Agenda item


To receive any questions from Surrey County Council electors within the area in accordance with Standing Order 66.


Declarations of Interest: None

Officers attending: Zena Curry, Highways Engagement and Commissioning Manager, SCC, Duncan Knox, Road Safety and Sustainable School Transport Team Manager


Petitions, Public Questions, Statements:


8 written questions were received as follows:


  1. District Councillor Keira Vyvyan-Robinson re roundabout maintenance
  2. Rosemary Dickson re maintenance of roundabouts in Leatherhead
  3. Roger Troughton re maintenance of footways
  4. Roger Troughton re matrix displays
  5. Roger Troughton re 20mph limit in towns
  6. Joanna Slater re Leatherhead town main road crossing
  7. Julia Dickinson re LCWIP-related
  8. Julia Dickinson re LCWIP-related


The questions asked and the answers given were published in the supplementary agenda.


1. District Councillor Keira Vyvyan-Robinson asked how to add the roundabout to the maintenance programme, and will SCC commit to doing this.

Cllr Chris Townsend asked if flooding could be addressed on the Knoll roundabout.


2. Rosemary Dickson asked about getting sponsor(s) for the three roundabouts with a plaque to say the sponsor is responsible and will look after them.


The Highways Engagement and Commissioning Manager thanked the volunteers for their work. The nature of vegetation is that it will grow back so we will look at the classification to see if all the roundabouts fall within the rural grass cutting programme, but it won’t give the enhanced aesthetic sought.

Sponsorship is managed through Mole Valley District Council so this can be put forward. Details are available on our website. Plaques are part of the scheme.


The Highways Engagement and Commissioning Manager confirmed flooding on the highway is managed through the wet spots process and she will check where the Knoll roundabout is on the prioritisation.


Cllr Clare Curran observed lots of litter both sides of Young Street and down the A24. District Councillor Caroline Salmon asked if litter problems could be reported, and it will then get on the schedule and confirmed Young Street and down the A24 will be added.


3. No supplementary question.

Cllr Chris Townsend advised it is not possible to cycle on the Ashtead to Knowle footpath and asked what could be done. The Highways Engagement and Commissioning Manager suggested volunteering and prioritisation on maintenance budgets available.


District Councillor Caroline Salmon mentioned closer liaison with SCC and Mole Valley District Council is needed regarding sweeping and cutting back. The Highways Engagement and Commissioning Manager confirmed that she will look at what can be done in the next financial year.


District Councillor Rosemary Hobbs asked if there was a monitoring system to look at vegetation. The Highways Engagement and Commissioning Manager confirmed an annual inspection will pick this up but not all vegetation is highways. Other landowners are involved so please report issues.


District Councillor Caroline Salmon mentioned that the National Trust along A24 have an agreement that SCC maintain footpaths. The Highways Engagement and Commissioning Manager will respond outside of this meeting.


4. No supplementary question.


5. Roger Troughton said new cars manufactured from 6 July 2022 will have to be legally fitted with Intelligent Speed Assist (ISA) technology to help drivers obey speed limits. He asked if this could this help with introducing 20mph limits and avoid so many speed surveys.


The Road Safety and Sustainable School Travel Team Manager said he was looking forward to seeing what effect the technology will have. It will take a while as some older cars will still be on the road and some already have it on Satnavs. Speed surveys will still be necessary and if existing speeds are very much higher than the desired lower limit then additional measures will be required.


District Councillor Paul Kennedy noted the changes to The Highway Code and the Road Safety and Sustainable School Travel Team Manager said it made sense to set a hierarchy of road users but supporting engineering measures are needed as well as signs.


6. No supplementary question.


7. John Arnold (Mole Valley Cycling Forum’s chair) asked Julia Dickinson’s supplementary question. This bid was to replace the wide grass verge with a shared cycle/footway. For the avoidance of doubt, can officers please confirm that the DfT agrees that this new facility between rural villages has been designed “to meet the needs of cycle traffic” as defined by LTN1/20, and that pedestrian numbers along this verge are indeed low enough for them to share it with cyclists?


8. John Arnold (Mole Valley Cycling Forum’s chair) asked Julia Dickinson’s supplementary question. Can officers please confirm that SCC will not remove off-carriageway facilities from cyclists, particularly in the immediate vicinity of schools, by downgrading shared cycle/footway schemes into footways unless and until separate and equally direct LTN1/20-compliant provision has been made for cyclists?  


The Highways Engagement and Commissioning Manager confirmed that they will give a detailed technical response outside of this meeting to both LCWIP-related questions. The Chairman (Cllr Tim Hall) requested a list of locations from the questioner.


District Councillor Paul Kennedy asked how much it costs to use Atkins as a consultant. The Highways Engagement and Commissioning Manager confirmed the countywide LCWIPs programme is in partnership with boroughs and districts and costs are apportioned between them. The Chairman (Cllr Tim Hall) agreed that enquiries about the figure would be made.








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