to be taken on Steel’s Lane.


Esher Green had been the county’s second-worst accident location; following works such as the installation of raised pedestrian crossings this situation had improved. Members recognised that while the junction has not been completely sorted out there is little more that can realistically be done to it (for example, installation of a roundabout would not be feasible because of constraints to do with the nearby common land).




The Local Committee (Elmbridge):


(i)      Delegated authority to the Engagement and Commissioning Team Manager, in consultation with the Chairman, Vice Chairman, Divisional Member and residents of New Road Esher, to agree a scheme of traffic calming for New Road, to include a reduction in speed limit to 20mph, and to undertake any necessary legal procedures for the implementation of the agreed scheme, and to facilitate implementation of the scheme at the expense of the residents of New Road (paragraphs 2.1 to 2.3 and Annex A refer);


(ii)      Delegated authority to the Engagement and Commissioning Team Manager, in consultation with the Chairman, Vice Chairman, Divisional Member and local stakeholders, to agree the extent of a new 20mph limit for Oxshott Village centre, and subject to funding being identified for implementation promote the necessary legal order for the new limit, and implement the scheme (paragraphs 2.4 to 2.6 and Annex B refer);


(iii)     Authorised the Engagement and Commissioning Team Manager in consultation with the Chairman, Vice Chairman, and relevant Divisional Member(s) to undertake all necessary procedures to deliver the agreed programmes.


Reasons for recommendations:


New Road, Esher, is a privately owned and maintained road, which has a full Public Highway right.  This means that while the residents, who are also the owners of this road, are responsible for the upkeep and any improvements to the road, only Surrey County Council as Highway Authority can approve changes that require a traffic regulation order to be made.


Traffic survey results from Oxshott indicate that a 20mph limit may be feasible in the centre of the village with signs alone – without any supporting engineering measures.  Authorisation is sought to move forwards with this in consultation with relevant members and local stakeholders.

Supporting documents: